Donald! Trump!

Donald! Trump!

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Offline  Bunnyhop
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Ah so Melania Trump is making a documentary. Who is going to watch that?

Wouldn't she be better spending her time: Visiting underprivileged children's homes, serving up dinners to the needy, helping out at  food banks, going to homeless shelters, promoting kindness, honesty, etc. Whoops silly me, that was another first lady.

Posted : 23/03/2025 8:04 pm
Offline  Scapegoat
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Posted by: G

Most likely doe-eyed sycophants fawning all over him.

Needs more credit....

Posted : 24/03/2025 8:59 am
Offline  dovebiker
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Posted : 24/03/2025 9:55 am
Offline  dissonance
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Posted by: bunnyhop

Ah so Melania Trump is making a documentary. Who is going to watch that?

Who cares? The important part of that documentary is just how much she is being bribed, sorry, paid for it. The output is irrelevant.

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:17 am
Offline  avdave2
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The important part of that documentary is just how much she is being bribed, sorry, paid for it.

28 million dollars according to the article linked previously 

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:27 am
Offline  willard
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28million percent grift

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:45 am
Offline  BillOddie
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Trump Administraion have been discussing MILITARY PLANS on signal and added a Journalist to the Group by mistake...

Posted : 24/03/2025 5:06 pm
Offline  kimbers
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Trumps clowns will be going after The Atlantic next, you just know that this will be the first of many such gaffes

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:29 pm
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Shitgibbon’s insights go as far as “I don’t know anything about it. I’m not a big fan of the Atlantic”. Yeah course you’re not - they’re proper journalists who give a shit about what’s going on in the world.

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:43 pm
funkmasterp reacted
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Be interesting who gets the blame and fired for the Atlantic gaff.

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:46 pm
Offline  scuttler
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None of ‘the principals’, that’s for sure

Posted : 24/03/2025 11:41 pm
Offline  kilo
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The Yemen texts are interesting in that they show how Putin’s aim of a weakened Europe is being progressed by Vance’s loathing of Europe. It’s difficult to see the Trump administration as allies.

Posted : 25/03/2025 6:42 am
Offline  nickc
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Be interesting who gets the blame and fired for the Atlantic gaff.

No one and no one. They've already started with the "The Dems did nothing about Hilary's emails" excuse. 

Posted : 25/03/2025 7:04 am
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Posted by: kilo

Vance’s loathing of Europe


There's a deep dive on Vance on the Time's podcast here:

They seem to think that Vance is quite fond of Europe in a likes going on holiday there sense, but not paying for its security, and that everything here has gone to shit. He's also a fan of Charles de Gaulle of all people 🤷‍♂️

Posted : 25/03/2025 8:18 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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Anyway, Mrs Vance is leading the special operation to annexe Greenland. In another failure to learn from history, do not **** about with Vikings

BBC News - Greenland condemns planned visits by Usha Vance and Trump adviser - BBC News

Posted : 25/03/2025 8:24 am
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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And in another interesting "learning from history" comparison, some judges are not holding back

BBC News - Judge: US treated Nazis better than Venezuelan migrants who were deported

Posted : 25/03/2025 8:26 am
Offline  dudeofdoom
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Wonder when the first Judges and reporters are going hit El Salvador.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out as there’s very little info available on how these people were selected/rounded up other than tats and being Venezuelan, but they have been effectively imprisoned in another country without any representation,judge or jury and it has happened.

And this little doozy,

Stephen Miller told reporters at the White House on Wednesday that the Trump Administration didn’t need to wait for a crime to be committed before deporting someone. “Our job is to send the terrorists out before anyone else gets raped or murdered,” Miller said.

It wasn’t a failed attempt like the UK-Rwanda plan they have literally just actioned it without any notice.

I wonder what other shocks are in the pipeline.

Posted : 25/03/2025 10:52 am
Offline  dudeofdoom
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Vance’s loathing of Europe

I think he’s just lining up the next bogey man for when he takes over from trump.


Be interesting who gets the blame and fired for the Atlantic gaff.

The Atlantic for posting fake news obviously 🙁





Posted : 25/03/2025 11:00 am
Offline  nickc
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I wonder what other shocks are in the pipeline.

I think for the first time in I'm feeling that in reality (as opposed to "if this carries on like this then there's the possibility") that the post war settlement has finally - and perhaps permanently cracked, and its every country for itself again. 

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:10 am
pondo reacted
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Aye. Over here in NL we've been officially advised to keep three days' worth of food and water on hand, plus all the batteries and power banks topped up. Depressing.

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:20 am

Offline  winston
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Probably time for a STW preppers thread.

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:27 am
funkmasterp reacted
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Yep never know when the ‘Mericans  are going to invade.

Which wasn’t a thing last year, whereas now a join up with the Russians wouldn’t be a surprise.

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:34 am
Offline  dissonance
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Posted by: dudeofdoom

“Our job is to send the terrorists out before anyone else gets raped or murdered,”

Thank god that they all ticked the "terrorist" box on the entry form and so can be easily identified.

With regards to rape. Given the number of sexual offenders associated with the Trump white house perhaps they should start there?

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:55 am
funkmasterp, Bunnyhop, ready and 1 people reacted
Offline  blokeuptheroad
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Posted : 25/03/2025 12:01 pm
welshfarmer, thelawman, funkmasterp and 6 people reacted
Offline  maccruiskeen
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With regards to rape. Given the number of sexual offenders associated with the Trump white house perhaps they should start there?

Trump's also calling for the death penalty for Drug Dealers. Perhaps he needs to read another story from the Atlantic about RFK Jr


As a teenager in Nebraska, I’d smoked cannabis and dropped acid before I got to Harvard in 1972. Sometime during my freshman year, I tried cocaine, enjoyed it, and later decided to procure a gram for myself. A friend told me about a kid in our class who was selling coke.

“Hi. Bobby,” Kennedy introduced himself. Another kid, tall, lanky, and handsome, was in the room. “This is my brother Joe.” That is, Joseph P. Kennedy II, two years older, the future six-term Massachusetts congressman.

Bobby Kennedy wasn’t famous, but he was the most famous person I’d ever met.

He poured out a line for me to sample, and handed me an inch-and-a-half length of plastic drinking straw. I snorted. We chatted for a minute. I paid him, I believe, $40 in cash. It was a lot of money, the equivalent of $300 today. But cocaine bought from a Kennedy accompanied by a Kennedy brother—the moment of glamour seemed worth it.

Back in my dorm room 10 minutes later, I got a phone call.

“It’s Bobby.”
“You took my straw!”
I realized that I had indeed, and had thought nothing of it. Because … it was a crummy piece of plastic straw. But Bobby was pissed.
“There are crystals inside it, man, growing. You took it.”
Growing? The residue of powdered cocaine mixed with mucus formed crystalsover time? What did I know. It reminded me of some science-fair project.
“So … you want the straw back?”
Yeah, man.”
I walked it back to his room. He didn’t smile or say thanks. It was the last time I ever bought coke from anyone.

Posted : 25/03/2025 12:07 pm
Offline  ossify
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Posted by: dudeofdoom

Yep never know when the ‘Mericans  are going to invade.


Easily solved, sign up to Signal for advance notifications.

Posted : 25/03/2025 12:21 pm
funkmasterp, MoreCashThanDash, BillOddie and 4 people reacted
Offline  Oakwood
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You just know what kind of guests the Vances are too.


The ones who turn up to gatherings in their shiny motor and flash clothes and are constantly asking "why isn't so-and-so here, I haven't seen them in ages".


And the other person is thinking "because they heard you were coming before accepting the invite like we stupidly did".


Gauche, unpopular, flashy, opinionated spivs who got lucky.

Posted : 25/03/2025 1:11 pm
Offline  Zedsdead
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Posted by: billoddie

Trump Administraion have been discussing MILITARY PLANS on signal and added a Journalist to the Group by mistake...

We should not be surprised in the slightest. From the same bunch of absolute morons who organised this:


Posted by: kilo

It’s difficult to see the Trump administration as allies

They are absolutely not allies. These morons are nothing but snakes in suits (and make-up) who are all out for personal gain.

Right, I'm off out the back to continue digging my new bunker...


Posted : 25/03/2025 1:42 pm
pondo reacted
Offline  blokeuptheroad
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Do we need a JD Vance thread? That Berkley Hunt is shaping up to be even more vile and loathsome than Trump. Especially if he ends up taking over from him, either in this term if Trump croaks or when the demonstrably undiscerning electorate vote him in next time.

Posted : 25/03/2025 2:27 pm
Offline  Caher
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Posted by: blokeuptheroad

Do we need a JD Vance thread? That Berkley Hunt is shaping up to be even more vile and loathsome than Trump. Especially if he ends up taking over from him, either in this term if Trump croaks or when the demonstrably undiscerning electorate vote him in next time.

probably; Trump is just the head puppet - Vance has an ideology.


Posted : 25/03/2025 2:46 pm
Offline  maccruiskeen
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Do we need a JD Vance thread? That Berkley Hunt is shaping up to be even more vile and loathsome than Trump. Especially if he ends up taking over from him, either in this term if Trump croaks or when the demonstrably undiscerning electorate vote him in next time.]

Vance is certainly jockeying for power - a VP's job really is to be barely seen or heard. It was a criticism of Harris when she became nominee that the public didn't really know who she was - but thats because she'd been doing her job properly.

Trump doesn't really seem to be a fan of JD. But then I don't think he's a fan of the idea of having a VP basically, it's just a technical necessity and it seems he didn't really care who it was when he was campaigning and he seems to struggle to find anything nice to say about him. He was something like 45 mins into his inauguration speech before he even mentioned him.

You'd think he'd view his VP pick as his likely successor - the person he'd back to continue the Trump project... but I don't think cares about any of that. I don't think he has a vision or ambition for anyone or anything beyond himself.

I think Vance is going to tire of having to try and publicly rationalise, sane-ify and endorse every Trump brainfart only to have Trump walk it back again moments later

It'll be really amusing if they fall out - he's the only person Trump can't sack -  as the VP is directly elected. So whatever happens they are stuck with each other.

Posted : 25/03/2025 2:53 pm
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Posted by: MacCruiskeen

whatever happens they are stuck with each other.

Trump seemed to kinda link the idea of hanging Mike Pence. Trump 2.0 seems to be going further and faster than 1.0, so I'd presume that applies to his attitude to V.P.s too.

Posted : 25/03/2025 3:29 pm
Offline  blokeuptheroad
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Trump seemed to kinda link the idea of hanging Mike Pence. Trump 2.0 seems to be going further and faster than 1.0, so I'd presume that applies to his attitude to V.P.s too.

In a battle of intellect and Machiavellian scheming, I think Vance would eat Trump for breakfast and come out on top. And that is an even scarier prospect than we are currently facing 😕

Posted : 25/03/2025 4:03 pm
somafunk reacted
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Posted by: blokeuptheroad

That Berkley Hunt is shaping up to be even more vile and loathsome than Trump.

He does seem to have been selected as body armour "assassinate me and look who is next in line?" He is a true arsehole connected with Thiel and the other venture capitalist types who want to return to the golden age of robber barons in charge.

Posted by: MacCruiskeen

You'd think he'd view his VP pick as his likely successor - the person he'd back to continue the Trump project... but I don't think cares about any of that. I don't think he has a vision or ambition for anyone or anything beyond himself.

Its rare VPs manage that though. In modern times its only been Nixon and Biden and both of them after a break. 

VPs job normally seems to be "appeal to a  electoral group the presidental candidate doesnt" and then "be mostly invisible". In theory they could be more but the first part of the job tends to get in the way of that. 

Biden/Harris and Trump/Pence being good examples last time round.

Cance is a bit odder since seems more about being representative of the VC robber barons vs any electoral group.

Posted : 25/03/2025 4:19 pm
Offline  ossify
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I don't get this hearing that's going on about the Signal chat. Not watching but checking the BBC's live coverage:


All these questions and the answer being "um, er, I don't recall", "I couldn't say", "I don't think so" etc, why doesn't the questioner just say "well open up your phone and let's have a look then"?

I mean, unless they've deleted it, the evidence is right there in their pocket. And not classified, according to them.


Edit: Ok, they're going into a private session now, where they can discuss the classified stuff. Or open up their phone without the world seeing all the dodgy links & photos, or something. Answers my question I suppose 😆 

Posted : 25/03/2025 4:30 pm
Offline  scuttler
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Entitled ****s who think the rules are there for others. Loads of ex-Intel / Military in that group too who’ve been brought up on operational security. This isn’t your Nan who can’t remember a password.

Posted : 25/03/2025 4:44 pm
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Posted by: scuttler

Loads of ex-Intel / Military in that group too who’ve been brought up on operational security.

Various outlets have been pulling up their previous statements about democrats, particularly Hilary Clintons emails, demanding harsh punishments.

If they had a conscience/ability to feel shame about hypocrisy they would be having a breakdown by now. Happily, or not, they are immune from such things.

Posted : 25/03/2025 4:56 pm
Online  MSP
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I saw earlier they tried to deflect onto Bidens administration for not tightening security protocols, there must come a point when even the American media put their hands in their faces and admit they can't keep defending these clowns. I would like to know how is the Trump presidency is playing out in the American media, are they still just fawning over his pretend hard man image?

Posted : 25/03/2025 5:04 pm
kelvin reacted
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Do people genuinely view the Trumpster as some sort of strong man or hard man? He's a fat old bastard with the hands of a ten year old. I don't get it. There's nothing remotely tough or strong about him. He's a decrepit old wreck of a human being.

We need a Vance thread just to get to the bottom of the issue of does he wear eyeliner or not.

Posted : 25/03/2025 6:43 pm
mrchrispy reacted
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The Atlantic guy is in a tricky position, he says there is proper confidential information but revealing it to show they are lying would be against Americas security interests 

Anyway, great fun watching the hearings run rings around the security directors this afternoon.

"It wasn't an issue, there was nothing confidential on the chat"

"Great, we can look at your phones to confirm that"

"No you can't, there are secrets...."

"You can't have it both ways...."

Thick as shit and demonstrating it to a wide audience. 

Posted : 25/03/2025 6:57 pm
AD, funkmasterp and kimbers reacted

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Posted by: Phill

We need a Vance thread just to get to the bottom of the issue of does he wear eyeliner or not.

Maybe it's Maybelline.....


Posted : 25/03/2025 6:58 pm
Offline  kimbers
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conversation with an American scientist who lives and worked here dor quite a while, he has been contacted by several American ex colleagues asking about jobs and funding in Europe/ UK as funding is being cut all over the place and ridiculous restrictions put on research.

Posted : 25/03/2025 7:33 pm
Offline  maccruiskeen
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It’s the broligarchs i feel sorry for - musk, zuckers - toadying up to Trump, putting millions in his coffers and his administration use some off brand, non profit, probably woke messaging app instead of theirs 

Posted : 25/03/2025 7:53 pm
Offline  dudeofdoom
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TBH it’s all supposed to be logged for future generations to be able to read and see the rational/reasons etc,all this unofficial messaging is a bit er naughty.

Posted : 25/03/2025 8:15 pm
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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Posted by: dudeofdoom

TBH it’s all supposed to be logged for future generations to be able to read and see the rational/reasons etc,all this unofficial messaging is a bit er naughty.

Not like we've had a government that would do that....


Posted : 25/03/2025 8:21 pm
pondo reacted
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Posted by: kimbers

conversation with an American scientist who lives and worked here dor quite a while, he has been contacted by several American ex colleagues asking about jobs and funding in Europe/ UK as funding is being cut all over the place and ridiculous restrictions put on research.

There's a lot of pressure being put on universities threatening funding and tax issues if they don't follow the party line


Posted : 25/03/2025 8:25 pm
Offline  mattyfez
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Posted by: MacCruiskeen

It’s the broligarchs i feel sorry for - musk, zuckers - toadying up to Trump, putting millions in his coffers and his administration use some off brand, non profit, probably woke messaging app instead of theirs 

I think we need to appreciate just how rich Bezos, Zuck and Musk are... bunging several millions to trump for tax favours etc. is literally pocket change for them..bung Trump several millions to buy influence and save billions in tax is a very good value for money business move, from that perspective.


Posted : 25/03/2025 8:34 pm
Offline  MoreCashThanDash
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Catching up with a couple of episodes of News Agents - interesting one on Turkiye. Apparently Steve Bannon said years ago that Trumps hero was Erdoğan, and they discuss the connections between the actions of Erdoğan, Putin and now Trump.

Posted : 25/03/2025 9:21 pm
Online  somafunk
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This interview with Angus Hanton is a good/watch listen on American ownership of British companies, his book “Vassal State” is worth a read.


Posted : 25/03/2025 11:13 pm
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Posted by: dissonance

If they had a conscience/ability to feel shame about hypocrisy

Posted : 25/03/2025 11:33 pm
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It seems almost everyday Trump or one of his team of like minded idiots says or does something worse than before. And I am just as surprised there isn't something in USA law or constitution to get them out of office before they destroy absolutely everything.

This latest incident. Serious security issue of accidently messaging on an unsecured platform to a journalist .. whilst apparently in the Kremlin with their phone likely being monitored. How does Trump respond? at first denies knowing about it - then says he doesn't like the magazine reporting it - then later disgustingly insult the journalist involved.

Trump and his whole team are total scumbags. Again, how is USA allowing all this to happen?

Posted : 26/03/2025 6:34 am
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