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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • zanelad
    Free Member

    Told my children to vote labour – last chance they will have in a generation

    Shouldn’t they be free to decide for themselves?

    Free Member

    I’d check your order. Sure you ordered the right ones.

    Free Member

    On a much cheaper LBS point I ordered a cassette click and collect from my lbs because they have several branches and I wanted to make sure it was in stock in my nearest branch. When I went to fetch it it was priced up six quid more than I payed on line! So if I had wandered in and bought it off the shelf it would have cost more . Isn’t this a bit odd?

    This is the same at Euro Parts. I can order something for the car online and pick it up at a cheaper price than if I wander into the shop and buy it over the counter.

    Even the guys in the shop don’t understand it. They still pick it of the racking and serve me, which they’d do if I walked into the shop and asked for it, but it’s a good deal cheaper to order online and then collect it. Odd.

    Free Member

    Flying flags in your garden isn’t exactly normal behaviour unless you’re having a party or something

    Millions of Americans would disagree with you.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just for the record; Ifield* deserved his demise as he mutilated his mum’s twanny in the first series of Bodies. Jed Mercurio’s finest work.

    She drove a van……

    Free Member

    Not at 30, but I’m starting part time work in a couple of months time. I’m 58.

    The house is paid for, we don’t owe anyone so why not? Mrs Z only works part tine so what’s good for the goose……. My daughter’s worried about how my reduced income might affect her standard of living though.

    I may go back full time if we get on each other’s nerves too much 😀

    Free Member

    There was a guy with a decent looking (to me anyway) drum kit in the car. I was sorely tempted to ask him for it and give it to my grandson. 😀

    Didn’t think that my daughter would’ve appreciated it though.

    Free Member

    Have we a decision yet?

    I can’t sleep for the worry.

    Free Member

    That’s a good outcome. I’ve paid the difference between the repair costs and the insurance valuation on our car before now. It wasn’t a large amount, but was worth it for the lack of hassle in sourcing a replacement car at short notice. Saved the transfer fee on the personalised reg number I bought for Mrs Z as well.

    Free Member

    Mrs Z does all of ours, apart from mowing the lawn although she has been know to do it on the odd occasion. I’m allowed to do some odd jobs, under supervision of course. It seems it’s also my responsibility to ensure the fences are in good order.

    Free Member

    Another Tim Vine one liner

    Car park crime, wrong on so many levels.

    Free Member

    See a few zapping around at twilight for a couple of weeks now. See them for 5 minutes or so and then they disappear.

    Free Member

    Whilst the views expressed by Slowster are admirable, I fear we lack the numbers of traffic police to make any significant impact on people’s driving standards. I speed on my motorbike because I know the chances of getting caught are slim. If the odds of getting caught became much higher I’d not do it. I know where the fixed cameras are and the prospect of being seen by a police car are slight. I seldom see them when on the road, likewise camera vans.

    We need to strengthen the fact that a licence is a privilege, not a right. The more that privilege is withdrawn the better things might become. We also need to treat those who drive without a licence more rigorously. I’ve lost count of the number of time I’ve seen disqualified drivers given little more than another disqualification on shows like Traffic Cops and the like. What’s the Point? They didn’t stop driving the first time, what makes the courts think that they’ll obey the order this time. Lock them up.

    We won’t change people’s mind set by being nice, they’ll continue to take the piss. The more we read about the likes of Ms Purcell getting away with murder the more well think that we will too. I doubt that she meant to kill, but she did and should be punished in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Ms Purcell must be well connected.

    Free Member

    I know that I’m going to get the piss ripped out of me, but could someone explain the pistols comment to me please.

    Free Member

    As Robert de Niro (I think) said in Ronin, “Where there’s doubt, there’s no doubt”

    Don’t go back.

    Free Member

    How good would it be if Crutchlow wins. Reckon the Argies would lose the tape with our national anthem on it 😀

    Free Member

    Nothing really matters.

    Free Member

    I broke the ball off the bone, so to speak on my right arm some years ago. Luckily I didn’t need an operation, but it did take a long while to heal fully. The doc said 2 weeks for the bone to start to mend, then a few weeks to strengthen, then the physio starts. While you’re not using it the joint muscles and stuff contract and the hard part is loosening them up again. Boy, was the physio uncomfortable, especially to begin with. Within 3 months I’d got about 85% of the movement back. The other 15% took the best part of another 6 months. I still do some of the exercises on the odd occasion I feel the shoulder getting a little uncomfortable.

    I only had two weeks off work as I’m an office worker and could still type and pick up the phone with my left hand 😀

    Good luck to the OP.

    Free Member

    I find the hardest part is to get up off my arse and get kitted up. Once I do so the urge to ride is always there.

    Free Member

    Cremation. Then nothing.

    Free Member

    **** her, She’s made her bed and she can lay in it. Our son was a pleasure up to the age of 7. He’s 33 now. Then his sister was born and by the age of 9 he was a shit of the highest order. I wont go into the saga of crap that he bought into our lives, suffice to say that I doubt that I know half of it. my wife shielded me from a lot of his behaviour.

    When he was 14 he placed himself in care. he had a friend in care who egged him on. He never set foot in the house again.

    That day we dad social services round for a short visit. I kept them on the doorstep and they soon cleared off. Mrs Z had endless meetings with the SS and she arrive when there’d be 10 or 12 of them in a meeting with her. She’d come home in tears as they simply wouldn’t accept our side of the story. I suggested that she stopped going to the meetings, which she did.

    I did throw one of them out of the house early on as she was insistent that no child would make up his story.

    Endless lies, twisting events around to look as though he was constantly the victim of hatred. Eventually the truth came out, the sheer volume of bullshit was what undid his lies. Together with the total lack of evidence from doctors, teachers neighbours etc. All of whom he’d involved.

    Within days of him leaving the atmosphere at home was greatly improved. My wife was happier as was our daughter.

    After 2-3 years the SS asked for him to be allowed back home. I asked them what had changed? They couldn’t say. I said that I wasn’t prepared to have him back unless the issues had been resolved. They never bothered to reply.

    I met him at the age of 18 to drive him to Catterick as he’d joined the army. We never spoke throughout the long drive. He’d built bridges with his mum, since torn down of course, but they were getting on well.

    We went back to see his passing out parade. Mrs Z watched it. His sister and I went to Seaton Carew for the afternoon. I’m not sure what would have been worse. 😀

    I can honestly say that I seldom think about him and have no desire to restore an relationship with him. He’s had no contact with his mother or sister for well over 10 years.

    Just because someone is family doesn’t mean that their crap has to be tolerated. Sometimes you’re just better off giving up.

    Free Member

    There’s a cracking documentary about the horrific crash at Leeds Man’s in 1955. Deadliest Crash it’s called. A sporting catastrophe, but a good programme, if that’s not a contradiction. The closing moments brought a tear to my eye.

    Free Member

    See the words Moderator next to Drac’s name, have a guess what they mean?

    He’s slightly less up his arse than you are?

    Free Member

    I have a dark humour always have but my job means it’s even darker but there’s a time and place. It’s not on this thread and it’s not now.

    In your opinion, of course. Or are you the arbiter of taste here?

    Free Member

    I like both Edd and Ant. I worry that Ant is not as good a mechanic as Edd. He certainly sees good work done on the cars he’s restored but I wonder how much he does and how much is farmed out to specialists. Edd seemed to do it all himself.

    Free Member

    Zaneland I have never been beaten in my life

    Swoon, my hero.

    Free Member

    Each year they hold a soap box derby on the field at the end of my garden. The winners have always been using decent quality bike wheels. Not 700 ones, but smaller. A lot of thought and good engineering goes into the more successful creations.

    Free Member

    **** the 48%. They lost. Is it such a hard concept to understand.

    Free Member

    Widen your drive so that you can start the manoeuvre further to your left.

    Free Member

    I’d try lifting one end up a little and getting my wife to place the first or second step of the step ladder under it. Do the same the other end and walk it up to as high as you can manage. Once it’s a decent height I’d right a block and tackle to pull it upright.

    H&S, what’s that 😮 Failing that ask some neighbours or passers by. More often than not they’re willing to help.

    Free Member

    Sold the Daytona so only have this one now…..

    Free Member

    I sometimes wonder what the cars would be like now if group B had continued.

    Makes parts of me tingle……

    Free Member

    There is no excuse for speeding nor any need. Plan your journeys better or don’t travel.
    If you selfish idiots had ever been present to participate in the aftermath of a speed related road accident, I think you would take the wake up call.

    Sometimes speed is the only reason for the journey. I’m not going anywhere specific, just out for a blast. If you think I’m going to stop just because of your views you need a wake up call.

    If you think that everyone involved in a speed related accident never speeds again I think you’re deluded.

    Free Member

    You can drive at well over most posted national speed limits and not collect ANY points if you pay attention.

    I’d agree with that if I didn’t want to tempt fate and my clean licence. 8)

    Free Member

    Err, why are you reading this then?

    I don’t really consider forums social media.

    To me it’s the endless drivel on FB or Twitter. I’m sure a small percentage of it’s worthwhile, but most of what I’ve seem (from my sister and another relative on FB) is just shite.

    Free Member

    Please stop doing that


    Free Member

    Because I’ve yet to meet a single person who has never broken a single law in their entire life. And we don’t get to choose which laws we can or can’t break.

    Of course not, I speed every time I drive the car or ride one of my motorbikes. But if my job depended on it, I’d modify my driving/riding. Luckily it doesn’t. It’d be a pisser if I lost my licence, but not the end of the world for me or my family.

    The occasion lapse is understandable, but I cannot see, nor accept that to accumulate 62 points you should be allowed to continue driving.

    some points can be awarded without the car being driven.

    Whatever they’re awarded for the driver’s action need to change.

    Free Member

    What a stupid thing to say.

    Why, what’s so hard about driving within the law? It may be boring, but it’s not hard.

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