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  • Picking flowers in the countryside (middle class rant)
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    I love to kick the heads off flowers this time of year as I ride past. Those kids have no respect for other trail users.

    Anyway, what about foraging? that seems to be accepted.

    Free Member

    what about foraging? that seems to be accepted.

    tbh, and it’s just my opinion, but that sort of intimate activity needs to be done starkers for it to be any fun, otherwise you just end up with friction burns.

    Free Member

    Beware of the flowers, cause I’m sure they’re going to get you. Yeah!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Is there a point to that post?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Its so simple and obvious I am astonished it is even questioned.

    I’d be astonished if you weren’t astonished that someone actually had the temerity to question your opinion

    Free Member

    If people pick wild flowers then only they get the pleasure – if they leave them everyone does.

    No, if people pick wild flowers only the subset of the population who happen to see them on display get the pleasure. If left in the ground only the subset of the population who happen to pass that patch of ground gets to see them. You are upset because you presume you are more likely to be in the latter group than the former.

    Personally I don’t think I have ever seen daffs growing wild in the countryside (must be pesky kids) but have seen them in plenty of places I wouldn’t consider to be countryside and therefore don’t consider the countryside code applies…

    Free Member

    therefore don’t consider the countryside code applies…

    i just checked the urban code and that says its ok to pick flowers but ONLY on strict conditions – town living is complicated

    1/. you leave an empty fag packet and soft drink bottle in exchange
    2/. you must tell any righteous kn0bbers to f off
    3/. to ensure all subsets* with interest are covered post a video of the kids waving the flowers and holding a dead puppy on youtube

    *refer STW if need help on this

    Free Member

    Does this mean I’m not allowed to make Daisy-chains any more 😕

    Full Member

    Its so simple and obvious I am astonished it is even questioned.

    I can’t believe it’s not buttercup.

    Full Member

    I agree with TJ FWIW!

    Anyway carry on……….

    Free Member

    What about the grass. Is it OK to ride on that?

    Full Member

    Yeah but don’t skid!

    Free Member

    This ultimately comes down to people being selfish. They’re depriving other people of the enjoyment of something.

    If it were one or two flowers (or a handful of berries etc), then fine, it’s a blanket clearance of an area, there’s pure selfishness. As it was children doing the clearing, then it’s up to the adults to provide guidance as to what is acceptable. The world would be a much nicer a place if people weren’t selfish and ignorant of other people.

    I’m glad the OP had a word, and I think it’s a shame that she got a mouthful for her trouble.

    Free Member

    Don Simon – they were both released in 1979 it appears…

    Mad? I was furious…

    Free Member

    Hahahahahaha hahahaha hahaha, there is no way to determine the reasons or motives for picking the flowers, so therefore there is no logical way to determine if the actions of those involved are justifiable or not!

    Carry on though, it’s not like you lot have anything better to do 😆

    Free Member

    I’m particularly enjoying the mad scientist style laugh kaesae! However, I would like (I think) to join you in inviting some of the subscribers to this thread to get a life.

    Full Member

    I would like (I think) to join you in inviting some of the subscribers to this thread to get a life

    What life did the daffodils have FFS.

    Free Member

    they are taking the flowers away so no one else can enjoy them

    By picking these daffodils we have been able to enjoy them through the amusement provided in this thread.

    If they had been left growing in the field they would have been enjoyed by a far smaller audience.

    Free Member

    It’s what they’d have wanted Dobbo, I’m pretty sure of that. Personally, I blame that Morrisey, whipping people up into a frenzy with all that gladeoli nonsense.

    Free Member

    So – what about wild garlic then? Tricky grey area

    Free Member

    what about wild garlic then? Tricky grey area

    For whom? 😆

    Free Member

    Does this mean I’m not allowed to make Daisy-chains any more

    What you do in the privacy of your own rugby club changing rooms is your business and not ours.

    Free Member

    So – what about wild garlic then? Tricky grey area

    You can’t possible pick wild garlic and deprive others the opportunity to smell it. 😆

    Free Member

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you – “Two boys are suspected of accidentally burning down a 14th century castle in Slovakia when smoking.” (Sorry, cant work how to do the link thingy, you’ll just have to google it). Makes daff picking look a bit insignificant, dont you think? 😀

    Free Member

    Just went to the local co op. They had some bunches of Daffodils by the door. I didn’t know whether to make a complaint to the manager or run out of the door with the lot and save them.

    Free Member

    If you’re going to build your castle out of flammable stuff, you run the risk that it will burn. Fortification FAIL.

    Free Member

    What’s worse, buying farmed flowers from Tescos (= massive environmental damage in developing countries) or picking them here? 😆

    Free Member

    buying farmed flowers from Tescos (= massive environmental damage in developing countries)

    Daffs are different, they grow ’em all in Cornwall.

    Although the far SW England is a bit underdeveloped…

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop has never been the same since she was gased with methane in the dorm of the malham YHA. You don’t live in an episode of Last of the Summer Wine, it’s not real you know.

    In future just stick to moving a bath down a hill with hilarious consequences.

    Have u had your tea love?

    Free Member

    So – what about wild garlic then? Tricky grey area

    How on earth is it a grey area?

    The law says:

    A person who picks mushrooms growing wild on any land, or who picks flowers, fruit or foliage from a plant growing wild on any land, does not (although not in possession of the land) steal what he picks, unless he does it for reward or for sale or other commercial purpose.

    Is wild garlic a flower?
    is wild garlic a fruit?
    is wild garlic foliage?
    is wild garlic a fungi?

    If it is, then its not theft, if its not, then it is theft

    which is about as grey an area as an Emperor Penguin Colony!

    Free Member

    Don Simon – they were both released in 1979 it appears…

    I’m way too young to remember that kind of detail.
    @ TJ are you really that desperate for an argument?

    @Z-11, what if the moment they were picking the garlic, the person was able to lift themselves off the ground? Could they be considered to be on someone’s property?

    Free Member

    Wild garlic? Just having a laugh – someone else mentioned it earlier. Too subtle for some.

    Free Member

    I’m way too young to remember that kind of detail.

    As was I to not remember the Gorilla sketch used the same modified line because I used to watch that avidly too.

    Free Member

    @ TJ are you really that desperate for an argument?

    so desperate he posts replies to someone who employs file blocker on him or worserer?

    Free Member

    so desperate he posts replies to someone who employs file blocker on him or worserer?

    Who uses file blocker or worserer?

    Free Member

    Very funny thread. If we really can’t have a “Middle Class Whiny Cockbags” sticker, then please can we have one that says “Singletrackworld:

    full of mentals with nothing better to do

    Free Member

    Free Member

    does it really matter what the law says we should or shouldnt do .
    people have a moral to behave like respectful people.

    imo nothing wrong in picking flowers in moderation my daughter does it but 2 or 3 not a full bouquet .

    im on tj side of things but the picture that has been painted in my head is not a good one & this is based on the fact the parent if you can call them that ,used fould abusive language in front of the child.

    now the actaul words of swearing dont affend me its how there said .

    if someone says somethign with a certain venom it doesnt have to be a foul outburst but can easily still offend .

    the problem & point here is this child will grow up with little morals been shown form the parent & in turn this poor crude upbringing will spiral down to her children & so on.

    untill one day the words dafodils will mean nothing as they will be all gone……kicked trampled pulled picked untill none are left .

    cant you see its not about the dafodil its about the bigger picture here.

    apologize about grammer spelling etc im actually supposed to be working ….again somethingthe parent probably knows nothing about as my picture in my head says i the tax payer pay her to be the scum of the earth.

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