Broken Collar Bone ...

[Closed] Broken Collar Bone Question

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Offline  johnhighfield
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Did mine a few years ago & managed to ride home - Adrenalin I assume. Got it x-rayed & yes broken. I used it as an excuse to get a turbo & was on Zwift in 2 weeks wearing my sling & turning my legs over to keep my fitness. I was back on the road bike 10 weeks later - being careful - but it still aches a bit 4 years later. Good luck with yours!

Posted : 07/07/2020 8:29 pm
Offline  mickolas
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I had mine plated because I was concerned about losing strength or possibly causing back problems later in life through asymmetry. I had to be very insistent with the doctor - he was completely open about feeling that it was fine for me to lose strength in my shoulder because 'you're not an athlete'. Surgery was three weeks after accident (or possibly closer to 4... can't remember). I was road riding 12 weeks after crash (daily commute 15 miles each way). Possibly could have ridden sooner but didn't want to risk it or prolong the period before I could be back at 'commuter power'.

I've heard stories from a few people where the displacement caused the bone to take ages to fuse properly, in some cases leading to repeat breaks long after they thought the bone should have knitted.

I possibly would have been fine leaving it - it was a fairly clean break about 1" displaced. The surgery left a small area of my chest numb which felt weird at first but has not been debilitating in any way. My arm goes 'dead' more quickly now if I am not moving it (eg when driving/cycling/motorcycling) and I have to wiggle it about to restore circulation. For a couple of years it used to swell a little if I wore a rucksack with the strap right over the metal plate; that seems to not happen any more though.

Pros and cons. On balance I am glad I had it done, but there are definitely risks either way.

Posted : 07/07/2020 9:49 pm
Online  tjagain
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Not even eating concrete could stop me shitting in a morning.

Take 120mg of dihydrocodine for a week then report back. turns your shite to reinforced concrete with the rebar accossways

Posted : 07/07/2020 10:03 pm
Offline  Woody
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I'm certain I wasn't treated properly when I did mine about 22 years ago, so at least you'll get yours sorted, hopefully. Riding home from a mates house in the early hours and clipped some railings which jumped out at me somewhere in Dulwich. Feeling no pain whatsoever....... I walked the remaining couple of miles home and went to bed. Only realised when I looked the mirror next morning.

Got bus to hospital and was sent home in a sling with some codeine and that was it. Now left with a shoulder 1" shorter and a bloody great lump where the clavicle has fused like a step. Took 6 weeks IIRC to get back off road.

Ps. Dont make the mistake I did and drive a few days afterwards. The pain when the bones separate during a sudden swerve is still fresh in my memory.

Ps. Take note of tj - I would have said the same but 2 weeks ago, after 3 days on a co-codamol, tramadol, naproxen, nortriptylne and morphine cocktail (borked knee) was almost as grateful for the laxative as the painkillers!

Posted : 07/07/2020 10:21 pm
Offline  B.A.Nana
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I wasn’t give any painkillers either.
Just been taking ibuprofen.

I was given co-codamol in A&E, which I didn't need and still have stored for a special occasion. not sure what they gave me post surgery but for 48 hours I was a clock watching druggie.

Posted : 08/07/2020 9:41 am
Offline  asbrooks
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It was a lovely summers evening when I did mine. I was given a morphine shot and a couple of vials to take home with me. I have to to say I had a lovely evening after I was released and wheeled out into the car park while waiting for the taxi to take me home.

Strawberry Fields spring to mind..

Posted : 08/07/2020 12:48 pm
Offline  loughor
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January 2019 for me. Six months off work due to the installed scaffolding . It gets better, slowly. Good luck

Posted : 08/07/2020 1:11 pm
Offline  alric
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are the NHS doing surgery on collarbones at the moment?
I have a pre-surgery appointment in a fortnight, but I'm wondering whether they will actually get on with it, and if so will there be along waiting list?

Posted : 08/07/2020 7:36 pm
Offline  singlespeedstu
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Just an update on this.
Back to hospital last week and it's no where near healing.

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]Six weeks on and still not fixed[/url] by [url= ]multispeedstu[/url], on Flickr
I had been told at a previous appointment that if it wasn't starting to heal by now they would operate.
Asked if they could operate on it and was told I need a scan first then it might be an option.
Had the date come through for the scan on the 27th then another appointent with the doc on the 1st September
Any tips on how to get them to agree to operate on me?
Feel like they are just trying to push me back further and further for some reason.
6 weeks on and I'm no better off than the day I did it.

Posted : 16/08/2020 5:16 pm
Offline  bonzodog
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I did my right clavicle in back in 2005 (I think) and doing the same thing - admiring the view and not concentrating on where I was going. I didn't have the op (was advised there was a strong chance of infection - which I was glad to hear cos I'm a chicken) and I was back on the bike in around six weeks, albeit gingerly.

I could show you a pick of my collarbone now, though a pick wont do it justice, but it looks absolutely appalling! Worst 'step' you could imagine.

In hindsight I wish Id've MTFU and had the op, but you cant go back and to be fair I'm fine with it (it just looks sh1t).

If as you say youre still no nearer mending than the day it happened you seriously need to chase it up.

Good luck!

Posted : 16/08/2020 6:20 pm
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