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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • zaskar
    Free Member

    Congrats btw (found your post interesting)

    Have you planned how to do it? on one knee etc or firework display?

    Free Member

    Thats why I go tfed up of carbon parts and bought AM alloy parts -ride more without worrying about the carbon bars etc.

    My carbon bars are 2 yrs old, the seatpost creaks…probably as I am big bloke 100kg…

    I'm changing that for alloy, if it starts to creak then be careful or replace.

    Free Member

    Projection of their thoughts about themselves maybe?

    Just ignore them. Besides people live longer and do more things.

    (18 till I die!)

    Free Member

    Also check the max movement by your front mech (over ride)

    It could be restricted by the screw to stop it going too far but only check if the cable is already tight as stated above^^^

    Free Member

    Turn off your PC,

    Go out and ride more,

    Take a step back,

    Model better riders.

    Go on Jedi's skill course (I've only heard great things)

    Free Member

    How about the one that involves a kicking…


    Free Member

    If you are busy watching other drivers I hope you;re keeping an eye on your own driving.

    Now you know why car drivers hate cyclists-anger management and my road my car and you're in the way!

    That sort of mentality only miffs other drivers off and they put that on other drivers.

    Free Member

    Even though it was on my winter roadbike, pootled around gently (neck injury) and it felt awesome!

    Free Member

    They know that, they are just trying to do a STW jobbie.

    All I wanted was to see other experiences not whether I was right or wrong and got a trial but to be expected on here.

    If I wanted to know if I was in the legal right I would not consult STW Joe Nobody for legal advice -I learned that before.

    To me its no different from being knocked over by a car but sure there is a minor involved and that may make me look bad but I can live with it.

    Free Member

    The 3 lions looks so really good.

    Free Member

    Its nothing personal.

    Its insurance, practical and financial.

    Free Member

    AlasdairMc, Smelli it and Hora and pals,

    I've already spoken to the parents who thanked me for giving first aid and looking after their kid organisining ambulance even when I was injured I thought it was more important than stupid bikes. But when I called him a few days later to ask how the kid was he basically told me he was instructed not to speak to me and put the phone down.

    I'm not talking about fraud, I'm claiming for my bike off my own insurance e.g. a car drives off but you can still claim from yourself.
    But my uninsured losses are not covered and they are at fault and probably seeked legal advice themselves.

    I've covered myself, have 3 main witnesses and police reports.
    I was only ever seeking moral advice regarding a minor as I felt it was wrong to do so as I felt sorry for them even though I was not at fault.

    I know nothing about the minor, I have no grudges, I do have a fact that I am out of pocket because someone was being stupid.

    But if only the replies from yourself saying I'm petty? people who do know me from here will know I am not like that at all.

    You can defend Hora and yourself but you showed your true colours like many people on here.

    I am not wasting my time anymore on this forum arguing but I will be claiming and I thank you all for convincing me to.

    Cheers :D

    Free Member

    Wrong Coy, The insurance model is based on that 1/3 of buyers will claim.

    As more people are educated we aware of our rights and claims increase, but to keep profit margins high the insurance companies increase premiums.

    Your risk profile will add more than I ever will.

    Your age, career and your home location. Its called capitalism.

    Rounders? you need to be enlightened!

    Free Member

    Last of the summer wine bloke? never watched that sorry. But in my area of the country Old fashion way is this:

    Free Member

    Sorry TJ I didn't understand what you mean?

    If aimed at me, well it depends on the circumstances.

    Legally you need witnesses and be in the legal right, and to demostrate a model to the 3rd party.

    If a cyclist is knocked off but it was the cyclist 100% at fault then I would say no unless they have personal accident cover.

    If the cyclist was knocked off by car driver 100% at fault e.g. pulling out of junctions I would say the cyclist can claim-if they want to.

    Free Member

    AlasdairMc – Member
    Hora isn't trying to defame you, he's just pointing out two threads where you've wanted to sue people where most other people would have got on with their lives.

    You're out of pocket this time, why not use the compensation from last time to cover your losses?

    Pointing out by sarcastic comments after doing a search on me? would you like me to do the same for him? I don't have to as I have lost count how many times he's been told to 'go away'.

    I only got compensation when my car was written off in an accident from another car hitting me from behind while parked to get repairs and my physiotherapy.

    What would the parents have done if the roles were reversed? they would be kicking and screaming at me. So don't give me that! 8)

    Free Member

    @Coyote Thats why I took out accidental insurance on my bike to claim against myself as accidents happen regardless of fault.

    Its the Insurance/legal cover team who wanted to claim back my excess and uninsured losses for something that was not my fault at all. I was convinced after a chat on the phone and after a week nearly of being hurt myself.

    I posted here as I felt morally it was wrong to sue a minor but if the roles were reversed I would be arrested by now and have the finger pointed at me. I thank STW and ppl like Hora convincing me to MTFU and not to treat others fairly.

    Even if I say I don't want to claim for my losses, the insurance company will still claim off the 3rd party their losses.

    Anyway I don't want to give too much info out as the case is open and from people emailing to MTFU I would like to say to them and Hora I will do whats right and hope it doesn't happen to you.

    Free Member

    LOL thanks to Hora.

    This was sorted out ages ago, Uni fixed the car park as I wasn't only one injured but I didn't claim.

    Wish I did as other people did. Just greatful I recovered.

    Free Member

    Always seek medical attention, knocked out will be pretty hard blow and make you feel dizzy for days.

    Free Member

    Thanks for posting in different threads about me Hora, you must be a little man to try target me to make yourself look big.

    Personally my character is harder than anything you can come up with your pathetic attitude to defame as a insurance claimer.

    I hope you never ever have a serious injury which is not your fault where you lose out financially.

    Free Member

    Thanks Hora,

    Your efforts to defame me with your pettyness only show your true character.

    If you wish to aim your crap at me please go ahead.

    I was only seekign advice of the forum. Which you wish to turn into pettyness.


    Free Member

    Which part do you doubt?

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    Should you be riding uneven surfaced-trails? NO offence, I doubt your story.

    Riding Trails???
    I was walking to my car on that linky, besides the Uni took it serious enough to fix it when I complained about the surface could be dangerous to others. Student union and TUS had loads of complaints for the car park but its finally fixed.

    I was on my roadbike in this recent accident.

    You doubt me regarding what story which is fresh coming from your posts Hora :lol:

    Free Member

    Then fuel up and take your time and enjoy.

    Free Member

    If you take your time and even run/walk you might be alright.

    I bet you could do it but it will be tough and you risk injury.

    Was running 10 miles no prob but to go to 20 miles without training would hurt or risk a pull.

    Wait till you can 15 miles no prob.

    Free Member

    I can understand all sides to it,

    No need to argue and all that, but wait and see what happens and I'll post back.

    I had the same thing when hit from behind last year when I was told to go F*** myself by the forum to try and claim and I was in hospital with injuries.

    I got £2500 btw. And I didn't claim against the Uni which had dangerous surfaces on its car park but someone else did and it was in the local papers for £££!

    In this case I was looking at the morals behind claiming for damaged goods and my injuries as there was a minor involved.
    Wasn't looking at who to blame as my insurance solicitor already interviewed me and I gave them photographs and witness statements as we have bloody good case.

    I was interested if people had similar experiences. Anyway at home injured with a sprained neck.

    Personally I'll be happy with my excess back and my helmet and my brand new Time pedal costs. I don't think its fair if people lie to claim etc but people are honest and put out because someone was stupid enough to run out from a hidden area near a cycle path because they were messing about and the parents apologising to me, well I'm not going to sit around as I worked hard to pay for my bike gear.

    Free Member

    Which one Hora? was that aimed for me or above?

    Free Member

    So basically there could be loads but we're used to them!


    Free Member

    Can you still get spares for older cars?

    I have been eyeing up an Merc 2.3 in Mint but 125000 miles…
    Edit C class 200 for a grand-looks mint. But I think Merc parts are dear.

    That Golf looks really nice, lots of work gone into it.

    @OP What will you use it for? show car or summer or all the time toy?

    Free Member

    I had them in my eyes when I was 5…

    See your GP for advice or NHS to rule out something serious.

    Free Member

    Will give you give me the few bob thepodge? :lol:

    I'm gonna sue their a$$e!

    Free Member

    Call NHS direct for advice if they are bad-could be something or nothing.

    Free Member

    Appreciate that Cougar, but I was on a bike path, under a bridge and not going fast and witnesses heard me ring my bell as I went past them prior, people were hiding and bolted out in front of me by inches and instead of using the steps they had climbed over and sneaked down an embankment and had ran down, they came across from my right straight into me. The council has fenced that area up but they keep climbing over it.

    If I can claim on just my insurance and get it all back then fine I'm happy.

    I'll post what happens. Even the Police were on my side.

    Free Member

    Good to see both sides view here.

    hora – Member
    With the car analogy (sorry OP- off topic)- If a child runs out infront of your car…

    Devil's advocate, if you hospitalise the child. At what point do you ask for restitution from the parents?

    Thats why I feel crappy hora! legally in the right but morally it sucks a lemon.

    Free Member

    If is was the other way round they would be suing my butt for being in neglect.

    Free Member

    I guess I just feel bad about suing a minor?

    Free Member

    I was actually knocked off as the person ran out from behind a bridge and there was no way I would see them.

    My legal cover/insurers wants to go this way.
    Will post back but I am in a loss because some idiot ran in front of from nowhere and I would not see them or stop as I was going slowly on a bike path/road.

    See what happens.

    Free Member

    And he'll be welcomed back according to Iain Duncan Smith.

    Free Member

    Had a bad smash on Monday, glad my lid took a lot of grunt!
    14mph. Still have a headache but better than no helmet and contact with tarmac.

    (On road too)

    Don't wear a helmet if you don't want to-its your brains.

    Free Member

    Its Schumacher!

    Doing well again!

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