Hi guys
I've limited knowledge of tyre sizes on drop handle bikes and compatibility
i've just ordered a topstone gravel bike that comes tubeless ready
wheel rims: WTB ST i23 TCS, 28h, tubeless ready
and WTB Riddler TCS Light, 700 x 37c, tubeless ready tyres. [437 grams]
I'm doing a bike challenge with roadies over 3 days madrid to bilbao in october..
so i am thinking of putting some lighter 28mm tyres on..
a mates recommended me Continental Grand Prix 4000S II Folding Road Tyre for better rolling,
would these work on a wider tyre rim that is tubeless ready, i just intend to use tubes.
once i've done this event i'll use the bike local towpaths and woods etc, so plan to go tubeless with 37c tyres
I wouldn't worry about the size but there may be a max pressure issue. Some of the Mavic 29er rims have max recommended pressure of 45psi so running a 28 at 80 or 90 may not be a good idea. Can't find any info on i23.
Don't think you'll get 28 tyres on there. 1 is the usual.
I'm running 28c tyres on my commuter on 19mm internal width rims. It gives nice, round, fat profile. Done tubeless actually gives almost 32mm of real life tyre width.
i23 is 23mm internal width. So in theory might not be that bad. The worst case scenario it would be slightly wider but more square/flat tyre profile.
80-90PSI... I would never understand it. True story, I'm lightweight (10.5st) but I'm not running my tyres higher than 45-50PSI. Occasionally as low as 30-something...
Thanks guys I’ll get them bought
I just put a 32c cross tyre on a 25mm internal rim and as I'd spotted this thread earlier thought I'd just put the verniers across it; came up just shy of 34mm wide, but still with a nice rounded shape.
So yep OP I reckon your 28c will maybe come up 29.5-30mm-ish...
I'd probably not wanna do it... WTB say no, and they are quite generous with their recommendations:
Perhaps go for something like Gravel King slicks in 32mm? They're super fast and very light.
On 23mm internal, I'd only "risk" generously wide 28mm like GP4000S IIs, that measure ~31mm wide in real life conditions.
28mm GP 4Seasons and GP5000s measure ~29mm wide, I wouldn't fit them on those rims.
I’d probably not wanna do it… WTB say no, and they are quite generous with their recommendations:
/blockquote>28 is 'not suggested' yet 30 is 'optimal' 2mm between don't do it and optimal doesn't sound very scientific. What do people think will happen as I have used narrow tyres on wide rims for years?
thanks guys for the further comments, i bought the 4000s so will put on and measure them, if as nobodyofthegoat says measure wider, I'll try them out..
pick the bike up friday so will run with the 37mm standard tyres it comes with and see how it runs compared to my diverge with 28mm spec roubaix on it..
I've fitted Hutchinson 28s tubeless on i23 rims. No probs.