Blade Runner: computer left out in rain breaks down
Blazing Saddles:
Rascism, men farting, and the N-word.
Warring Factions following flawed religious dogma use slave labour and weapons of mass destruction to commit genocide in a bid to rule.
Star Wars.
The Revenant : A man walking in snow and falling down a lot. For three hours.
Tom loses his confidence, gets it back,
Thief tries to steal more and more impressive things to impress the wrong woman.
In the end ,he's a ghost!
Foolish, virgin, Christian copper dies so that islanders don't have to eat tinned fruit.
Recycling robot stalks another robot after humans render earth uninhabitable.
The Shawshank Redemption:
Man murders wife and evades justice.
A man goes for a long walk with his son. Some men try to eat them. (The Road)
Company tries to save money by using tramper to do multi drop pickup They don't pay overtime.
Lord of the rings
lots of lingering looks between mates on holiday .small man gets his ring destroyed
Damnit Mr potato head. That was pretty much my description of deliverance.
A man had three sons. One was angry. One was sad and silly. One was clever and a bit angry.
The man put a bit of orange peel in his mouth and fell down. The angry son died of lots of bullets. The sad and silly son died of some bullets because the clever and a bit angry son told a man to put the bullets inside him. The clever and a bit angry one died of sad.
(Godfather Trilogy)
Damnit Mr potato head. That was pretty much my description of deliverance.
Some men go in some boats. One of the men plays a guitar with a boy with a big head who plays a banjo first. A bad man puts his winky in one boat man’s bottom and tells him to say weeeeeeeee. Waistcoat man kills the bad man with a bow and arrow and he dies too. The other men are sad and get out of their boats.
Ex nun sings some songs while looking after a rich mans kids. Oh no! The nazis are coming, escape over the alps.
Civilisation is built on exploitation of children, but finds improved working conditions are a benefit.
Monsters Inc.
Man sits in gully for 127 hours, drinks his own **** then chops off his arm
Masked billionaire runs around city at night, beating up the mentally ill while his nemesis eradicates organised crime.
Un homme achète une jolie maison en viager, le vendeur vit plus longtemps que l'acheteur.
hundredthidiot - or we could both have said
people regret walking through a big wood and regret meeting local characters
Famous singer and his gang abducts child in a theme park and blames older sister.
Possessed toys fight against a boys need to grow up.
Toy Story 1-3
A truncated version of the bible. With robots.
The Shawshank Redemption:
Man murders wife and evades justice.
Claustrophobic scatting ensues
Small boy tortures petty criminals in an empty house, rather than informing authorities.
Rich kid skives off school.
The Shining
Tripadvisor - 1 star.
Rosemary’s Baby
Snipadvisor -1 star
Punter falls in love with prostitute.
Donnie Darko takes it up the Rangers end.
A cockney (with a NY accent), a rabbit and.... 'by god that's a hot cartoon woman'
The rescue mission goes wrong as the ship if full of immigrants, luckily they get sent back from where they came from so everyone can sleep peacefully.
Man finds excuse to buy a bigger boat. Things don’t go according to plan.
6th sense
boy tells dead man he sees dead people, dead man doesn't get it
Spaceship answers distress call,it was a trap.
Abandoned sociopathic child tortures petty criminals.
At Christmas.
Orphan gets Willy out,splash,happy ending.
No need for a World war, a game of chess is better.
The Shining
Tripadvisor – 1 star.
Prostitute steals from rich kid, trashes his parents car then leads him into a life of crime to cover all the costs.
Risky Business
Home help shows children how to tidy up bedrooms ,reminds their father about kite flying ,but fails to properly risk assess dancing on rooftops with chimney sweeps.
The Italian Job
Benny Hill wanders into the wrong film
Police arrest the right criminal. He makes up a load of old bollocks. They let him go.
Brief encounter
2 people don't have sex on a station
Delivery driver is late
Bumbling simpleton loses a boxing match, but gets a girlfriend…
We really should have a spoiler warning; I've not seen some of these!
lots of lingering looks between mates on holiday .small man gets his ring destroyed
Mrpotatohead - I thought this was brokeback mountain?
American thinks about stealing a plane from the Russians