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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • zimbo
    Free Member

    Not sure about anthemic (EDIT – or new!), but for gritty indie rock, look no further than Afghan Whigs’ “Gentlemen”.

    Free Member

    I respect the church’s view that they don’t want to hold gay marriages.

    I don’t. That’s bigotry. Where any church’s views conflict with what secular society generally believes, then secular society needs to impose its collective will. I don’t respect working mens’ clubs which don’t want women in, and rejection of homosexuality by a church is on a par with that.

    Free Member

    I find crack dealing has shorter hours and more hookers.

    Free Member

    living a life with wings and halos

    And if they do believe that then why do they still cry at funerals?

    …because Wings are a truly sh!te band..?

    Free Member

    The Dali Lama

    Is the misspelling of “llama” part of the surreality?

    Free Member

    Granted i would rather be like the his holiness than the other one [the Pope].

    I’d be the Pope – you get a big hat and a massive house in Rome. The other fella just gets grief.

    Mind you, I’m an atheist so I apparently have no moral rules to my guide my tawdry little life.

    Free Member

    What capitalism does is provide a framework outside of society which is in most case self regulating

    …yes, of course, just like kids in sweet shops. You know you’ve had enough when you spew all over your sailor suit.

    Free Member

    I saw him at Liverpool Royal Court in the early eighties (not to mention loads of times since), supported if I remember correctly by nuts Japanese girl band Frank Chickens and by one Porky the Poet who is now better known as, I think, Phill Jupitus.

    Bragg is truly the man. Brilliant songwriter, politically astute, fervent anti-fascist and an all round good egg. If Britain was full of people like him, this would be a much better place to live.

    Free Member

    Theoretically yes – the little jaunts to the shop, or to return a DVD, wouldn’t happen. But like some others, I’d probably just break the law.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A reasonable price is what someone is prepared to pay for the ticket. If that’s more than the face value, then so be it. The face value itself might be deemed unreasonable by some.

    Oh, you must be one of them there capitalists.

    Free Member

    IHN – Member
    It should be illegal to sell a ticket at over face value, if you ask me.


    Because it encourages people to buy tickets only to sell them on and make money, denying other people the chance to go to the event at a reasonable price.

    Why not?

    Free Member

    Although I did buy from one once, at less than face value, I’d rather miss a gig than buy from a scalper. It should be illegal to sell a ticket at over face value, if you ask me.

    Free Member

    samuri – Member
    So if it was just a wall separating the two gardens, what then?

    If it straddles the boundary, then it’s likely to be a party wall. If it’s on one side of the boundary, it’s unlikely to be a party wall. In this case, it sounds like the wall belongs to the OP. And even if it was a party wall, I’m pretty sure you need to serve an appropriate notice before you fiddle with it…

    Free Member

    Any ideas??


    Free Member

    I was interviewed once by a guy called Martin Martin

    I used to work with a bloke called Stephen Stephen, affectionately (?!) referred to (behind his back) as “Kn*bhead Kn*bhead”.

    Free Member

    I don’t ask permission when I put some shelves up on the semi-seperating wall

    I don’t think this is relevant. The wall here forms no physical part of the neighbour’s property. In my opinion, they shouldn’t be screwing stuff into a wall that doesn’t belong to them, although as others have suggested, a polite query would probably have got them permission to do so.

    Free Member

    Better management of the current budgets would, of course, be too radical an idea.

    I’m working with schools at the moment who are cutting staff numbers to almost unworkable levels just to balance budgets. I wouldn’t be so arrogant to presume they’re doing that because they’re all just rubbish business managers or accountants.

    Free Member

    Definitely not a bad thing onehundred, although I’m sure those less-privileged kids need to demonstrate some potential to improve. And I bet that positive discrimination is still far outweighed by the number of relative thickos who get on in life because they went to the “right” school…

    Free Member

    Great quote in a film I saw recently; if what you have to say is less important than silence, be quiet

    …and maybe I should follow my own advice. Shush now, zimbo…

    Free Member

    Statistically (probably), 99.9995% of mobile phone calls are about total sh*te and can be safely ignored whatever you’re doing. From my own research on public transport, people who talk the loudest have the least to say, as do people who spend the longest whittering on mobile phones.

    Great quote in a film I saw recently; if what you have to say is less important than silence, be quiet.

    Free Member

    Bright kids with good parents will normally find their way, if not at school then via the higher education system. I mean, how qualified do you really need to be at 16? My concern is that the kids at the bottom of the pile, societally and intellectually, get neglected and let-down, when they’re the ones who need the attention. By all means segregate kids to some extent, although not permanently, but don’t use that as an excuse to forget about the low achievers. That **** Cameron’s idea to pay teachers in low wage areas less is a disgusting example of how to ensure that starting off low means staying low.
    And what also needs attention is the prejudice that gives kids from “good” schools preferential treatment in universities and jobs.

    Free Member

    You tried Travelodge? We always use them in London. Plenty of centrally located ones, and normally somewhere around your price bracket…

    Free Member

    Have you ever been to a restaurant

    No. Sit-down Greggs once, but found it awfully high-falutin.

    Free Member

    Is she still stood behind you? Making you type stuff?

    Free Member

    you mean ‘refuse collection engineer specialists’

    That’s them. Known in certain well-heeled areas as Refcollengspeccers.

    Free Member

    i blame binners

    Oh that’s right, blame the working man for the excesses of the wealthy. (Binners are blokes what empty bins, aren’t they?)

    Free Member

    I assume he was pushed.

    Pity he wasn’t closer to a hideous, rocky cliff. And chained to others of his ilk.

    Free Member

    Yes, the Labour party wage restriction policy of the 70’s applied to workers earning less than £8,500

    …and they did nothing to increase progressive taxation??

    Free Member

    kids need to be able to cope with dissapointment

    Yeah, she’ll be alright at home with a family bag of crisps and a 12 pack of pepsi cola. A postcard would be nice though.

    Free Member

    Much as I like bikes, I don’t think they fit into the ‘basics of living’ category…

    Your nasty mate Norman Tebbit might disagree.

    Free Member

    Well if we could free up the 6,000 council homes currently occupied by those earning over £100,000k pa they’d be some more property available.

    No, what we should do is band the rental payments; you earn more, you pay more. It’s a good thing that the wealthier live with less-wealthy, but there should be a progressive element to the cost of doing so.

    Free Member

    So, are you going to continue with your ridiculous proposition that Tory governments focused on a policy of “wage depression”

    Read what MSP wrote. He’s talking about wage depression biased towards the less well-paid only. That Tory ethic that the rich need higher wages to motivate them, and the poor need lower, sickens me. The sooner these self-serving, slack-jawed posh boys are booted out, the better.

    Free Member

    Neither Beckham’s celebrity status nor Pearce’s FA grudge (if that’s the reason) are a good enough reason to play or not play the former. Personally, I think that Olympic footie teams should be composed entirely of non-professional players.

    Free Member

    Its not proper play dough, just a cheap Chinese copy that Grandma bought

    Here you go then…




    Free Member

    That kid in the Milky Bar advert. Forty years he’s been doing that. I wonder what’ll happen when he dies?

    Free Member

    I only have peasant telly, but it was on my Lovefilm list until it was replaced, on your recommendation, with the one with Paradis’ arse in it.

    Free Member

    Specifically, I have won a painting competition in junior school.

    I think you’ve blown it there. No-one likes a show-off.

    Free Member

    Ooops. Mine’s timber. Ignore me.

    Free Member

    I got a TGB sheds security shed. Cut above the B&Q balsa ones. It’s really solid. And good to hide in.

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