Best ground coffee for an espresso style coffee....
Any suggestions folks.
Lavazza Red. Might not be artisan, but it just works for me every time.
Singletrack Deadline Blend Coffee
Dare I say, I find it inconsistent... 2/3 deliveries its fine - and nice. 1/3 its a bit... soapy. If it was always like the 2/3 I'd wholeheartedly recommend (I get it as part of the subscription). Definitely worth a try to support a local (to STW) business.
Can I just say, beware Deadline blend...It is pretty strong stuff. I mean if you absolutely have to stay awake, or are keen on the caffeine jitters, go for your life, but y'know...fore-warned.
@igm, don't get me wrong, it makes a lovely brew IMO, but about 2 cups of this as espresso is about my max, and never used (again) in the press, I thought I was pretty tolerant to caffeine, but it appears not!
Do you even grind bro?
The coffee is less important than the freshness of the grind is my opinion.
Thanks all, might start grinding... i feel less worthy...
So home grinder... what do i need to be worthy
A burr grinder, I believe.
Dare I say, I find it inconsistent…
I've only had the one pouch so my experience was that it was wholly consistent. (-:
The coffee is less important than the freshness of the grind is my opinion.
I think freshness of grind is important, but you also have to decent beans as well, and a flavor that you like.
So home grinder… what do i need to be worthy
If you want to (I think these days you can get really nice pre-ground), then it depends what kind of coffee you're making as only really espresso is picky about grind size and consistency, if you're just using a French press or a stove top, a blade grinder is fine and about half the price of a burr grinder (that you'll need for espresso) .
I've this one, and judging from it it looks to be in very good condition, mine looks pretty knackered by comparison. works well and mine is working fine with no problems if thats anything to go by and for a while it was in near daily use for about 3 years.
Adjustable so you can go really really fine, or rough, and can be used to grind nuts or pulses.
Lidl French blend, honestly really good and only £1.30 a bag.