Attempted bike thef...

Attempted bike theft. Left with a write off

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Offline  flyingpotatoes
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Had an attempted bike theft on Thursday night.

The bike was locked onto my towbar and I was 15m away in the pub after a ride.

They first tried to remove the bike from the rack, then tried to remove the carrier with the bike in one go and load it into their van. When they realised the rack was locked onto the tow bar, they then rammed the rack with the van 3 times to try to remove it, resulting in my car being shunted sideways by a couple of feet.

Result is in the pictures below, the bike frame has shattered in a few places, bike rack is damaged but still sort of usable, and my bumper has a dent in it.

I’m relatively calm about the whole thing, it could have been worse. No-one was injured but the idiocy of the thieves trying to ram the bike off the back of the car with the van is what I can’t get my head around.

I have cctv footage of it happening, but the police don’t seem interested. They said I would receive a link so I could upload the photos but still haven’t heard anything.

Kudos to Buzz Rack as it stayed locked to the towbar even after it being rammed by a van.

So my next post will probably be what ebike I should go for after trying to find some money down the sofa!


Posted : 24/03/2025 9:45 am
Offline  Bruce
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That's really crap!

Police should be interested, try pointing out the cost of your bike a replacement rack and damage to your car.

I doubt if the lovely people who did this had not done it before.

Posted : 24/03/2025 9:54 am
Offline  soobalias
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ram raided! was this a pub carpark? is it a regular/weekly ride, just wondering if you have attracted attention or if it was random?

Posted : 24/03/2025 9:55 am
Offline  the-muffin-man
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You need to get your car properly assessed too as that sort of force put through your towbar could have done unseen damage.

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:14 am
Offline  flyingpotatoes
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Posted by: SOOBalias

ram raided! was this a pub carpark? is it a regular/weekly ride, just wondering if you have attracted attention or if it was random?


Yes a pub car park at Tockholes near Blackburn.

We rotate our rides every week and haven't parked here for weeks. It's a popular meeting point for bikes so I reckon they go there regular to see if any bikes are left.

There were three other bikes leant against the pub outside and they weren't chained up. 


Posted : 24/03/2025 10:16 am
Offline  flyingpotatoes
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Posted by: the-muffin-man

You need to get your car properly assessed too as that sort of force put through your towbar could have done unseen damage.

Going to book the car into our local garage and get them to check the chassis etc 👍


Posted : 24/03/2025 10:18 am
Offline  Blackflag
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Posted by: flyingpotatoes

There were three other bikes leant against the pub outside and they weren't chained up.


I assume these were not ebikes? As a newcomer to the ebike world its quite alarming how much a target i seem to have made myself.  

Posted : 24/03/2025 10:36 am
Offline  MrSparkle
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Yes a pub car park at Tockholes near Blackburn.

The Royal? That's quite shocking! 

Posted : 24/03/2025 11:04 am
Offline  flyingpotatoes
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Posted by: Blackflag

Posted by: flyingpotatoes

There were three other bikes leant against the pub outside and they weren't chained up.


I assume these were not ebikes? As a newcomer to the ebike world its quite alarming how much a target i seem to have made myself.  

No they weren't ebikes 

The Royal? That's quite shocking! 

Yes The Royal. The landlord was really helpful and he called the police. They damaged his ice cream trailer as well



Posted : 24/03/2025 11:13 am
Offline  MrSparkle
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Yeah, Pete is a decent bloke. 

Posted : 24/03/2025 11:15 am
Offline  PJay
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Posted by: flyingpotatoes

I have cctv footage of it happening, but the police don’t seem interested.

I find that shocking, and quite frankly I wouldn't let them get away with it. Did they give you a crime number?

I really hope that you manage to get a decent resolution, it must be gut wrenching!

Posted : 24/03/2025 11:41 am
Offline  beinbhan
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If the police are playing that game your next move is to embarrass them into doing something. Contact local press, Facebook groups etc and local MP it may motivate them to do there job.

Posted : 24/03/2025 11:57 am
Offline  BoardinBob
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Posted by: flyingpotatoes

The bike was locked onto my towbar and I was 15m away in the pub after a ride.

I wouldn't leave a pound coin on my dashboard never mind a bike worth a few K on the back unless my eyes are on the thing the entire time. I even worry if I'm at a petrol station and have to go in to pay. Thieves will grab anything at any opportunity. You only have to watch the many videos of scrotes taking cordless angle grinders to bike locks in the middle of busy areas with not a care in the world about who's watching

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:06 pm
Offline  oldfart
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Meanwhile our local boys in blue have just posted on FB that they caught a drunk driver at the weekend expecting a pat on the back 🤔 Judging by the comments they didn't get one , last year my mate had several of his bikes nicked gave them a load of evidence they have done nothing 😡

As mentioned a bit of social media shaming .ight make them sit up and take notice.

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:06 pm
Offline  FunkyDunc
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Sorry thats really shit. As said above you need to get the car checked out too.


However - I would never ever leave an mtb on a car anywhere.

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:11 pm
BoardinBob reacted
Offline  Blackflag
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I won't even ride my eeb on my own in our local forrest (Delamere, Cheshire) due to the number of bike hijacks that now seem to happen. 

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:22 pm
Offline  timba
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I'm sorry to add to a bad evening, but you might have to report the collision as an RTC, assuming that the pub car park is a public place (most will be)

Don't worry about the "and in any case within 24 hours", it sounds like you reported it to police who didn't advise you properly. That of course means telling your insurer as well if you haven't already.

Don't be put off by being told that you didn't report it within 24 hours and therefore cannot; you have six months to make the report even if you missed the 24 hours

There are bonuses in that the non-stop RTC is easier to prove than the attempted theft and action can be taken against the registered keeper if CCTV captured enough detail. It's another avenue for you to pursue with Lancs Police in parallel with a crime. Ii also adds PP/disqualification to any penalty.

Get back on to Lancs Police for the link to send CCTV, etc.

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:54 pm
Offline  escrs
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Check with your insurance company, your bike may be covered under your policy

If the bike is locked to a bike rack which in turn is locked to the vehicle then they are normally are covered, not sure how it works if the bike wasnt stolen but was damaged in the theft attempt 

Other option is to see if would be covered under your home's contents insurance, mine covers bikes away from the house and secured in/to the car

Posted : 24/03/2025 2:20 pm
Offline  DaveyBoyWonder
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Posted by: BoardinBob

Posted by: flyingpotatoes

The bike was locked onto my towbar and I was 15m away in the pub after a ride.

You only have to watch the many videos of scrotes taking cordless angle grinders to bike locks in the middle of busy areas with not a care in the world about who's watching


Its ok, someone will have been there to mindlessly video it and put it on youtube.


Posted : 24/03/2025 2:37 pm
BoardinBob reacted
Offline  nickingsley
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I won't even ride my eeb on my own in our local forrest (Delamere, Cheshire) due to the number of bike hijacks that now seem to happen. 

Bike hijacks in Delamere?

Posted : 24/03/2025 2:58 pm

Offline  tthew
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It'll be the police and crime commissioner as first port of call for a service complaint won't it?

I'm sorry to add to a bad evening, but you might have to report the collision as an RTC,

Not necessary if there are no injuries to people IIRC. 

Posted : 24/03/2025 4:04 pm
Offline  PrinceJohn
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Surely report it as a hit & run/failure to stop after an accident which is deffo a crime.

Posted : 24/03/2025 5:05 pm
toby reacted
Offline  Blackflag
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@nickingsley - Yep. A couple of instances where folk were assaulted on Old Pale and also folk getting chased round the forrest by a gang on Surons. FE and Police aware and acknowledge its an increasing issue but thats not gonna solve it. I often ride around solo but its always on cheapish hardtail or gravel bike.  

Posted : 24/03/2025 5:36 pm
Offline  flyingpotatoes
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Thanks for any advice so far.

I've claimed on my house insurance but max they will pay is £1500. Better than nothing.

I'll clarify, the pub landlord was great and really helpful. He called the police and they eventually came out after nearly an hour, but he wasn't too interested in the CCTV footage. Showed him damage to the bike but just said he'll send me a link to upload the photos. I'm still waiting but do have a crime ref number. 

There was a car parked in the corner and on the CCTV you could see it flashing it's lights before the van came into the car park which we told the police but again he didn't seem interested. The car was still there when the police arrived then left after a few minutes. I've taken a photo with the reg number of the car.

Just waiting to see if the landlord can get his security company to clean up the image to get a reg number of the van.

I'll also call the car insurance to report it just in case.


Posted : 24/03/2025 6:00 pm
Offline  timba
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It'll be the police and crime commissioner as first port of call for a service complaint won't it?

That isn't their function, unless it's regarding the Chief Constable (CC). The CC is responsible for operational policing and Lancs Police have a Professional Standards Dept to deal with complaints

I'm sorry to add to a bad evening, but you might have to report the collision as an RTC,

Not necessary if there are no injuries to people IIRC. 

The definition includes damage as well. Report the collision, even if you weren't in any way to blame

Posted : 24/03/2025 6:10 pm
Offline  timba
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I've claimed on my house insurance but max they will pay is £1500. Better than nothing.

Let the house and car insurers know about the involvement of the other. They'll decide who pays between them and you might get more from one or the other, depending on their T&Cs.

Posted : 24/03/2025 6:14 pm
Offline  Tom83
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That's mad. Well done for remaining calm, I'd be fuming! Absolute madness.

Posted : 24/03/2025 7:31 pm
Offline  nickingsley
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That's bad. Have come across the Surron packs and seen the occasional random sign warning that Surrons ain't allowed.

None out tonight but I've noted their potential for aggression in Delamere.


Posted : 24/03/2025 7:42 pm
Offline  irc
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" Report the collision, even if you weren't in any way to blame"

I would say it has been reported. I suspect the police attending may only have recorded it as a crime though . That is a failure on their part rather than the OP. I would agree with contacting the police. Get a crime ref number.  Ask for a road accident ref. Ask if the report submitted has included the road traffic charges as well as the attempted theft.  Careless/reckless driving and failing to stop and report an accident.


There is even a code for this on the Stats 19 form the police do for RTA stats. Code 902 Vehicle in course of crime.

Posted : 24/03/2025 7:43 pm
Offline  nickingsley
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Apologies for hijacking the thread a bit.

Ridden from the Royal at Tockholes in.the past and, a bit like Delamere, surprised an issue there.

Not good for OP or anyone else caught up with the lowlife.

Posted : 24/03/2025 7:48 pm
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Commiserations, OP. Absolute nightmare.

Posted : 24/03/2025 7:52 pm
Offline  doomanic
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That sucks, OP.


I would consider contacting Cube and seeing if they'd do you a deal on a front triangle, assuming everything else is OK.

Posted : 24/03/2025 8:07 pm
Offline  flyingpotatoes
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I would consider contacting Cube and seeing if they'd do you a deal on a front triangle

I messaged cube yesterday to see if they have any frames left. Hopefully they will have. 

Posted : 24/03/2025 9:19 pm
Offline  timba
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I would say it has been reported. I suspect the police attending may only have recorded it as a crime though . That is a failure on their part rather than the OP.

I'd agree 😉

There is even a code for this on the Stats 19 form the police do for RTA stats. Code 902 Vehicle in course of crime.

It isn't in scope for stats19. Not on a road and probably without injury


Posted : 24/03/2025 9:21 pm
Offline  Lummox
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Doesn’t help with the bitter taste after the attempted theft, I believe there are some new cube frames on eBay from a German seller. They’re within the payout budget so possibly you could get something built up if cube won’t offer a crash replacement/good will


Posted : 24/03/2025 9:30 pm