Donald! Trump!

Donald! Trump!

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Offline  thepurist
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So if there's no terrorist attack on the US over the next few months Trump claims victory. If there is an attack then Trump claims his measures have been vindicated and extends the ban to anyone who looks a funny colour (except orange), anyone with a funny sounding name and anyone who dresses funny. Unless they've got oil.

Meanwhile those who seek to radicalise have a clear message about US (sic) and Them, making their task easier.

And if some crazy white American goes on a shooting spree killing innocent people Trump will stand up for the right to bear arms and defend the American way,leaving weapons in the hands of anyone who wants them.

Don't make no sense.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:15 pm
Offline  ninfan
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Why arent Saudi's on his banned list?

Duh! Because the Saudi government is stable and is working in conjunction with the US to offer effective pre-visa vetting of their citizens.

Hardly rocket surgery is it?

You might also notice that he hasn't introduced restrictions on Indonesia (largest Muslim population in the world) ****stan (second), India (third) or Bangladesh (fourth) - so far from 'alienating every Muslim in the known universe' he has completely left alone the 43% of global Muslims living in those four countries alone.

Still, we wouldn't want any inconvenient facts to get in the way of outraged virtue-signalling leftie rhetoric, would we?

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:33 pm
Offline  outofbreath
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"You might also notice that he hasn't introduced restrictions on Indonesia (largest Muslim population in the world) ****stan (second), India (third) or Bangladesh (fourth) - so far from 'alienating every Muslim in the known universe' he has completely left alone the 43% of global Muslims living in those four countries alone."

I hadn't noticed that, good point.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:38 pm
Offline  Lifer
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I thought he had a problem with people who cut other people's heads off? Or was he himself virtue signalling when he said

"When they're chopping off the heads of our people, and other people... when ISIS is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I'm concerned, we have to fight fire with fire,"

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:41 pm
Offline  wilburt
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Where did the 9-11 hijackers come from? Who's bank rolling ISIS and that chap Bin Laden where did he come from?

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:41 pm
Offline  tjagain
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He hasn't banned people from those countries because he has business interests in them.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:44 pm
Offline  vinnyeh
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He hasn't banned people from those countries because he has business interests in them.

I'd assumed he hasn't banned them because the US doesn't get refugee applications from them. It's crude and unfair instrument, but I presume that he doesn't want to admit folk without adequate documentation/proof of identity.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:48 pm
Offline  DrJ
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You might also notice that he hasn't introduced restrictions on Indonesia (largest Muslim population in the world) ****stan (second), India (third) or Bangladesh (fourth) - so far from 'alienating every Muslim in the known universe' he has completely left alone the 43% of global Muslims living in those four countries alone.

Aah I see. So Muslims in the countries not named by Trump will be perfectly fine with the persecution of their co-religionists.

Still, don't let common sense get in the way of your silly trolling.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:52 pm
Offline  DrJ
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I'd assumed he hasn't banned them because the US doesn't get refugee applications from them. It's crude and unfair instrument, but I presume that he doesn't want to admit folk without adequate documentation/proof of identity.

That's a total non-sequitur. The people banned are not just refugees - they even include Green Card holders.

Posted : 28/01/2017 6:54 pm
Offline  ninfan
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The prime minister of Bangladesh doesn't seem to be one of those he has "alienated" with his "anti-Muslim rhetoric"

[img] [/img]

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:01 pm
Offline  AD
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Err - that is dated in November last year...

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:03 pm
Offline  vinnyeh
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That's a total non-sequitur. The people banned are not just refugees - they even include Green Card holders.

It's a poorly implemented (interim) policy, with side effects that were either unintended, or considered acceptable to achieve the goal.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:05 pm
Offline  tjagain
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Its a clear piece of propaganda driven nonsense. Refugees and muslims are not the problem.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:06 pm
Offline  DrJ
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It's a poorly implemented (interim) policy, with side effects that were either unintended, or considered acceptable to achieve the goal.

I'm sure the folk now prevented from getting back to their families, jobs and classrooms will take a similarly enlightened view.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:08 pm
Offline  DrJ
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Posted : 28/01/2017 7:09 pm
Offline  captainsasquatch
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You might also notice that he hasn't introduced restrictions on Indonesia (largest Muslim population in the world) ****stan (second), India (third) or Bangladesh (fourth) - so far from 'alienating every Muslim in the known universe' he has completely left alone the 43% of global Muslims living in those four countries alone.

I would have thought that Muslims around the world would band together in this complete and utter absurdity. I would also have thought that your average Trump voter won't have the brains to tell the difference between an Indonsian and Syrian, once they hear the word Muslim.
I would hope that all Muslims are indeed affronted.
I'm happy to join anyone who condems terrorists, except those that I think are freedom fighters.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:10 pm
Offline  vinnyeh
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I'm sure the folk now prevented from getting back to their families, jobs and classrooms will take a similarly enlightened view.

What's your problem? Is this your normal method of engagement?

I'm just posting the explanation, not advocating it.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:16 pm
Offline  ninfan
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Muslims around the world would band together

You think that Trump stopping refugees coming in will change 1300 years of Muslims killing each other?

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:18 pm
Offline  captainsasquatch
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You think that Trump stopping refugees coming in will change 1300 years of Muslims killing each other?

If the Catholics and Protestants can do it, who knows?

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:25 pm
Offline  taxi25
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Still, don't let common sense get in the way of your silly trolling.

why was the point being made silly trolling ? It seemed perfectly reasonable to me. Muslims aren't a single entity, some unaffected might be upset but many others won't be.

Still, we wouldn't want any inconvenient facts to get in the way of outraged virtue-signalling leftie rhetoric, would we?

I'm pretty neutral politically, but on this thread the above is becoming all to true, IMHO.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:55 pm

Offline  scotroutes
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[quote=ernie_lynch ]Trump would have fully understood the significance of leading Theresa May by the hand in front of the world's photographers and TV cameras.Or he was, you know, being polite and gentlemanly.

Posted : 28/01/2017 7:59 pm
Offline  Junkyard
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he is , you know, well known for being polite and gentlemanly

Posted : 28/01/2017 8:20 pm
Offline  kimbers
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So now Theresa May refusing to condemn Trumps actions drags her into his latest debacle.

Always wash your hands after touching something shitty!


Posted : 28/01/2017 9:07 pm
Offline  iolo
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The China situation could get very interesting.


Posted : 28/01/2017 9:18 pm
Offline  Jamie
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Share this post Sir Mo Farrah is now banned from the US?

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:20 pm
Offline  Tom_W1987
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Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Tito were lefties as well. do we need to be on our guard against people like them too?

The far left and far right have more in common with each other than the rest of the political spectrum.

This is why Ernie can't bring himself to condemn Trump, despite being a rabid anti-semite.

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:30 pm
Offline  chewkw
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Jamie - Member Sir Mo Farrah is now banned from the US?

If he is traveling on British Passport no, otherwise, yes. 🙄

Mercia can ban who they want and as they like, nothing to do with the rest of the world.

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:45 pm
Offline  mikey74
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Aah I see. So Muslims in the countries not named by Trump will be perfectly fine with the persecution of their co-religionists.
Still, don't let common sense get in the way of your silly trolling.

Not to mention the racist fervour such policies incite.

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:47 pm
Offline  tjagain
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Tom - that is libelous. Ernie may be many things but he is not a bigot in any form. He, like I, and many other abhor what the Israeli state is doing to the Palestinians but that does not make us anti semites. It makes us people who hate injustice and the apartheid state Israel has become

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:48 pm
Offline  kimbers
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Only took a few hours

Posted : 28/01/2017 9:49 pm
Offline  Jamie
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If he is traveling on British Passport no, otherwise, yes

You sure about that?

Like really really, sure?

As an aside, being giving the rolly eyes treatment by Chekwk. Heh.

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:01 pm
Offline  cchris2lou
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he must have a gb passport as he is in the gb squad , but hopefully he will boycot the USA .

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:02 pm
Offline  outofbreath
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"polite and gentlemanly"

Funnily enough, it seems he is:

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:03 pm
Offline  ninfan
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Ernie may be many things but he is not a bigot in any form

You don't think that Ernie is just a little bit intolerant of those holding different opinions?

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:05 pm
Offline  vinnyeh
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he must have a gb passport as he is in the gb squad , but hopefully he will boycot the USA .

Doesn't he live there (Farah)?

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:22 pm
Offline  kimbers
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Well it seems that Most Farrah is included

Conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi also believes he is

Yet still May is too cowardly to condemn trump

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:23 pm
Offline  outofbreath
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"born in or are citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen."

I guess Mo falls under the 'born in' category.

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:31 pm
Offline  Jamie
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Doesn't he live there (Farah)?

Yup. Currently lives in Oregon, near his coach and Nike HQ.

He's currently training in Ethiopia for 2 weeks, then racing in the UK, but will at some point need to return [i]home[/i].

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:36 pm
Offline  thestabiliser
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It's cool guys, it'll all be sorted once he "figures out what the heck is going on".

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:38 pm
Offline  cchris2lou
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it has been confirmed that it applies to people with dual nationality .

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:54 pm

Offline  tjagain
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Oh indeed ninfan. And self righteous and all sorts of things. The cad called my a wishy washy pale pink liberal for goodness sake. BUt he is not a bigot by his postings on here

Posted : 28/01/2017 10:55 pm
Offline  jambalaya
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Tom - that is libelous. Ernie may be many things but he is not a bigot in any form. He, like I, and many other abhor what the Israeli state is doing to the Palestinians but that does not make us anti semites. It makes us people who hate injustice and the [b]apartheid state[/b] Israel has become

You where doing OK till that last part. Israel is the best place in the Middle East for a Muslim Arab to live. Especially a homosexual or transgender one. Best health care, best human rights, open democracy. Isreal has proven how effective walls are against terrorism effectively shutting down the suicide bombers on the early 2000's. Netanyahu told Trump how effective the walls/border Israel have built in the South at keeping out illegal migrants from Africa.

The Palestinians have rejected deal after deal and each time the deal has got worse. If they where offered the 1948 deal again they'd jump at it. Trump is going to move the process forward in a way which is will make the Palestinians realise their past folly in rejecting numerous prior offers.

This is why Ernie can't bring himself to condemn Trump, despite being a rabid anti-semite.

Ernie isn't anti-Semitic and neither is Trump (daughter converted and married to fairly Orthodox Jew, Jewish Treasury Secretary (previously senior person in Trump campaign), very pro-Israel ambassador to both UN amd Israel itself etc etc). Trumpmis going to move the relationship between the US and Israel much further forward and much closer than it has been for the past 8 years under Obama

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:23 pm
Offline  kimbers
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Trump is going to move the process forward in a way which is will make the Palestinians realise their past folly in rejecting numerous prior offers.

That sounds just like the kind of chilling threat Trump would make, only a bit more verbose, obvs 😉

Its blindingly obvious that his muslim ban is manna from heaven for islamist recruiters, there will be a hardening in the arab world, israel will feel it, there will be more bloodshed, the cycle of violence will continue

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:27 pm
Offline  cchris2lou
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Mexican are suicide bombers ?

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:30 pm
Offline  cchris2lou
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and Trump forgot to mention the jews on Holocaust day . Not sure that went down too well .

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:31 pm
Offline  tjagain
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Jamba - even for you that is ridiculous.

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:38 pm
Offline  kimbers
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cchris2lou - Member
and Trump forgot to mention the jews on Holocaust day . Not sure that went down too well .

Oh Im sure it was received exactly as [s]that shitweasel and anti semite[/s] Steve Bannon intended

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:40 pm
Offline  jambalaya
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Well played (on the verbose). For the Palestinians it is chilling I am sorry to say. Abbas is 80 no one believes he can negotiate anything which will last. Hamas just want to fight amd destroy Israel. That's not going to end well. If you look back at what the Palestinians could have had as a state in 1948 it's very depressing for them, they have been consistently poorly lead. Imappreciate they with Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordon thought they could obliterate Israel and "have it all" but it hasn't worked out for them and now the others have moved on leaving them isolated.

Trump is going to base his view of Israel on Judea, the Jewish land of the old Testament from 1000BC



Posted : 28/01/2017 11:41 pm
Offline  ernie_lynch
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Tom_W1987 - Member

This is why Ernie can't bring himself to condemn Trump

I have [i]repeatedly[/i] described Trump as "odious and obnoxious".

I have [i]repeatedly[/i] pointed out that Trump has "boasted of sexually assaulting women, and mocks the disabled".

I have [i]repeatedly[/i] described Trump as a bigot and a racist.

I have [i]repeatedly[/i] pointed out that Trump has sown devision and hatred.

And you are waiting for me to condemn him? 😆

Tom mate, you are starting to sound as ridiculous as ninfan.

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:42 pm
Offline  tjagain
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Hi Ernie! You tell 'em!

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:46 pm
Offline  kimbers
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Trump is going to base his view of Israel on Judea, the Jewish land of the old Testament from 1000BC

well good job trump isnt going to base his actions on what genetics has shown us- that the ashkenazi jews originated in southern turkey, Erdogan would have to unleash all those warplanes we just sold him

The live streams of the demonstrations at JFK right now against Trumps latest ignominy are quite inspiring , its great to see so many people united against the kind of bigotry and stupidity Trump and his fanboys on here represent.

Posted : 28/01/2017 11:46 pm
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