He looks the same but taller.
Talking of Home Alone... Empire mag did a top 10 Christmas Films and it didn't feature in the list. They had Iron Man 3, Gremlins and Scrooged in there... as a trashy watch at Xmas, suurely Home Alone is one of the best.??
Well.... he no longer looks like Kurt Cobain and Macenzie Crook had an aids baby together.
Home Alone is one of the best.??
It's an absolute pile of shite.
Home Alone, Die Hard and Lethal Weapon are great Christmas movies
Don't forget Gremlins and ET!
Die Hard and Bad Santa are great Christmas movies
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
It's 'The' Christmas movie.
Course it is.
It’s an absolute pile of shite.
It's brilliant.
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
Oh but it is.
Die Hard was their number 1 ... but I think it’s an absolute pile of wellactuallyIsawitwhenitcameoutand itwasjustanotheraveragesillyactionmovie.
Of course it is but it wins No 1 Xmas movie as it's a very different Xmas movie.
So is Home Alone
Yeah but it's just awful.