A Reyt Good Time Bikepacking in the Dales

by 13

Amanda discovers that bikepacking isn’t all beards, flannel shirts, and far-flung adventures. Words & Photography Amanda Bikepacking is one of those things I really like the idea of but when it comes down to it, I’ll almost always book a cheap hotel because the bed is already made. I’m not afraid of mild discomfort; I know how to pack for a cold night out, and I don’t have any particular needs when it comes to…

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Amanda Wishart

Art Director

Amanda is our resident pedaller, who loves the climbs as much as the descents. No genre of biking is turned down, though she is happiest when at the top of a mountain with a wild descent ahead of her. If you ever want a chat about concussion recovery, dealing with a Womb of Doom or how best to fuel an endurance XC race, she's the one to email.

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  • A Reyt Good Time Bikepacking in the Dales
  • ped
    Full Member

    Lovin’ this, @AmandaWishart!

    And “mountain biking on the ‘wrong’ bike” sums up the majority of our own group’s ‘Northern Gravel’ rides perfectly: we will sometimes have folk turn up who just don’t get it but for the rest of us, as the kids say: if you know, you know.

    Free Member

    It was so good to have Amanda along for the ride, and we appreciate Singletrack sharing our little corner of Reyt Good with the world so much!

    If you want to find your own friendly gravel-y off road club near you, there’s this handy map – https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/c27ee8c8f8694149bb2933c0b69e740c

    Full Member

    Looks great. Cool adventure 😊👍

    Full Member

    Did you share the route anywhere ?

    Full Member

    i really enjoyed that article in the latest mag.  Was a great read

    Full Member

    I also enjoyed the article, but was intreged by what kit people were carrying. We used to do the Polaris challenge and always ended up with more stuff than it looked like people were carrying in the article.
    Is kit smaller, better distributed on the bike or do you just take less?

    Full Member

    There’s a link to the kit list in the article (tiny button under the last set of photos).

    Full Member

    @sboardman does that link work for you? I know what kit I took (aka Tasha) but I just get a delightful photo of Hannah’s face and error code @mark.

    we did have the luxury of not carrying any cooking stuff, other than a bowl/spoon/cup thanks to Carly :)

    Amazing write up Amanda and huge kudos and shout out to @emmsbikes for setting up this wonderful, hugely welcoming group.

    Full Member

    @ahsat Ah I did not actually follow the link… It does indeed go to a 404.

    I really enjoyed the article. Felt a bit more than the usual “we rode our bikes, slept in a ditch, and survived inclement weather” that seems common across the internet. Lovely initiative too.

    Free Member

    @ahsta You’re also to thank for being a part of it!

    Full Member

    Thanks @ahsat that would explain it and Polaris used to have a list of compulsory kit that you might not choose to take depending on the time of year and weather. I also suspect smaller lighter equipment is now available.

    Full Member

    I really enjoyed this article. Genuinely inspirational

    I have also, for the first time, ridden (mainly) up Mastiles Lane, since reading the article

    Full Member

    Looks like a nice route. Hope to do something similar with my kids this year.

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