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  • 2 x 9 Advice
  • rocky-mountain
    Free Member

    Sorry i am not so with it these days; i went to 1×9 earlier in the year and love it.

    However as the winter is getting really stuck in, some lower gears are needed.

    Is there a specific 2 x9 system?
    Do they do 2 click shifters, or do i need to bodge it?

    The Raceface chainset i have has bolt holes for the inner and i have a bashguard fitted

    Free Member

    not aware of specific double shifters, just set a triple shifter up so only two rings can be used.

    Free Member

    It’s not a bodge.

    Simply adjust the stop outer limit screw on the front derailleur so that it doesn’t shift the chain further than the middle ring.

    Free Member

    SRAM X7, X9, X0 and XX all do specific x 2 front shifters and I think Shimano do too but I have only fund them for sale in pairs so far, whereas SRAM’s come in singles if required.

    But I just did what Digger90 stated.

    Free Member

    Locked down the limit screws on my XTR shifters/front mech and it works ok with a middleburn Duo, although there was a bit more fettling to set up than normal.

    Free Member

    if you’re using hollowtech 2 is there a way of shifting the cranks to the right a bit so the chainrings sit in the middle of the cassette? or does no-one worry about that or what then.

    Free Member

    Seems to work perfectly on mine with the granny and middle in their normal positions

    Free Member

    a friend uses a double set on his spesh enduro.

    maybe i should drop the 36t to a 34 or even 32, any thoughts?

    i still like the single ring set up, much easier in the mud, everyone else is seizing up etc

    Full Member

    I use a thumbie, works great.

    Free Member

    Normal shifters and mechs, 26-38 11/32.

    Full Member

    keep the 36, because you’re getting the lower gears with the granny, you don’t want to lose the higher gears

    Free Member

    I use a normal shifter/mech and use all 3 positions. Position 1 for granny ring, 2 for the easier cassette gears and position 3 for the other end of the cassette. I find that if I do this the chain comes off less on the higher gears and won’t rub on the easier ones if shifted down to position 2.

    Full Member

    My SLX double specific front mech is used with an old LX triple shifter. The bottom click does nowt as the mech stops only allow movement for the two rings. setup is 22/36/Bash and I use a bottom roller just for added security…. works a treat…

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