Issue 153 Last Word: Weights and Measures

by 5

Hannah proposes a new system of measurement, putting quality over quantity. Miles covered and feet gained seem to me an inadequate measure of mountain biking. Kilometres and metres likewise. Hours and minutes are useful, to a point – but what takes you an hour might take me two. Or three. As your buddies share their ‘year in sport’ stats, does it adjust for the number of nursery bugs caught or weeks spent in Tenerife? I feel…

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • Issue 153 Last Word: Weights and Measures
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    Full Member

    I have independently adopted something similar to what you are proposing. My activity book covers walk cycles and paddles. Every activity has a descriptive name of the activity, What I have seen of significance anything exciting that happened and distance.

    For example

    Ride of Goats is a road ride from home to Alderley Edge and back on a circular route in the Chesire Lanes. Things I saw 7 goats, 5 alpaca, 4 pigs and a Buzzard. Distance about 31miles.

    Paddle from Plockton to Kyle of Lochalsh saw 2 Black Guilemots, 2 seals and a starfish Distance about 10 miles.

    Full Member

    Issue 153 just landed on my doorstep. Looks awesome and can’t wait to dive into it.

    Looking at my Strava feed I see a recurring themes of lack of light (waiting for the sun), pancakes, sunset mentions, puddles (return of), cold (measured by toe-ometer), and celebrations with friends.

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    That’s a lot like what the Focal Events guys did when they couldn’t run The Distance event during the years of the Lurghi and it became ‘The (socially) Distance(d)’, with Bingo in 2020 and Blockbusters in 2021 – “I’ll have a pee please, Bob” seemed even more appropriate.

    You can still see the cards online:

    Full Member

    I thought I’d pop a comment on this because your article really struck a chord with me, @stwhannah

    I’ve never been a racer, never tried to outdo others or even myself. I started using Strava as a tool just to keep track of rides, but always in a journal type of way. It’s sometimes nice to see I managed a particular climb a bit better than previously, but I’ve never gone out to push myself time wise or speed or distance. It’s only ever about having fun. All of my Strava logs read about where I went, what I saw, and most importantly about the fun highlights that it contained.

    Like the one where Shaz lost a shoe, the one where we got lost and had to put the hammer down and hightail it back to the cars to pick the kids up from school, the one where we took a short cut to the off-licence for a cheeky can which turned into an all afternoon beer garden session, the one where it pissed down and we left puddles on and under the café chairs, the one when we got chased by a boar, and so on.

    Lots of people forget that it’s supposed to be fun.

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