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  • zimbo
    Free Member

    Trustees or Trustees’

    I’d definitely go with the apostrophe…

    Free Member

    No, you’d argue it wasn’t fit for purpose

    Yes, it’s not fit for purpose under controls established to protect the consumer from illicit traders. Similarly, controls should exist over what cigarette manufacturers can put in ciggies. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge advocate of personal responsibility, but I’m also a huge advocate of us being able to make choices in full knowledge, not in a cloud of pressure and misinformation from unscrupulous sellers.
    Going back to the earlier posts, pubs sell trebles cheaper than singles to get people drunk, because drunk people spend more than relatively sober ones. If that’s not the case, and a treble is £2, why won’t they sell me a single for 66p??

    Free Member

    Nicotine occours naturaly, it’s not an additive

    Might be big news to you, but there’s a lot more in a fag than nicotine.

    Free Member

    No-one forces me to go MTBing, I’m to blame if I injure myself on some giant drop, not my fork manufacturer who told me they’re ace and can handle a 6ft drop. Even though adrenalin is an addictive naturally occuring substance targetted by the market forces that be Marzocchi and On-One.

    What an inane analogy. What if they could sell you a bike that was patently, or latently, dangerous to ride. You’d sharp complain then if you were injured.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about what’s done behind the scenes in production etc, and I don’t agree to marketting to chiddlers (as with alcohol), but outside that I have no issues with them either

    So they put chemicals in cigarettes to make them more addictive. When the educated western markets dry up, they exploit the lack of health education in the east. Just let them get on with it all, eh, and blame the consumer? God help us if we lived in a society where no provider had to take responsibility for the goods they sell or the people to whom they sell.

    Free Member

    Pusher? Dear God! Really?

    That was analogy, not melodrama.

    Free Member

    Twaddle. People need to learn a bit of self control and responsibility, though your comments are proof it’s pretty lacking and the expectations of it are lacking also

    Yes, it’s patently lacking and that’s why everyone concerned needs to take a look at how they’re behaving. I take it you think cigarette manufacturers behave perfectly ethically? Wise up.

    Free Member

    Or Colt 45, if you fancy getting well wrecked!

    Free Member

    That’s it, I’m off to get four cans of Harp and sit in the park…

    Free Member

    Can’t post links very well, but null

    Free Member


    Not inherently great, but the nostalgia…

    Free Member

    Were you at the same parties as me?

    Free Member

    It’s fine to drink if you’re thirsty after eating some dust from underneath the fridge.

    Free Member

    Brilliant song…takes me back to the house parties of my teens.

    I also recently heard “Skin Deep” by the Stranglers for the first time in decades. Nearly made me cry…

    Free Member

    It’s not the sellers fault, it’s personal responsibility

    Disagree entirely – when pubs sell trebles cheaper than singles, it’s hardly encouraging sensible drinking is it? Pusher and user both have some responsibility.

    Free Member

    How about encouragement from the people that flog the stuff, corporately and locally?
    And that sadly pervasive attitude that “I can do what I like…”

    Free Member

    Does Tevez remind anyone else of the Feral Kid from Mad Max 2..?

    Free Member

    whats stout got to do wiv apostrofees?

    Free Member

    You, surely

    You, surely?

    Free Member


    you could have left that one out to give us pedants some sport…

    Free Member

    As a Man Utd fan I’m shocked, insulted and wounded by that picture. That’s quite unbelievable

    Good job you’re probably from London or somewhere then; seeing it first hand might have made you cry 😀

    Free Member

    He’s in early because he’s a sign writer with an apostrophe problem to solve before he gets his paintbrush out..

    Free Member

    Either…although I think “at” work is better English…

    Free Member

    I don’t think so, but I hate formality. And being only half-English I have a name which could be either male or female and I hate being addressed, as a guess, as Ms.!

    I’d use the first name and sign off “yours sincerely”. Then worry about when you attend the interview and they have breasts AND a moustache…

    Free Member

    Dear [insert first name]…

    Free Member

    Yeah, maybe all the junky Heatraes etc. of this world bring the average mean time to first failure down. I think the OP should be reassured that Worcester is the way to go!

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t the law allow us (cyclists) to turn left, or go straight ahead where there is no left turn, against red lights where it’s safe to do so? I reckon so…

    Free Member

    Mechanical engineers I work with seem to think Worcester and Baxi are the ones to go for. Combis do seem to have a reputation for abysmal life spans though – seven years average before major repair or replacement rings a bell.

    Free Member

    Facebook is what YOU make of it.

    As you might have guessed, I’m a cynical misanthrope so I’m not even on it!

    Free Member

    Is everyone here on Facebook? I must be missing something, but I’m not that interested in knowing that someone I didn’t like thirty years ago at school has just put the kettle on.

    Free Member

    Lodders might have set the bar a little too high on the hate stakes

    Yeah, I’ve seen his comments elsewhere. I probably feel innately similar, but I hate the word “scum” when applied generically. Except on match days… 😀

    Free Member

    Don’t understand why footbal so partisan/them and us

    You’re kidding? Partisanship is the only honest thing about footy these days. I love hating Man Utd. as I’m sure they love hating Liverpool. Although I’m worried about my sneaking admiration for the fans and philosophy of FC United…

    Free Member

    No plaudits for Liverpool in bucking the “big spend buys success” philosophy? We spent a fortune and did rubbish. Bloody crossbar.

    Free Member

    The only problem it might not solve is, “Jim, can you fix it for me to be a ****”

    Free Member

    And you know I’m not coming down
    You’re trying
    But you know you must soon go down
    All my colours
    Turn to clouds
    All my colours
    Turn to cloud

    What d’you say
    When your heart’s in pieces
    How to play
    Those cards in sequence
    That box you gave me
    Burned nicely
    That box you gave me
    Burned nicely

    Flying down
    Flying down

    All my colours
    Turn to clouds
    All my colours
    Turn to cloud

    Hey I’m flowing
    Hey I’m flowing
    That box you gave me
    Burned nicely
    That box you gave me
    Burned nicely
    Hey I’ve flown away
    Hey I’ve flown away
    All my colours”

    Anyone else know it/love it…?

    Free Member

    You realise that around 68 percent of couples with children have both parents working these days? That’s a pretty large majority that you disapprove of.
    It must be nice to have the choice though.

    Having to work and wanting to work are two different things. There are too many kids being born today who seem to be accessories to people’s lives and come second place to their parents’ career ambitions. You know the ones, palmed off on grandparents every day. I reckon most kids would prefer a hug from mum or dad when they need it to a five bedroom house with two ensuites. That’s not to belittle the strife of people who genuinely have to work, but that isn’t the case in a big chunk of that 68 percent.

    Free Member

    Why do people offer an opinion in a forum, then feel “bullied” because other people dispute that opinion?

    Free Member

    Anyone, with kids or not, might understand. We were all kids once, and most of us probably wanted to be looked after by our mum and dad. I don’t know the OP’s circumstances, but if they need a nanny because they both have “careers”, then my sympathy is in short supply.

    Free Member

    Whatever the BNP have to say that is good, is utterly overshadowed by their fundamental, vicious racist standpoint. You can’t justify the actions of a rapist because he loves his mum.

    Free Member

    Are you a country or a person ?

    If he/she follows the fatally flawed economical theory which made this financial collapse inevitable, it matters not…

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