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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • zanelad
    Free Member

    Wordle 247 1/6


    Free Member

    I wonder how understanding the OP would be if the builder had changed his mind and didn’t want the job? I’m sure he’d be so very understanding, or on here asking how much he could sue the builder for.

    It’s also interesting good see those members whose values don’t extend beyond pounds, shillings and pence, sorry, legal rights.

    Free Member

    Should that not read: the class is progressive so you can spend a fortune trying to keep up or making modifications that have no benefit?

    That’s why I’m never more than 6 feet away from a Harken catalogue.

    Free Member

    How about a Tasar. Fast and light. No complications like a trapeze or spinaker so time to concentrate on the basics. Designed for a husband/ wife or parent and child combination. The class is progressive so you can tinker with it too.

    Free Member

    Hit the mirror with a downward strike, not a sideways one. They cant fold and will often break.

    Free Member

    “You, ya c×××” in fully Paddy Cosidine mode.

    Free Member

    Flat-bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round.

    Free Member

    Mix a couple of rushed paracetomol tablets in some peanut butter and put it where the rat runs. Much cheaper and far quicker to do than buying a gun and learning to shoot.

    Free Member

    It used to be claimed that an F1 car could drive on the ceiling due to amount of groundforce it created. Couldn’t you just get the cars to go fast enough?

    Might ne easier than faffing about with magnets and the like. Of course, little Johny might think otherwise when a toy car embeds itself into his head at 200mph.

    Free Member

    I ride an ebike to commute on and a non ebike road bike at the weekends. I also use the non ebike on a turbo during the worst of the winter weather. Struggling to know wby such activities should amuse the OP. Not that I give a toss what they think to be honest.

    Free Member

    Having read Hannah’s post a couple of times I’m still chuckling. Just wish that I’d not had tea a few minutes beforehand.

    My sugggestion for the OP is to pop into Aldi and buy a couple of packets of their sherbet lemons. They’re usually on the impluse shelf near the tills. I love sherbet lemons and Aldi’s are quite nice. If you read the carton they mention a laxative effect if you consume too many. What they don’t specify is how many are too many. Sadly, I only found this out later.

    The packs are quite small and I popped a couple in the car. Feeling peckish, but not wanting to break my journey home from my visiting my sister, I remembered the sweets.

    I must have sucked my way through a pack anf a half prpbably fewer sweets than if I’d bought a quarter lb (113.5 grammes for our younger readers) of the rascals from the sweet shop.

    Very nice they were too. Within an hour it felt like the bottom had fallen out of my world, when in fact it was the other way around.

    A good clear out for £1.98. Bargain.

    Free Member

    A quick google search says that the trailer must be attached to a taxed vehicle.

    Free Member

    You’re not alone jimw. The Js and similar boats were elegant, but to me the 12 Metres are beautiful. Timeless craft that seem to defy aging. I liked the charachters that sailed them too. Turner, Conner, Blackaller and even the steely eyed upstart Dickson. Plus match racing in 12s is far more appealing to me than drag racing.

    Free Member

    Perhaps a couple of dudes could club together and buy one so you don’t feel so bad.

    Free Member

    Is there a house nearby with tbe same door number? Every few weeks we get a knock on the door from a Deliveroo driver with take away food. We haven’t ordered it but a house with the same number in a road running parallel to ours has. I see the printed address on the package. The satnav brings them to our house. Bit much to expect them to rrad the road signs I guess.

    Might be worth a walk around the close neignbourhood looking for party central.

    Free Member

    I do hope that Derek Chauvin didn’t buy his underware in M&S or I’m going to have to go commando. Where will it end?

    Free Member

    Improve the state of our roads. I cycle to work 3 days a week and the roads are getting worse and worse. Any repairs are done as cheaply as possible and don’t last wrong. A greater police presence would help, unless I’m out on my motorbike, of course.

    Education for drivers about the needs of cyclists and stronger punishments for thos who break the laws. How hard is it to drive within the law. Put your bloody phone down and concentrate. If you need your licence, drive accordingly dont plead hardship when you’re carelessness catches up with you.

    Free Member

    This is the person awaiting trial for assault by beating, yes?

    And it’s very likely people like you pushed her to it. **** me, she’s still warm and **** like you are putting the boot in.

    Free Member

    Nice advice Frank, but as the OP couldn’t even find a phone number when google couldn’t help,I fear you’ve wasted your time.

    Free Member

    More Traffic Police . Nothing improves driving standards. All the legislation and retesting won’t help people will just ignore it. We’ve enough laws governing driving now, if they were obeyed the roads would be much more pleasant and safer. People ignore them as there’s bugger all chance of being caught.

    On a personal note stop **** stopping at the side of the road whenever they see a blue flashing light. Pull over by all means but think where you should do it. Not when it’s hundreds of yards behind you and then has to negotiate a slalom of stopped vehicles, most of wnich are doing more harm than good.

    Free Member

    “It’s not black or white, there are a lot of shades in between.”

    50 shades of gay, then.

    Free Member

    Mix 2 or 3 crushed paracetamol tablets into some peanut butter. Put it near where the rats run. Job done.

    Free Member

    I always reverse fill from the slave cylinder or caliper if I’ve removed them or brake lines. Gets a goodly amount of fluid in the system. Then bleed in the usual manner.

    Free Member

    Lob it over the fence into next door’s garden. Sorted.

    Free Member

    You should’ve driven alongside fhe truck for as long as possible. I did it driving alongside a tractor as we went through the Dartford Tunnel many years ago. The guy behind got so worked up he drove through the barrier without paying. We were squaring up to one another when the tunnel police turned up en masse and took him to one side. I paid my 25p (it was a long time ago) flipped him a V sign and drove off.

    Free Member

    Minimum donation? Classy.

    Free Member

    Every day I love you less and less by the Kaiser Chiefs.

    Free Member

    Pay the 30 euros and sleep easy. Not exactly going to break the bank is it.

    Free Member

    *the restraint shown by the police, standing there with a mini baton is impressive. Doubt I could be so professional

    Why should this surprise you? Don’t you recall the riots in London a few years ago, the Police stood by and did next to nothing while looters and rioters had free reign.

    What did they do when Extinction Rebellion brought parts of London to a standstill? Bugger all.

    Takes a lot to stir the boys in blue into action.

    Free Member

    “It’s probably less to do with their diets and more due to having to put up with comments like this day in, day out for the last 30 years”.

    Well if they didn’t constantly bang on about their lifestyle choices to all and sundry 24/7 they might not be so unhappy lookkng. Be a vegan by all means, but don’t ram it down my throat or make out that you’re something special.

    Free Member

    Good luck to him if he gets away with it. It boils my piss that we have to pay to drop someone off. Every single way to rip off their customers and they do so. They want us to use the **** airport and then make us pay through the nose.

    Free Member

    I tried a vegan sausage roll a couple of days ago. No wonder those **** are always so miserable.

    Free Member

    Ask yourself, WWETD.

    Emma Thompson, not the liitle space creature.

    Free Member

    Don’t **** about. Smear it over a brick and put their window through. Everytime it happens. They’re taking the piss and will continue to do so until you show them that you won’t take it.

    Free Member

    Going down the pan? WTF are you on?

    Free Member

    Are you Richard Gere? If not, MTFU.

    Free Member

    “Oh yeah? I’d very much like to hear exactly what it is you think I’m compensating for with my seven tattoos.”

    If you’re anything like the tattooed folk around here, a beer gut, bald head and a penchant for tracksuit bottoms and vests. Oh, and a 2″ cock.

    Free Member

    Take it to a dealer and have it done properly. Have you got the equipment to remove a tyre? It’s not the easiest thing to do. Breaking the bead is one thing, getting it off the rim, even with big tyre irons is damn hard. Getting it to seal on refitting takes it to a whole new level.

    Never again!

    Free Member

    “And if it was, I’d hate to see him angry. He’d probably have shivved her with a butter knife”

    A steak knife would’ve been better.

    Free Member

    Picking lobsters out of Jayne Mansfield’s bum.

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