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Bike Culture Videos | Rest Your Legs, Work Your Eyes

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Perhaps you’re tired from riding your bike, maybe you have responsibilities that are keeping you home, or maybe you’re just looking for something to pass the time while pretending to pay attention in a conference call. We have a collection of short bike videos for you, from different corners of the bike world. Maybe you’ve seen some before, but if watching repeats wasn’t a thing then DaveTV wouldn’t exist.

Electric Waves

You’re relaxing by watching a few short videos, Ratboy relaxes by riding an e-bike. Let’s hope him and his crew did some trail work once they were done roosting and berm whipping.


Tall Bikes Will Save The World

They’re not likely to catch on as mass private transport, but they might just remind us to swim against convention.


50:01 – Damm Son

For those that don’t know, damsons are a wild plum. They make very good jam, if you can be bothered to pick out the stones. Now that that makes sense: Josh Lewis / 50to01 says:

“We slapped and shaped it until it was ripe. Friends once from different areas and different backgrounds – on a path now brotherly, enjoying sinking their teeth into this fruit of their labor together… lost in the rhythm of repetition – the fruit will drive you crazy. We quickly became heavily invested in this space physically and mentally, the feeling of disconnection in this fruit bowl is a special thing: you, your bike, your friends… swimming in all of its sweets. The bowl contains flavors that won’t let you go – if it was any sweeter, we’d have no teeth.”


Swampfest: NSFW

This is not safe for work. Not safe for your kids. Not safe for anyone that was there. Even the soundtrack is sweary. Basically, the whole thing is just totally unsafe. BMX meets rednecks meets alligators meets prison riot. Swampfest, making the Singlespeed World Championships look like a corporate away day for accountants.

Seriously. This is one of the sweariest videos ever, but it’s the best coverage of this crazy event. You’ve been warned.


Hack Bike Derby

It looks cold, damp, and muddy. Like Swampfest but colder and more polite. Perfect for some hand built UK klunker fun. If this doesn’t make you were better at making things, nothing will. These folks’ idea of something hacked is probably as good as a lot of us might hope to achieve after a week of carefully coached filing and brazing.


Speaking of skillfully crafted machines… how about our series following Wil and his making of the Bamboo Bastard? With a most excellent bike check video to conclude, where absolutely nothing goes wrong…

Silk City Bomb Squad

Off to some more professionally filmed items for our final clips, and this first one might just remind us not to worry too much about what we’re riding, just to ride what we’ve got and enjoy it.

Pure Sweet Hell

Ok, it’s not short. It’s a whole film. Maybe that conference call is dragging on a bit. Well, it could be worse. You could be riding cyclocross. Whether you watch this because you enjoy that special sort of pain and suffering, or because you want to remind yourself why you don’t, this documentary of cyclocross in all its many forms (and outfits) should fill your time nicely.

Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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