Mondraker eBalance Bike Grommy

Mondraker Grommy: An eBalance Bike

by 10

Mondraker is launching an electric balance bike, the Grommy. Oh boy. We think this is going to get the comments section going. All kids on bikes is good, right? But is this a bike? Does this cross the line from pedal assist bicycle to motorbike? Or does this just make for more fun for more kids? Or, is this just a big marketing ploy and there’s no such thing as bad publicity? Hold back those furious fingers a moment, and come check out the spec of this eBalance bike.

Mondraker eBalance Bike Grommy
Dry ice for added radness.

The bikes will come in two sizes: the Grommy 16 and Grommy 12. The Grommy 16 will – surprise surprise – have 16 inch wheels and is aimed at children aged 5-8 years, while the 12 – no prizes for guessing the wheelsize – is aimed at ages 3-5. Both have a 250W motor which will offer a maximum speed of 17.7km/h, and three speed settings: ‘Balance’ (max speed 8.1km/h), ‘Fun’ (max 12.1km/h) and ‘Advanced’ (max 17.7km/h). That top speed is pretty fast! You can also turn off the motor and use it like a normal balance bike – though we can already imagine the tantrums over that one. Recharging takes just one hour, but you also only get up to an hour of assist.

The promotional imagery shows kids riding some jumps and pump tracks. On a balance bike, without pedals, you can’t put a quick half crank in to add a bit of speed, but with a bit of motor assist that’s an option. With space to put your feet while you’re motoring, kids can keep their feet up and out the way, or stand up to clear features. These design features would seem to lend themselves to more technical riding opportunities. But with the foot platform, it would be interesting to see how easy it is to use your legs to ‘paddle’ like a standard balance bike.

Mondraker founder Miguel Pina said:

“Since our inception we’ve strived to make bikes differently, but bringing Grommy to life has been a completely new experience for the Mondraker family, and that’s part of why it’s super exciting to introduce today.

“The inspiration for the name of this e-balance bike came from a term used to describe young riders: ‘Groms.’ We’ve tried to invoke that sense of fun and freedom for younger kids in its creation – something that has never felt more important than during this difficult year.

“It’s not just the bike that will allow your kids to learn how to ride – Grommy is the bike you wished you had when you were young!”

The bike comes with Tektro disc brakes and 140mm rotors, internal cable routing and 2.25in wide Vee Tire Crown Gems – certainly designed for more than just your local park. The 16in model has a claimed weight of 8.5kg, and the 12 is 7.5kg – so you better hope that battery lasts until you get home. The usual parent hack of slinging the balance bike over your shoulder using an inner tube as strap is going to be a little tougher with one of these.

Is this the berm whipping huck machine your child has been waiting for? Or is this not actually a bike at all? Where is the line between a kids’ motorbike and one of these? For €749, one of these could be yours. Well, not yours – your kid’s – with a maximum rider weight of 40kg, even if you’re just a big kid at heart, you’re probably too big for this.

And, like all big launches, there’s a shredit video to go with it!

We’ve no doubts whatsoever that this would be a fun toy to play out on. But whether it’s a bike…hmm… Ok. We’re done. Unleash your fingers and let them fly in the comments!

Mondraker eBalance Bike Grommy

Comments (10)

    “The Grommy 16 will – surprise surprise – have 16 inch wheels and is aimed at children aged 5-8 years”
    cynicism sets in here – this age range we’d be looking at moving kids onto a ‘proper’ bike not a balancer, if this was a serious kids E-bike then at this point pedals would need to be an option surely? can’t help but feel that Islabikes (and others) making lightweight rideable kids bikes is the best thing along with the hire schemes to solve the outgrowing problem

    This I fear might just melt the internet.

    We have the stunt hamsters on standby…
    If you’re going to put a big battery on a balance bike, why not get it to power a flywheel that would help the bike stay upright?

    Because then you would never learn to balance?

    Looks fun and would let kids do a bit longer stuff with dads going out and wanting to ride a bit ;o)
    But, what are the legalities about this, guessing as it’s not pedal assist it’ll be ‘private property’ style usage, so not exactly bridleway or family route friendly?

    Please Mondraker make an adult version. I really want a go.

    …. so, if you put an e-balance bike on a treadmill

    Unless this is targetted at children with health issues / disabilities, how is this idea a good thing?
    Where is the physical triumph for the child in this as s/he learns about their own body and how to pace and control outlay of energy? Surely a big part of cycling is its physicality? Part of the fun of cycling even as a adult is feeling your muscles work and getting results from that.
    For a child on a bike I would be looking for them to learn how to coordinate physical outlay with results. I would want them using up calories and energy and developing muscles (and good muscle mounting points within their bodies, muscle mounts are better developed if muscles are used more as kids, so it impacts adulthood too) and being generally fit instead of couch / game potatoes. Learning physical pacing to avoid over fatigue is important in life generally.
    If a child is too young to have learned to balance/pedal/steer/brake, its too young to be dapping about with a load of automated power, its asking for trouble. Way too easy to speed off into a road before you can stop them. Just the thought of having to do all that extra monitoring of their risk taking seems wearing just writing it out! What if you loose sight of them for some reason, like they escape the garden gate or head off in a park – how far could they go? – much harder to track them than if under their own power.
    Another issue is recharging – do you keep the bike on constant charge just in case your child fancies a 10 minute ride? Do you leave it off charge and then when your child wants a ride you have to say, no, you cant play, we have to wait a couple of hours first to charge it?
    I don’t see this product as enabling the average child, but as holding the child back. The higher bit of age range is a bit sad too. My family were just normal people with family bikes, not into bike clubs or competition cycling or anything, but from the age of 7 I was already cycling to school with my Mum each day on my own bike on normal roads with traffic, a couple of miles each way including hills.
    I would expect a child by 6 or younger to be co-ordinated enough to cycle properly in non road situations, not to be floundering about on this physically undermining concept bike.

    It’s an electric motorbike so surely not legal on the roads, paths and bridleways where they will be ridden. Can’t see 3 – 8 year olds getting a motorbike licence.

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