Issue 148 Editorial: Every ride is like an individual snowflake

by 2

What is it that sets our sport apart from most of the other sports/hobbies/lifestyles out there? After all, some people don’t even think that mountain biking is a sport anyway. While the cross-country tip of it has some Olympic cred, it doesn’t pop into your normal vox-pop, high street responses when the public are asked what sports they like. Sports to most people involve a team, hitting something, a ball, or all three.  I’ve mentioned…

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Chipps Chippendale

Singletrackworld's Editor At Large

With 23 years as Editor of Singletrack World Magazine, Chipps is the longest-running mountain bike magazine editor in the world. He started in the bike trade in 1990 and became a full time mountain bike journalist at the start of 1994. Over the last 30 years as a bike writer and photographer, he has seen mountain bike culture flourish, strengthen and diversify and bike technology go from rigid steel frames to fully suspended carbon fibre (and sometimes back to rigid steel as well.)

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Home Forums Issue 148 Editorial: Every ride is like an individual snowflake

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  • Issue 148 Editorial: Every ride is like an individual snowflake
  • bigdaddy
    Full Member

    Well said! Wholeheartedly agree with that! (He says, sporty some major bruises from an interface with a tree – they stay constant!). It’s one of the main features of our sport, that it’s different every time and rarely do you come back wishing you hadn’t bothered!

    Free Member

    That thing is unpredictability

    An adventure: and enterprise of unknown outcome, often daring, unusual or risky.

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