Is just me or is Cameron lapping it up?
Now I don't watch it all the time, but every time I do it seems to follow a very similar pattern. Which is, Corbyn asks some questions, which to a lot not affect will seem as very whiney, and then Cameron bats it away, by saying we're doing such and such and such.
No you may not agree with Camerons such and such and such(I don't), but PMQs aren't particularly about substance, they are about perception.
And for me the overriding perception that you have to come to is that the Tories at least have ideas, where as labour are offering well... not a great deal.
Seems to be a distinct lack of imagination in the Labour party, hardly news of the century. But Corbyn ain't changing that particular problem, which is clearly endemic in the LP. (ie it's the reason why they lost scotland, they are stagnant as a party, they offer not very much.).
Corbyn himself, I reckon, is heading for lame duck territory.
Anyhow, thoughts?