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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • zimbo
    Free Member

    As a counterpoint to all the testosterone fueled stuff here how about Wendy and Lucy. Great film.

    I’d agree, and by the same director and writer (who also both did Meek’s Cutoff which has been mentioned a couple of times), Old Joy. If you like the slow-moving stuff, that is. If you like car chases, you’ll hate it.

    Free Member

    Rick McCollum’s stuff on The Afghan Whigs’ “Gentlemen” LP is beautiful and painful enough for any other five guitarists.

    Free Member

    If it’s a stainless steel pan, wire wool’ll work wonders. Oooh, lovely alliteration too.

    Free Member

    Gnat’s cock (unit of measurement)

    A groundworks foreman I used to work with only ever used two (suitably-manly) units of measurement: a rake or a c*ntful.

    Free Member

    It’s harder for the atheist terrorist. Shouting “biological chance is more likely” is quite a mouthful when the pin’s been pulled out.

    Free Member

    Aller akbar

    What’s that, like? A german boozer?

    Free Member

    Limited menu, but what’s on it is great and it’s the best boozer in Liverpool city centre – The Lion on Moorfields/Tithebarn Street.

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth, yabzego, I thought it was a cracking post in an arcane, head-scratchy kind of way . Beats “recommend me a food mixer” any day of the week. Not sure I have much to offer in response because I don’t even take paracetamol, but look after yourself and try and keep off the toots and on the pedals.

    Free Member

    under the current definition a same sex couple cannot perform the acts necessary for consummation.

    So what’s the definition? My dictionary says “sexual intercourse”.
    There’s no good reason for any of this anti-gay discrimination. It’s vulgar, anachronistic bigotry, full stop.

    Free Member

    Armstrong AND Millar would be well nang, blood, And I’m not even lying. Standard.

    Free Member

    I have a Yeti Greenline. I think it’s bottom of the range trim-wise, but it’s fine. I rarely get less than 50 mpg on any journey, even short ones, overall average about 55 mpg, mostly urban/suburban commuting. Compares well with the 1.9 tdi Golf I had previously, which averaged about 44 mpg on the same journeys.

    Free Member

    we need a reduction in the size of roads with dual carrigeway roads being de-lanned and one lane converted to cycle lanes or right turn lanes

    …and better, faster, more frequent trains, buses that take bikes going to more destinations, etc. etc. I fear it’ll never happen, though.

    Free Member

    Seems as if us the tax payer are funding a new lane each side of the m25, just to allieviate congestion

    …and there’s also the notion that building more roads merely serves to create MORE congestion…

    Free Member

    Flaperon – Member

    You ever tried to deal with a nationalised company on the continent?

    No, but I dealt with plenty in this country before the tory fiends privatised the utilities, and it was much better. Less fractured, more local knowledge and less deceipt.

    Free Member

    Duggan – Member

    I often think that if I never saw another advert for anything ever, I would be so, so much better off

    Get yourself to Cuba. I went there a couple of years ago and it was so refreshing to be somewhere where you’re not bombarded with inane adverts.

    Free Member

    I’m thinking it must refer to the sound of the letter “u” rather than the letter itself. Or it could just be a load of shite to tie in with the rest of the advert.

    Free Member

    but not in the least bit sad

    Is it not sad that a child is left without a father? Or that a bloke who so obviously loved his son still felt driven to do something so patently dangerous? The things I found most sad were his wife’s comments at the end of the film, that she believed he’d achieved what he set out to. Her pride in him, and love for him, were humbling.

    I’d neither condone or condemn his actions. People, including those with kids, do daft stuff every day of the week which could feasibly leave them unable to fully care for their family. Maybe not with the same odds of failure as McAuley, but still with significant risk. I know a lad whose dad drank himself to death at 37 who will probably never understand why. At least McAuley’s son might be able to extract some, however limited, sense of why his father did what he did.

    Free Member

    Rightio then – why don’t you type out, nice and clearly so everyone at the back can hear, why exactly you think that legally requiring women to wear less clothes than they would like to would be in their best interest?

    And whilst you’re at it, you can also explain why you agree with the naked rambler being forced to wear more clothes than he desires.

    Maybe he’s a clothes communist seeking to redress a blatant imbalance?

    Free Member

    You are putting words in my mouth, Graham S and Junkyard. I suggest you stick to analysing what I type not what you think I’m thinking.

    I’d let them crack on with thinking what you’re thinking. It’ll be less daft than what you’re typing.

    Free Member

    People have been banned for less than this tosh.

    A bloke called Gough was jailed for something far less offensive. Although I’m biased, because I just want to see his c*ck.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find we need to protect people from their own peoples and force them to do as we say in the interests of the victims of barbaric practices, Junkyard. I’ll be more specific: Bild quote 23 000 genitally mutilated women in Germany of which 2000 were carried out in Germany and Muslim religious practice is the principal reason quoted by Bild. So when you say Burka wearers don’t commit crimes, think again.

    Are you just testing Chutney’s vocabulary?

    Free Member

    Jesus that’s a stunning film. That footage near the end after the violent storm, in the calm water with the sea bird floating near his kayak put tears in my eyes.

    Free Member

    I had a friend who played drums a few times for a crap pub band, who once had a temporary keyboard player who used to play in a Flock of Seagulls. For a bit.
    I don’t see him anymore. I wanted to hit him with a spade, I was so jealous.

    Free Member

    I can only wink with one eye

    …I thought this had been started by a south african, and they meant with one hand

    Free Member

    people on minimum wage have never had it so good.

    They should pay them in ripped tents. That’d teach them.

    Free Member

    The fact he likes kicking about kids play areas with his knob out speaks volumes about him.

    I think he was probably flaccid though, so does that make him not a paedophile, or merely an impotent paedophile? Which volume is that in?

    Free Member

    I think you get 10% less miserableness if you buy one of their crap membership cards though.

    Free Member

    is probably less of a bandwagon jumper than most politicians who are spouting about this

    I remain to be convinced.

    It’s that rare occasion, though, where one MP has acted with absolute integrity. Steve Rotheram. He should be proud of himself.

    Free Member

    overcooking the analogy a bit

    Conceded. Racial equality vs. wandering about with your holiday money dangling in the breeze. Not quite the same!

    Free Member

    atlaz – he does need to have some sort of mental health assessment, not because of the nudity but because of his unwillingness to compromise or work around the requests of the authorities

    Yeah, and that Rosa Parks should have just got another bus.

    Free Member

    Mellor was also a Home Office minister in the late eighties. I question his motives. The last thing this movement for justice needs is disingenuous band-wagon jumpers seeking to wash the sh*t off their hands. If his motives are clean, then maybe his opinion is welcome.

    Free Member

    he can get the help he seems to need.

    Why does he need “help” because he likes not wearing clothes? Just because you’re different to most people, doesn’t make you mentally ill. We should have better things to worry about, and adults shouldn’t be traumatised, supposedly on kids’ behalves, by non-sexual nudity.

    Free Member

    David Mellor on R2, never thought I would ever say this but what a superb interview

    If he’s been saying this for 23 years, then good on him for reiterating it now. If he hasn’t then he should shut the f&*k up with his political posturing.

    Free Member

    pingu66 – Zimbo I experienced it first hand, lost two mates

    I only lost a few nights’ sleep thinking how close I came. It must have been/still be unbearable for you and all those other friends, mothers, fathers. I hope you can get some closure now.

    Free Member

    bikebuoy -It’s been an awful long time now and I think really people ought to have but this to rest after the event

    This is probably the stupidest, even it’s not malicious, thing I’ve ever read on here.

    Not sure if anyone else here experienced it all first hand.
    I was there in 1988, and the organisation was shambolic. There were always going to be more Liverpool fans than Forest, so it defied logic that the more spacious end of the ground was given to Forest. There may have been some reason for that, but no lessons seem to have been learned that year.
    In 1989 my pal and I, in the best decision we’ll ever make in our stupid lives, moved from behind the goal over an hour before kick-off, because there was, even then, barely room to breathe. Police and stewards were nowhere to be seen when we entered the ground, and were patently oblivious to, or uninterested in, to the overcrowding building up long before kick-off.
    We watched from the safety of the back of that stand as people died, the Liverpool fans did what they could and the “organisers” fell to pieces. That failure was bad enough. The subsequent months, years and decades of lies are worse. I hope the axe now falls. Then, maybe, we can start putting it to rest.

    Free Member

    I don’t agree with this, so I’m going to extend my garden by 8m by knocking down my house.

    Free Member


    +1 – what a film!
    Glengarry Glenross
    The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2)

    Free Member

    however I hate the “politics of envy” where people who do well

    Where does this notion of “envy” come from? I’m not envious of the mega-rich, many of whom are amoral egotists. It remains the case that the uber-wealthy (and I don’t mean GPs earning £100K) become wealthier while the poor become poorer, and societies break down because of that. The only people insulated from that meltdown are the ones at the top of the tree, while the poor in this world pay for everything, whether Mexican peasants, African miners or minimum wage earners on English sink estates. It suits the mega-wealthy for the poor to be defenceless and in fear of poverty.
    I’m not financially wealthy or on the breadline either, but I’d happily pay more tax if it evened out the pile.

    This ain’t envy, this is disgust.

    Free Member

    That’s a lovely, pointless colour chart.
    That said, I might do the bathroom in that 21.8% green.

    Free Member

    If you tax the rich too much they will just bugger off.

    Any that want to leave, let them go. Parasites.
    Why do so many people peddle this sh*te on behalf the self serving elite?

    You should have to work for welfare and not just accept it is your given right to have them.

    We pay taxes for the welfare state, so when you need to call on that, it is your given right to receive it.

    The welfare bill in this country is massive and that is what needs to be tackled.

    This sickens me. Blaming the poor for the state of the nation. It’s like blaming the blood for the wound.

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