Quick one. When removing heli tape from frames withg anodised logos, will the heli tape remove the logos or is anodising a little bit more robust than that?
Anodising is a chemical process that creates a hard oxide layer at a molecular level on the aluminium surface - it is isn't 'stuck on' and so won't peel off.
Anodised logos, or logos on an anodised frame? It would be unusual to have the logos anodised on their own (Not saying it couldn't be done, but it would be a proper faff).
Logos on an anodised frame? Heat the helitape with a hair dryer or similar before removal and you may get away with it. Peel it cold and it will probably take the graphics with it.
went for anodised logos on the moots
not stickers. was wondering about preheating the tape before removal just to be on the safe side
If it’s a Moots, why is it heli taped over the logos?
My 2nd Banshee Spitfire was the anodised black one. The majority of the frame was like a burnished alloy and the logos were smooth - all anodised black.
I didn't bother Invisiframing it as it wouldn't stick to the burnished bits.
im goig bikepacking this summer and wanter to protect the areas the frame bag will rub hense the heli tape option. also thinking may just go split inner tube over frame just for the duration of the trips
mental note to self "read comment before posting to address errors"
Something more removable seems wise. Insulation tape isn’t pretty, but comes off leaving the frame untouched.
Ok thats the faff option, so no you should have no issues taping over it.