So, I finally got the follow up and result from a scan I had on my knee last week. After a couple of years of pain I decided to get it looked at properly, rather than being palmed off by physios who have all diagnosed it incorrectly. I have arthritis in my knee(s). Also have bruising on my femur and fluid build up. Still, at least I can ride bikes.
I'm pretty down in the dumps about it. I would have accetped this later in life, not when I'm 39. I know cycling will continue to give me benefits and I can now just focus on that. I'll really miss not being able to play football or run. I was hoping that I could fix this issue and get back at it.
So, has anyone got any encouraging words of advice?
No sorry, got diagnosed 10 years older than you and had to stop playing rugby and football. Cycling is ok. The only reason to have my knee replaced is the pain when walking. I was supposed to have it replaced 5 years ago but got cancelled and then due to Covid.
Mine's not got worse though and activity really helps.
Do you know what caused the OA? There might still be a small chance, if you are prepared to do the rehab, that some degree of running might still be possible. Football is a bit of a trickier propostion because all the rapid changes of direction, hard tackles etc load the knee considerably more