Diary of a Cross Couple: the intro

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DOACC – say what now?

This is the first in a long line of stories about and from our two newest columnists, Rachel and Chris. Coming in the form of Diary of a Cross Couple, it will include some race based stuff; pit exploits, murderous stories about rivals and laments of friends, reports of what its like to race as a normal person rather than the – camper van, support crew and multi-bike equipped – elite. And probably a whole lot more besides. There will be tales of adventures and journeys to inappropriate destinations on skinny tired machines; random stories and anything else they would like to entertain you all with, as long as it falls under our #dirtydropbargoodness banner.


So, without further ado, we present the Cross Couple diarists…



Rachel (before picking up her shiny new Trek Boone race bike)

I have come to believe that the cyclo-cross bike is the perfect machine. I commute and train on a cross bike, I race on one and I explore on one all year round. Working as a forensic accountant and in an office all day it is great to jump on my bike of an evening and ride out the frustrations of the day on the road or trail. Having dabbled in cross racing since the mid noughties, last year I realised I wanted to do more and am upping my game again this year. Fortunately it combines perfectly with my other bike racing format of choice – the Mountain Bike Marathon… (sarcasm intended!).

I have been given a Boone 9 by my team Trek Bicycle Coventry and I have one major aim for the year – learning to bunny hop the barriers, can’t be too hard right?! I’d also like to consistently race to top 10 in the National Trophy and National Series, something I managed once last year.



Chris in full race face concentration mode.

I’ve never been much of an athlete. I was definitely the kid at school who had a note from his mum, mismatched PE kit, and no enthusiasm for getting sweaty. All that changed when i discovered cycling as a student in Cambridge, and found that if I tried harder riding in, I could sleep longer. From then on, I’ve been hooked. With the notable exceptions of track and BMX, I’ve tried every form of cyclesport, but nothing quite compares to the pure 190bpm effort, close contact and adrenaline that cyclocross provides!My aims for the year are simple, to try to beat my 29th place in a National Trophy from last year – and to finally produce a bunny hop that’ll get me over more than the easiest of barriers. I’ll be doing both in a shiny black & yellow skinsuit provided to me by AW Cycles in Reading.

The first little foray into the DOACC world: The NEC Cycle Show Cyclocross race, in stages.

So the conversation went something like this:

Chris – There is this exhibition cross race at the NEC, do you fancy it?

Rachel  – Sounds fun, I need somewhere to show off my fancy new cross bike, so an exhibition race sounds perfect.


The joys of the classic cross race car-stuff.

After looking at the start list:

Chris – Ian Field? Steven James? Graham Briggs? Oh hell I’m going to get lapped 17 times. Why are we doing this? It’s all your fault…!

Rachel – Don’t know what you are moaning about I’m up against Annie Simpson, Adela Carter, Claire Beaumont and Diane Lee. I’m going to be annihilated.


The DOACC crew showing off vistas in the Jura

When trying to put a 10 speed wheel in an 11 speed bike and onto the turbo trainer to warm up (with bits of cassette flying in all directions):

Rachel – I don’t understand why this doesn’t work.

Chris – Looks like you are riding around the car park in ever-decreasing circles…

After the women’s race:

Rachel – That was amazing. I have never seen to many people watching a cross race in the UK. I think I saw the Jensie with Chris from Trek – she shouted “Go Fenty”.

Chris – Was it getting dustier? Lots of people seem to have face-planted. Either that or they wanted to audition as traditional mimes…

After the men’s race:

Chris – I definitely I ran over a rat. Poor ratty. I never realised cyclocross could be a blood sport!

Ian Field – Oh, that was you?! I saw it lying on the course, it didn’t look very well.

Chris – Don’t tell the RSPCA…


Chris Races on as the pit crews watch on in awe

Thanks to Derby Cyclocross for organising the NEC Cycleshow Cross. It was the perfect way to showcase cross racing, to show just how accessible it is and that you can build a course pretty much anywhere. We are keen to come back in 2015.

Keep an eye out for plenty more from the DOACC crew here on grit.cx and in the mean time, you can follow Rachel and Chris on twitter:



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