Issue 144: Searching For A Solution

by 4

Dean Hersey chats to the ball of energy that is Claudio Caluori. Words Dean Hersey Photography Red Bull Content Pool, Dan Griffiths, Tyrone Bradley, Dan Milner, Meri Hyoki You don’t have to dig too far into the colossal internet mountain of videos to have come across Claudio Caluori, or at least his voice. Arguably, he’s most famous for his Red Bull TV Mountain Bike World Cup racing commentary and his POV course previews featuring his…

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  • Issue 144: Searching For A Solution
  • rickmeister
    Full Member

    Velosolutions Kyiv has to on the list too, right?

    Free Member

    Amazing interview and pictures! What a guy.

    Full Member

    It’s a great article

    Free Member

    A brilliant person. I met him briefly in Fort William in 2019 and totally embarrassed myself talking nonsense to (at!) him. Here in Sheffield we’ve recently had a Velosolutions pump track built in Hillsborough, and it is absolutely superb. Before the school holidays started it was busy every evening, and this afternoon it was quite busy, despite being pretty toasty out! All ages, bikes, scooters, skateboards, it is a great thing.

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