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  • is a scam website
  • zimbo
    Free Member

    Either way having to earn a living hardly makes him a sell out.

    Yeah, but some ways of earning a living reduce/wipe out your credibility as an artist…

    Free Member

    and presumably you wouldn’t…

    There are plenty of principled artists who wouldn’t. Although, as someone said, Lydon may just have done it to fly in the face of what’s expected of him.

    Free Member

    Not my queen.

    ‘Fraid she is bud, if you live in the UK. Like it or not. Same as that p***k Cameron is my Prime Minister. Which I don’t like.

    Free Member

    jon – thats exactly what he is doing

    No, he’s doing it because they paid him loads of money. It’s the marketing men using his image to sell their stuff.

    Is it any surprise either way? Good as they were, the Sex Pistols were a manufactured band, and were always about self-promotion not politics. One or two anti-establishment songs don’t make you Billy Bragg.

    Free Member

    Oh well, the roads will be quiet.

    Good point. I think I’d rather work then too, and have a different day off.

    Viva la Republique!

    Free Member

    I can’t quite work this out.

    Did the OP subliminally say;
    1) Please keep an eye out for my mate’s bike, or, alternatively,
    2) Disect my mate’s ostensible working week for ambiguities, unlikelihoods and plain lies.

    He hasn’t actually asked for hard cash yet, so need we all be so cynical until he does?

    Free Member

    Is there anyone else who might get a tiny rush of patriotism if our National Anthem was actually about our collective country, and not about the in-breds?

    Mind you, free day off next Tuesday. God bless her majesty..

    Free Member

    Seeing two horses lazing in the hazy 6:30am sunshine on patch of grass on a Gateshead housing estate – a curious splash of bucolic beauty in a mostly-urban ride to work…

    Free Member

    Junky – If a private sector company wastes money, then they will be more expensive than the competition, and I can at all times choose whether to purchase their products/services or not, if I don’t like how they do business, then I don’t have to be a customer.

    I don’t have that choice from the public sector, who will take money from my pocket by force of law regardless of whether I use those services.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    Free Member

    Car shampoo.

    I didn’t even know cars had hair.

    Free Member

    Struth has done an amazing job of humanising the pair of ’em

    It’s two old people sitting in a room.

    Those two sentences mean exactly the same thing…

    Free Member

    I agree, artistically it’s a cracking photo.

    Free Member

    I can well imagine that there’s more to him than the TV personality

    What, you mean his potato head’s even bigger in real life?

    Free Member

    How about Coalition Of Wealthy People Against Tax

    Bit politer than my suggestion but factually perfect!

    Free Member

    That’ll be the (EDIT!) fella…

    Free Member

    We only need to know that Patrick Minford is in the TPA to know that it’s a vulgar cabal of reactionary right wing tossers.

    Free Member

    Again, something I’ve not said or implied

    Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean particularly you, I lazily chose the nearest quote that insinuated that. But it is a common opinion amongst a lot of the posters above, and further afield.


    No, but I bet it’s not absent in people’s motivations

    but you should have said SOME peoples’ motivations…

    Free Member

    Are you really saying jealousy/hypocrisy and snobbery are the only reason anyone could criticise this?

    See above. No, but I bet it’s not absent in people’s motivations, whether they admit it or not

    Why do some people think that having an objection to vast wealth is only ever the result of jealousy? I object to tax avoiders/evaders and the mega rich, but I don’t want their money. I earn a decent living. I have enough. It’s only materialist breadheads who think the rest of us want to be stinking rich too.

    Free Member

    the TaxPayers’ Alliance

    …I’m not sure about plastic bags, but they could save themselves some printing costs on their letterheads by changing their name to the shorter and more appropriate “The ****s”.

    Free Member

    There was a thread on this recently and all those in the know settled on Worcester Bosch as the top dog…

    Free Member

    look for chardonnay for a tenner and you’re probably happier

    or forget what colour it is, get four bottles of Bull’s Blood and you’ll be as happy as you like…

    Free Member

    Never mind the good causes, hopefully he’ll use it to invent a time machine, go back to the late seventies, not start a band and not make any records.

    Free Member

    Do you know what he’s actually doing with all that money

    Is he buying his hat its own private plane?

    Free Member

    Somewhere near Alwinton in the Cheviots might be nice. Not sure where you can wild camp (officially) there, but there’s a pub…
    Falstone near Kielder is in the midst of some nice scenery and has a nice pub, but again, I’m not sure about camping.
    So I haven’t been much help at all really, have I!

    Free Member

    Going back a few years, but in huge letters on a wall in Montreal, which insisted (might still do) that all signs were in French only…

    “F*** You (in French)”

    Free Member

    Let’s not go on, there are no facts here, just opinions.
    Off to get the shed keys…

    Free Member

    I do think it is

    not shite

    That’s exactly what I said you said.

    Free Member

    Maybe you don’t like it, or don’t agree with it, but I DON’T THINK IT’S shite

    Fixed yours.

    I think it’s sh*te.

    Fixed mine.

    Everyone’s happy! 🙂

    Free Member

    that I’ve never read yet still feel qualified to comment on

    never read it, but I have seen it, and I’m aware of what it’s all about…when I’ve finished reading the labels on all the old paint tins in the shed, I might give it a fling…

    Free Member

    You won’t mind if I dismiss your opinion.

    Sorry mate, I didn’t realise you were a subscriber…just tell me to **** off!

    Free Member

    but isn’t it just the same sh*te on more expensive paper?

    I think not because it’s done with the participants knowledge.
    No paparazzi, sensationalistic upskirt photography or kiss and tell stories

    So it’s different sh*te on more expensive paper!

    Free Member

    status he has because of our Hello magazine culture.

    I’ll be honest, I haven’t read any of them, but isn’t it just the same sh*te on more expensive paper?

    Free Member

    Aaah I rarely swear in here but **** off zimbo!!

    Well I’ve not stopped crying after that – I’m terribly hurt.
    I’m not knocking the bloke’s prudent and benevolent use of his profile – fair play to him. I’m knocking the fact that he’s been given the status he has because of our Hello magazine culture.
    I don’t really care whether he’s knighted or not – I fully support recognition of people who contribute to this land and state, but calling people “Sir” is a horrible face of our archaic feudal hierarchy.
    But, like other posters have said, maybe better Beckham than some faceless corporate brown-nose.
    Anyway, I’ll be a good lad and **** off now, like I was told!

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find there is very considerable substance as well as the abundantly obvious style. If he is special its simply because he’s bloody good at what he does, and nowadays that extends way beyond the game of football.

    I think you’ll find his public profile is out of proportion to his footballing or other ability, it’s built more on his celebrity marriage and, sadly, his good looks. I don’t doubt he’s a decent bloke and a good egg at heart, but so are a lot of others who will never receive that attention because they’re not as media friendly or as self-promoting.

    Free Member

    All those bleating about celebrity – that’s his wife, not him

    Is that really true? He seems like a pretty good self-promoter to me. Granted, she’s worse, but he hardly stays at home hiding behind the curtains, does he?

    Free Member

    He does far more good than bad so why not…….

    On that basis, there’d be LOADS of us getting one. Well, not me. I’m at least 51% bad, and definitely a ****.

    Free Member

    Why not? For his services in epitomising that ever-growing style-over-substance, celebrity obsessed, I’m-special-cos-I’m-famous section of our society.

    Free Member

    Hope that helps

    No, not really. I still think you had a reasonable answer. But I’ll keep out of it.

    Free Member

    do you include Scientology? Where do you draw the line?

    “I don’t “draw the line” on any religion

    I hate to interject on a private tiff, but didn’t the latter answer the former?

    Free Member

    theyve stopped heating the swiming pools

    heated pools are for jessies anyway

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