Commute by bike for inner peace?

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According to BikeBiz, researchers have used new wearable tech to confirm what we’ve all known all along: riding to work makes you happy.

Two happy ride-to-workers at Grit HQ.
Two happy ride-to-workers at Grit HQ

The study, carried out by Stanford University’s Calming Technology Lab in conjunction with the makers of Spire, a wearable device to track an individual’s breathing patterns and therefore calmness (no vested interest there, then…), discovered that “cyclists are 40 percent less likely to be stressed during and after their commutes compared to those who drove or took public transport… Data from 20,000 commutes by 1,000 commuters found that those who cycled arrived at work in a calmer, more relaxed state of mind.
So there we go – definitive proof that riding to work (and back) is good for your mental health. We can only assume that the commuters who took part in the study have rural commute routes, excellent workplace changing and storage facilities, and really really nice weather…