Team awesome jeremy Durrin

Gabby and Jeremy Durrin’s new – Neon Velo – sponsored cyclo cross team.

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Just a week or so after former team mate Jeremy Powers launched his own one man team, former Rapha Focus team mate Gabby Durrin (nee Day) joined forces with husband Jeremy to present their all new, two person team ahead of the cyclo cross race season – Team Awesome
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UK travel company Neon Velo is the title sponsor and the boutique cycling vacationistas are planning to use the couple’s racing to promote their brand as they push into the US market. Gabby previously raced primarily in Europe with top ten places at World Cups most seasons (currently Ranked in the top 15 in the world) but regularly raced in the US with her Rapha Focus team. With her recent receipt of her Green Card, and permanent move to New England permanently over the summer, she’s going to be a far more regular sight on the huge US cross circuit this year.
Jeremy took a major win last year in the Baystate Cyclocross in Massachusetts, and is a regular in the front group at all the biggest races stateside. No doubt we’ll see both Gabby and Jeremy in Europe from time to time too, as race schedules develop. In addition to sponsoring Gabby and Jeremy, its great to see that their Under 23 Team is also going ahead: the people behind the travel brand clearly love cross.
Alongside the title sponsor Neon Velo, 13 other companies have pledged their support – the most noticeable being Trek. Both will ride custom specced Boone framesets, rolling on a plethora of Easton wheels. Easton also supply the bars and such like, with Fizik taking care of seating, Crank Brothers the pedals and a great array of tyres to choose from courtesy of Challenge. Skratch Labs provide Race day hydration but we’re more impressed by the coffee sponsor – Grimpeur Bros. Every Team needs a named coffee sponsor in our opinion.  Fans can follow them, and get more info at the team website, and the usual social media outlets – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
We look forward to seeing them both rip the legs of the other racers at the first official Team Awesome race appearance: Cross Vegas