...Ringo Starr? Really? For what? Services to being “not even the best drummer in the Beatles”? Riding on the coat tails of the talented Messers Lennon, McCartney and Harrison? Being the luckiest drummer on the planet?
How can we have Sir Ringo Starr but no Sir Jeff Lynne?
Peace and love, peace and love.
It’s for Thomas the Tank
Surely its for services to the fantasy island-based railway story voiceover industry?
edit: damnit too slow
It’s for Thomas the Tank
They should play it as he goes up to receive his honour. He’d like that.
Ringo Starr? Really? For what? Services to being “not even the best drummer in the Beatles”? Riding
Is Jasper Carrott an expert on drumming?
Lennon never said it.
And he's a brilliant drummer.
I'm totally with you on the Jeff Lynne front, Tinners!
Good man, SaxonRider!
We need to get him to the Millennium/Principality Stadium next!
He may be able to hit an empty bean can with a pencil to the tune of “We all live in a yellow submarine”, Rusty, but he’s no Omar Hakim, is he?
We need to get him to the Millennium/Principality Stadium next!
Just say the word. We can start a campaign.
How can we have Sir Ringo Starr but no Sir Jeff Lynne?
ELO was ok but I've just listened to Armchair Theatre and it's as shite as Ringo.
I was going to suggest that of all the British artistes Kate Bush needs a shout, but then she already has.
Tinners - Memberbut he’s no Omar Hakim, is he?
As karaoke drummers go, Hakim ain't bad, but he ain't no ?uestlove. 8)
Time to bin the honours system anyway.
I agree.
It is bizarre. My wife is named in this year's New Year's Honours list too - and she's xxxx useless on the drums.
Ooh, there's posh.
Hearty congrats to Mrs B.
Nothing for you this year?
My wife is named in this year's New Year's Honours list too
Really? Well done! I bet she's a better drummer than Ringo too.
Good god no Rusty!
Harry_the_Spider - Member
My wife is named in this year's New Year's Honours list too
Really? Well done!
Yes really! And it's gone straight to her head too. It was her turn to put the bins out this morning and she's missed it. The blue one was full of cardboard too...
Cardiffians might be interested to know that Maindy Flyers coach Alan Davies has been awarded an MBE
These awards have ment nothing for a long time now.
More civil servants being awarded just for doing their job!
...and Darcy didn’t turn her nose up to a Damehood.....well, not in the physical sense of the word, anyway.
I think Darcey paid someone a lot of cash to do that for her....
Nice work Mrs Bregante btw, you deserve that honour.
Cheers Rusty.
jj55, the establishment of the first UK Police force peer support network made up entirely of volunteer colleagues has been entirely in my wife's own time. She receives no payment for this and has given up countless weeks of her own annual leave entitlement to help officers and support staff suffering mental ill health as a result of the job that they do. She has since gone on to educate other forces in the UK and abroad on the benefits of having independent and impartial, voluntary mental health support from colleagues who have had personal experience of everything from PTSD to attempted suicide.
It isn't her job. She is GMP's tactical mental health lead which has given her an insight into mental ill health but that is her operational role.
Bregante - I have no knowledge of what your wife does and therefore cannot comment on her worthiness for her award, from your comments it appears it was richley deserved. My comments are directed towards the Civil Servants who are awarded gongs for literally just doing their job. I spent over 30 years in the Civil Service and came across many instances of people receiving awards for doing nothing out of the ordinary other than doing the job they were paid for.
Not this "honours" pish again. What would we save if we scrapped the ancient retarded "awards"?
Pointless dated rubbish
Double post
jj55 - MemberMy comments are directed towards the Civil Servants who are awarded gongs for literally just doing their job. I spent over 30 years in the Civil Service and [s]came across many instances of people receiving awards for doing nothing out of the ordinary other than doing the job they were paid for[/s] didn't get one.
Dry yer eyes!
Ringo is one of the few drummers to play a score written specifically for each song. Listen to just the drum track for a Beatles song and you'll recognise the song and be able to sing along.
He threw away the rulebook with this one.
Jasper was right
Kid's stuff, as intended. It's a great piece of drumming for an animated film. Listen to the patterns used and picture where you'd normally hear theM.
The only drummer I'd rather see collect an honour from the Queen is Paul Cook.
Chapeau Mrs Bregante!
Sir and Dame Bregante?
They lost any credibility many many years a go. Higher profile of the celebrity or job title of the civil servant - the higher the bauble.
Outdated nonsense from a silly bygone era.
Ringo Starr is a good band musician, stays in his lane, does what is musically appropriate for the song and specific to that song. People who say he’s not a good drummer don’t know what defines a good drummer. As an advanced bassist of 30 years standing I know good drummers and I’d rather play with someone like Ringo than some flash Herbert who thinks he’s good because he fills every space with some overly complicated nerf beat.
That’s the good thing about music. It takes all sorts.
One man’s Ringo is another man’s Phil Wright.
(Phil Wright - for those not into their drumming)