Sitting here with a pair of plasters on my index finger due to spinning a wheel when sorting out the brakes, ended up whipping of a decent chunk of flesh and nail.. Owwwww.
Worst part is that the sod wouldn't stop bleeding and i just know it's going to be one of them that keeps bleeding when the plaster comes off !
Another lovely one i had once was a slice in my leg from my KTMs new footpeg, was just like i'd done it with a stanley knife, "woosh" then blood.... Ended up in A&E for that one.
What's your best ? worst ?
I plead the four and a half-th
I've skinned my knuckles spannering cars before, but to injure a didjit by sticking it into spinning spokes or brake discs... Takes ya special kind of stupid.
Disclaimer: I once ironed some clothes naked and slightly hungover.
It just so happened that my weenie was on the same elevation as the ironing board.
That's a mistake you only make once!
OP - shortened one of my fingers by a few mm & had trouble stopping bleeding after removing plasters for a few days. A trip to local minor A&E saw a neat silicone net special finger dressing fitted which stayed on for a week & really sped up healing brilliantly. Pay them a visit if you keep leaking red stuff.
Cut the end off my left thumb whilst quartering a potato to make soup.
The knife was very sharp.
The soup wasn’t my best effort
OP – shortened one of my fingers by a few mm & had trouble stopping bleeding after removing plasters for a few days. A trip to local minor A&E saw a neat silicone net special finger dressing fitted which stayed on for a week & really sped up healing brilliantly. Pay them a visit if you keep leaking red stuff
Great stuff, I'll keep that in mind if I still have issues in a few days.
Took the top 1/4” of my left thumb and nail off when I was 14 with a hand saw. Hospital nah, pain killers nah, my dad just stuck the dangling bit back on and bandaged it up.
Tend to be quite careful lining up a saw with my thumb now
I've been "had" twice in 3 days catching my fingers/knuckles when reaching for other stuff on my steel plastering trowel. It's been used for trowelling a lot of concrete of late so is literally razor sharp! It may got dispatched permanently this afternoon
Was temporarily fixing my fence posts last month by hammering unistrut down the side of the rotten posts and screwing the strut to the post.
Was going well until the last one and next door said they heard clang, clang, thud, whimper as I inevitably missed with the claw hammer. The lump on my left hand is still quite considerable.
Chain ring injuries, and the other one, wiping down a chain on a fixie, whilst spinning the wheel - watch where your fingers go, not much room for a finger between a chain and sprocket, and it doesn't stop spinning like a freewheel.
I’ve got a mate with 4.5 fingers on his right hand due to him foolishly cleaning a spinning Hope saw blade style rotor by holding a sponge to it. It was quite gross and took a couple of surgeries to trim a bit more away to sort it.
Frankly this is equally unlucky and stupid in my book, Shirley no one else could do such a thing? So last week a mate of a mate who’s joining our little loose group of riding mates brought his bike over for a bit of fettling.... he’s got 4.5 fingers too, did exactly the same thing, I mean WTF!
If you wouldn’t put your dick there, don’t put your fingers there!
This is why I leave all dangerous tasks to Mrs Spanner.
Or 'Stumpy', as she's affectionately known.
When I was 5 I cut the end off the middle finger on my right hand while trying to see how much wind the blades of the lawnmower made. It was a push mower, being pushed by my 6-year old friend.
In my defence, I was 5.
Did a lot of trailbuilding as a kid on the steep muddy slopes of Beinn Lora (old SCU DH racers will recognise the name).
Favourite tool was a big old bow saw of my dad's. Walking down a trail at the end of the day I slipped but had the sense to throw the saw away from me, unfortunately it bounced back blade first and sort of 'juddered' up the exposed inside of my wrist.
Remarkably little blood loss but I have scars a junky would be proud of now!
I can remember a thread on here on this very subject, quite a few years ago.
There were photos n’all. Not for the squeamish.
I got a paper cut in the skin between thumb and index finger! An office job is hazardous.
Was cleaning a suspension wishbone with a wire brush on the angle grinder. All done, took it out of the vice and just had the bit that was in the vice to clean. Impatiently I held it to clean the last bit rather than put it back in the vice.
The brush caught an edge and flipped it out of my hand. I jumped back and let go of the grinder too. It fell against the inside of my knee. It was summer and I was wearing shorts. There was a nice section of grazing where it made contact. Phew, that was close thought I.
Then loads of little red pinpricks appeared and turned into a stream of blood down my leg.
Stornoway A+E is highly recommended for 'sticking finger thru rotating brake disc injuries'.
They poked the nail bed of my left index back in, and it survived!
I plead the four and a half-th
I still remember the pictures. Still riding fixed? Be careful, the chain won’t stop for your finger and the chainring will win.
I dragged my fingers between the cam sprocket and shroud on my old Omega doing the heads on it once. lThe gap is just wide enough for a cam belt, so it hurt a fair bit. I think I managed to keep both nails, but the end joints of my fingers were blue for a long while.
Speaking of bike injuries, my mate Erik called to cancel a training session last night after slashing his hand open on his bike changing the cassette. Apparently the tool slipped and he dragged his hand over the chainset. Or something. Either way, he needed four stitches to keep bits of hand in place and can't fly for a week at least.
I reconditioned an old Atco cylinder mower last year, full strip-down etc.
To sharpen the blade I set it up on the manual lathe at work and set to it. Got it lovely and sharp..
Fitting it all back together I thought I'd see how well the blade span..It span goood!
So good, in fact, that I didn't realise it had stopped spinning when the end of my finger decided to try and enter the space between the blades..
Because it was so sharp I got a lovely clean cut and was able to superglue the end back on. Still have very little feeling in that finger.
First finger ..right hand sliced in rotor and had to have it stitched back on ..lots of blood .
It's now permanently mis-shapen and numb at the tip..
Spookily it's the same finger that my daughter managed to chop off as a toddler when she thought it was great fun to slam doors around the house ..