Bees in my redundan...

[Closed] Bees in my redundant chimney (France)

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Just watched a lovely swarm of bees just zoom over and after a few hours have decided that my redundant chimney is going to be there home.

This is the second time we've had this problem and I'm not keen on killing them as
A. I don't live here, it's a second home)
B. They don't bother us, they just get on with their little lives.
C. I'm rather against killing more of them when there is so much concern over them at the moment.
Anyone any advice on how best I could deal with them, chimney is about 8 metres high and needs repointing, how they manage to get in.

Is there a good time to wait to let them reswarm and set off to colonise somewhere else?

Or do I have to just have to get the pest Control out again?

Posted : 22/04/2017 7:15 pm