Issue 155


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What’s inside Singletrack World issue 155?

Let’s start with the cover – Pete Scullion does it again! This is from the same overnight adventure that he covers in his International Adventure inside.

Editorial: Going The Extra Mile

Chipps urges you to put in that extra 10% today and you’ll get 30% back tomorrow.

International Adventure: Gazing up to the Breeze of the Heavens 

Pete Scullion’s overnight ride idea remains a dream, as the weather gods demand a change of plan.

Behind the Scenes: Getting the Shot

There’s an art to making a product or rider look great. Hannah goes ‘on set’ with Calibre Bikes to witness the process, with sponsored rider Harry Gascoyne.

Trail Tales: Midges

The midge can bring horror to the most perfect of days, and reduce rational beings to desperate evasive action.

UK Adventure: Learning Landscapes

Vicky Balfour goes on a family ride that makes her rethink her understanding of accessible adventures.

International Adventure: Atmospheric Andes

Amanda heads to the other hemisphere for some good vegetables and vitamin D.

The trails behind the Nationwide in Swindon

Hannah goes in search of a myth and finds a reality that should be on everyone’s doorstep.

Debate: is it even mountain biking?

Hannah and Chipps agree to disagree on what constitutes ‘mountain biking’ and, by extension, on what should appear in this magazine.

Through the Grinder

Tools and tech for your convenience and comfort. Because suffering is over rated.

Interview: Bob Seals

Hannah and Chipps chat to the multifaceted character and mountain bike pioneer that is Robert (or Bobby, or Bob…) Seals.

502 Club

A thank you to everyone who joined the 502 Club.

Last Word: Choose Your Own Adventures

Hannah thinks there is much to be said for planning adventures.

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Weight 0.35 kg
Dimensions 26 × 20 × 1 cm
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