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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • zimbo
    Free Member


    Free Member

    So you asked, they said no suit, and almost everyone seems to be recommending a suit..??? I’d go with your original shoes/kex/shirt thought.

    I long for the day when what comes out of your brain via your mouth is more important than what you’re wearing. In the (admittedly maverick) office where I work, we have a theory that ability is often inversely proportional to the cost of your clobber.

    Free Member

    Can’t wait til I’m 80, look how many surplus chicks there are…

    Free Member

    That Buffalo Tom album – Let Me Come Over, I think it’s called – one of the best covers of all time.

    Free Member

    How much debt are you happy to saddle future generations with?

    A sustainable amount, like we all always lived with.

    Free Member

    On balance, would we be better off if the current Labour party were in power?

    On balance, we’d be better off if Beavis and Butthead were in power.

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member
    1. Cut or get rid of all social welfare benefits except for those with medical conditions.
    2. Cut or get rid of all unemployment benefits and all benefits except for those with medical conditions.
    3. Get rid of Human Rights shite because I have more rights than you maggots!
    4. Cull the population by brining back hanging for the condemn … hang, drawn and quartered would be better but then most people can a bit squeamish at seeing raw meat.
    5. Use the prisoners as slave labour … yes, hard labour and yes, they have no rights.
    6. Prisoners body part should be recycled as a way to compensate the society.
    7. No income tax until you earn £50K per annum and that should be 30% to start with.

    Ohhh…you big softy…

    Free Member

    Don’t forget about the swans. They eat our swans you know.

    Our swans? How dare you. They’re Her Majesty’s swans.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    You wouldn’t need to make any savings at all if you just made the rich, and corporations, pay the same rate of tax as us ‘little people’

    No more needs to be said…

    Free Member

    what did happen to etto helmets?

    Well it certainly throws a curve ball at the Syrian situation.

    Free Member

    Jez usual pedants on here….

    Who are you calling a pedant? I’ve never touched a child in my life.

    Free Member

    some have o’levels

    Euphemism too?

    Free Member

    Has anyone heard anything about a Turkish jet?

    Free Member

    Teachers been to strict today

    Dear, oh dear. Where do we start..?

    Free Member

    Oh, and it’s “An Archduke”

    Full stop?

    Free Member

    it snuffled off, without even saying a thankyou, you save its life, you give it a lift home and a bed, and it cant even say thanks.

    It’s like that injured, abandoned seal I found on a beach. Thought about ringing the RSPCA, but decided to do the right thing. Took it to the pictures to see “Drive”. Afterwards, the seal said it was a slow burner with a crap soundtrack. Ungrateful little turd. Glad I hit it with that club.

    Free Member

    Or taken on holiday for two weeks in the sun…

    Sh*t, yeah. Maybe it wasn’t lost. Maybe it was just waiting for a bus. Did it have a suitcase?

    Free Member

    How did you know it was lost?
    How did taking it to your mate’s house improve this situation?

    Don’t you know anything about fauna? Attenborough always stresses that wild animals near tarmac are instinctively expressing their innate urge to be put in a sports bag. Then on a bed. In a flat.

    Free Member

    Great post though, MacC. I love it when people think exactly what I think – saves me all that typing!

    A name from the Third Policeman, and a pic of Steve Buscemi (I think!) on your profile. Are you actually me?

    Free Member

    The whole island and inbred population need sinking!

    Bit nasty.

    Could swap it for the Falklands though? Argentinian weather should improve the water-logging.

    Free Member

    The poor pay more for pretty much everything

    Yes but, on the plus side, they die younger so the suffering is shorter.

    Free Member

    PS anyone know what “snarky” means? Or “sub-Guardian”?

    Got “snarky” from google. “Sub-Guardian” remains a msytery.

    Free Member

    “You said it on the radio”

    No I didn’t say exactly that. Prove it.

    If it was on the radio, there’s a good chance it can be proved. I think if the OP turned back on that advice, then there’s a fair chance of a refund. Although it might be more trouble than it’s worth. Small claims court might be an option.

    PS anyone know what “snarky” means? Or “sub-Guardian”?

    Free Member

    Maybe they should be given a free allowance, based on average usage for the area, from the energy companies and anything above this is chargable.

    This isn’t a bad idea. Follow that with a reasonable rate for so many units of consumption. Then punitive rates for people who want to light up their gardens like effing Blackpool.

    utilities should not be in the hands of private companies

    Couldn’t agree more. English water owned by a French company. How did that happen?

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    Isle of Man on my Dad’s side many moons ago and Northumberland/Cumria Borders region on my Mother’s side. They were drovers so you have my family to thank for many of the bridleways and drovers roads in Northumberland and Cumbria that you may ride.

    Thankyou for the Northumbrian bridleways I ride. Now, would you mind apologising for all that cow sh*t?

    Free Member

    the average man on the street clearly doesn’t/didn’t give two hoots about The Falklands

    Probably the same as here then.

    Although our buses are sh*t.

    Free Member

    I’ve been licking out the inside of a Fray Bentos tin…will I burn in hell?

    That’s in Uruguay so you’re probably safe. You might be a footballing racist though.

    Free Member

    I’ve just watched a brilliant Argentinian film. Should I be ashamed?

    Free Member

    You know, people always bang on about the greatest story ever told being that one about that kid born in a barn, became a joiner, good at working up a buffet with limited bread/fish resources etc. They obviously hadn’t visited That sublime ending leaves us wondering profoundly about our very existence.

    Free Member

    And indeed, the K2 scheme that Carr was involved with, was not illegal, therefore, as you say, we as a society, have imposed a moral consensus on that issue, which takes account of all the many personal morals expressed.

    I take your point, but have we? Who was even aware of K2 until this week? I certainly wasn’t. Tax dodging generally may have been in the public domain, but I think more and more the hypocracies of a system which benefits the rich only are becoming evident, and becoming a moral, as well as financial, issue.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member

    An anti abortionist thinks abortion is immoral
    A pro abortionist thinks removing a woman’s right to choose is immoral

    Both arguments are “morally justifiable” aren’t they ?
    So they must both be right ? ……. Right ?

    We have a law that allows abortion, to a certain point during pregnancy. Therefore we, as a society, have imposed a moral consensus on that issue, which takes account of all the many personal morals expressed. We can also impose a moral consensus on tax dodging.

    There are plenty of things that are legal, that most of us would find morally indefensible.

    such as ?

    How about a heavily pregnant woman drinking and smoking to excess? I’d imagine most of us find that morally abhorrent, but it’s not illegal.

    But Morals are personal, and very wide ranging, so have no real part in deciding where the line is.

    Like Junkyard says, morals form the basis for many, if not most, of our laws. Personal morality becomes social morality and when the majority of us feel a line has been crossed, then legislation ensues. Or are you suggesting something other than societal morals is paramount in determining our legislation? I’m quite prepared to accept that I’m wrong, but I can’t see what else might.

    Free Member

    Morals are a personal thing, not universal.

    So to say its not “Morally justifiable” means nothing more than “I don’t agree with it”

    It’s just a fancy way of saying it that’s all.

    Judging by his comments on telly last night, I don’t think Carr could morally justify it either. But yes, I don’t agree with it, and I think it should be illegal as well as immoral, or amoral for that matter.

    There are plenty of things that are legal, that most of us would find morally indefensible. And similarly, many things which are illegal are so because of a moral standpoint. You have to draw a line somewhere.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member

    When, in reality, he’s an amoral c***.

    That’s a balanced opinion

    Feel free to offer your own “balanced” opinion…

    Free Member

    I don’t see the problem if it’s legal, this is nothing new just another way of paying less tax

    Yeah, but the problem is that this is disproportionately a trick of the wealthy, which means that those who can’t escape tax, ie generally the less well paid, suffer more. Legal it may be, morally justifiable, more often than not, it ain’t.

    Free Member

    …fair play to Jon Richardson on 8 out of 10 cats, gave Carr a bit of stick without a tongue in his cheek. Sean Lock and the others had a pop but more in a “this’ll get a laugh” way. And Carr just seemed to think it’s okay because he knows he’s been a naughty boy. When, in reality, he’s an amoral c***. Richardson 10, Carr 0.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine was just murdered by 13 year olds, they beat him to death in the street last saturday for refusing to sell them alcohol.

    Seriously Bwaarp sorry to hear about your mate, but this can’t be representative of a city.

    Free Member

    TuckerUK – Member

    That along with a certain number of no questions asked sick days per year that everyone just adds on to their holiday entitlement.

    Mother, partner, best friend wife, various inlaws all public sector workers

    …so why don’t you ask them what actually happens, rather than repeating some baseless whinge you obviously heard from a bitter man in the street?

    Free Member

    Try Rhino UK Bootliners…

    Free Member

    I’m happy i’ve done the right thing on balance

    I think you have too. Nice one. Hope the pr*ck learns a lesson.

    Free Member

    Yes, it is wrong. Yes, I would do the same if I earned millions of pounds a year (and deep down so would most of you).

    Thanks for pointing out what an execrable human being I must be without even realising it.

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