Singletrack World Issue 150 Celebration

by 11

It’s not always new tyres and perfect corners, OK? Singletrack World Magazine is 150 issues old. That’s no mean feat, and we wanted to celebrate it by bringing you a few of the behind the scene stories from the years from some of the team who have helped make it happen. The team behind Singletrack has always been proud of the way our little magazine has been able to compete surprisingly well in a tough…

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  • Singletrack World Issue 150 Celebration
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    Full Member

    Hah! Enjoyed that lot.

    Full Member

    Beate and I both bonked massively

    With the knob in my hand I tried jamming it back in


    Full Member

    had something of a religious moment with some crisps

    😂 Can relate!

    Great article. Really enjoyed it, particularly the interview tales. 👍

    Full Member

    Congratulations to all @STWTowers!

    Full Member

    Hmmm, page 2 is not showing for me, it refreshes the page but shows page 1…

    Full Member

    @nbt Those page numbers are for the Resort Guide previews. You aren’t missing any of the article, I had the same thought though!

    Full Member

    @Mark, how do you know what earwax tastes like? 🤔🤢

    Great article! 👍

    Full Member

    I for one wouldn’t have accepted a job where I got turfed out of my interview before birthday cake distribution.  Have some self respect Zoe!

    Full Member

    It was somewhere near the foot of the descent that Chipps fell off the edge of a waterfall.

    It was only a small waterfall, maybe about half a metre or so, but somehow he came to a stop, couldn’t unclip, and then fell down/off the waterfall and ended up with his face in the water, his arms underneath him, and a bag of cameras on his back, while still attached to the bike by one foot.


    Full Member

    @bikesandboots possibly, or possibly the 11.40 one? Not sure. A long way from anywhere either way!

    Full Member

    Anyone else a bit sad issue 150 is an ebike shootout?

    im still looking forward to reading it !


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