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  • Eurobike 2014: DVO Suspension
  • yunki
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    john-drummer. firstly.. how do you tell that a drummers stool is level?
    he dribbles out both sides of his mouth.

    I think what mr woppit meant with his timing and rythm comments is that the hi-fi equipment can reproduce the original recording with the same rythm etc that was recorded.. at least that is how an audiophile friend of mine would put it…

    he works in the industry as a reveiwer for a well respected specialist hi-fi magazine and would have lots of recommendations here… including serial numbers so that you listen to the correct recording.

    he would also choke if he had to listen to Naim equipment..

    Free Member

    In response to the OP.. this is where I fear the expression 'it's like riding a bike' fails slightly.. when I was a lot younger I could wheelie all round the town if the wind was right.. and bunnyhop and jump.. (and had some pretty mean flatland BMX skills too..) and I could walk on my hands and a few other highly skilled things.. but there is a theory that if you don't practice these things very regularly you will lose the skill slightly… and if you have 5.. 10.. 15 years off for whatever reason then you may lose the skill completely..

    I still dream about those wheelies and static 360 bunnyhops inexplicably at night.. but if I try it now I just strain ligaments and pull muscles.. and fall over

    I'm dreading the next time someone puts a unicycle in front of me

    Free Member

    the crossbar on my 456 (crossbar being the olde word for top tube)

    coconut boost or coffe walnut whip without a doubt

    Free Member

    oystein sevag & lakki patey – cahuita

    hauntingly beautiful… and if you enjoy THAT.. try running it back to back with

    Slow Pulse feat. Cathy Battistessa – Riva

    Free Member

    as on-one keep telling me when i email them.. they are expecting swock delivery in vast quantities tomorrow… whether this means carbon forks too I couldn't tell you…

    Free Member

    the freaky dancin bug eyed mancunian drug dustbin has been known to enjoy a bit of mtb….
    dunno if it's the same fella though

    Free Member

    everyone with a pulse remembers Bez….. despite the drugs

    He's playing here next week… his band consists of half the mondays and half of primal scream alledgedly..

    should be a hoot..
    I'm not going though.. cos I'm old.. and have responsibilities.. and I'm boring.. and skint

    Free Member

    I think the system is…. ok (ish)
    I know people (hard men and women and silly little boys and girls alike)who have been to prison and it has definately scared the crap out of them.. either the violent bullying atmosphere or the solitude or the claustrophobia has horrified them and caused them to moderate their behaviour upon their release..

    I know others who love it and can't wait to get back inside.. (generally I'm fairly glad that these type of folk aree in a hurry to get back behind bars.. out of sight out of mind and off my street!)

    It has always been a given… (as far as I am aware) that people who commit crimes against children are likely to encounter extremely unpleasant treatment while they serve their sentence.. such is life.

    Free Member

    sh*t man…..
    It must be really depressing having to hone your skills and practice new moves in such a poorly equipped and badly constructed boring little ramp park…

    I feel sorry for the lad..

    Free Member

    graco travel system… not particularly bling or fashionable but reasonably priced and functional

    Free Member

    tea and hong kong ping pong….

    Free Member

    lamb steaks with a rosemary and redcurrant sauce.. sauteed potatos.. sweetcorn and creamed leeks….. get in

    Free Member

    fillet steak… sauteed sweet potato… creamed leeks.. winner

    Free Member

    has anyone heard about the scheme being dropped by Devon county council?

    Free Member

    another brown one will be appearing here at some point over the next couple of days… just as soon as I finish building

    Free Member

    my sister had this very severely after giving birth and was really very ill..
    … as well as medication she paid very very strict attention to diet and after a year it eased up enough to not be too much bother..
    she kept up with the strict diet for another year or two and now is just careful about over doing certain foods and doesn't get troubled by it at all…

    she's due to give birth again next week though… so I wonder if her 'arse disease' will rear it's ugly head again?

    Free Member


    I think you have misunderstood me… I merely suggested that the situation may be a little more intimidating than a usual casual excuse me… based entirely on the obnoxiousness of some of the replies to this thread..

    Free Member

    I'm not easily intimidated.. but a large group… especially one containing obnoxious people.. may well serve to put a dampener on my spirits if I was forced to confront them over an issue..

    Free Member

    bitter shandy…. I know not strictly alcohol free but as good as

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    Free Member

    I agree thatI should indeed be more tolerant of peoples views… and I would like to think that I generally am..

    having woken at 5am and only had the benefit of a 5 month old babies opinions for the last four hours.. I think my tolerance for calls for the extermintation of sectors of society are a bit shakey
    sorry if I went off a bit..

    Free Member

    i will try and respond with more enthusiasm when i've finished feeding my son…
    he's very wriggly this morning

    Free Member

    and by your violence comments… and your assumption that folk only contemplate violence when they have no fear of equal or indeed more powerful reprisal? i now well and truly have got you pegged as a bully and a person capable of violence..

    anyway.. violence is ugly and unnessecary in this instance and it's regretful that anyone should have brought it into the conversation.

    forums are bizarre minefields for voicing opinions hey?

    Free Member

    and a very valid point…

    i was kinda commenting on the people who were advocating destruction of other human beings due to their lifestyle choices, i'm a pascifist and a coward.. i wouldn't and couldn't hurt my dog if she bit me…

    it was a satirical comment aimed at the folk who were screeching 'good riddance'

    i agree with the views in part.. and have been a victim of drug related crime on more than one occasion..

    Free Member

    It's not my imagination then…. I must have been living in a cosy bubble in my part of the country as I was truly beginning to think that tories were just a horrible dream from my youth… then I came here and could almost perceptably FEEL the naive pompous swagger..

    Free Member

    naive and nimby nob-heads we could also all do without really… no?

    Free Member

    there's been a few very judgemental and small minded replies to this post so I just wanna chuck my two pence worth in brfore I get upset and spend the rest of my day plotting how to cause actual physical harm to small minded judgemental little twonks…

    alot of these people will have come from very deprived social and economic backgrounds and will have had serious substance abuse problems from a very early age.. (many starting pre-puberty)

    are you calling this small and frightened children scum and scourge and demanding they be accountable for their actions?

    yes we could all do without the adults that they become.. but your holier than thou attitude smacks of naivety and nimby nobheadism to me..

    Free Member

    I would say about a 5…
    but I don't think sobriety is a natural state for a human being…

    Free Member

    no point really tomthumb…
    I just found this little peice of writing to be an amusing comment on health and safety and todays nanny state…
    as a new father this resonates deeply within my psyche at this time..

    I thought it might raise a wry smile on the lips of others that can relate to it..

    Free Member

    jebus… what a tough crowd..

    Free Member

    no… no no no… no tails..
    lonely whiners do NOT mix well together

    Free Member

    don't quote me on this.. (no really don't.. I probly just nicked it cut and paste off another forum anyway..)

    Free Member

    I can state as a matter of fact that Raleigh was severely damaged in the 70's by my mums Tupperware annual dealers bonus and a tool of a Halfords worker.

    My mum somehow made a small fortune (to us) out of selling plastic containers to housewives and with part of her fortune decided that I deserved a BRAND NEW bike for my birthday..

    well after spending hours, days, weeks and months with my mates drooling over pictures of a crazy looking mountain taming cow horn shod gap clearing scalpel called the 'Spider' I was beside myself with glee..
    The PRATT in halfords convinced her that a Raleigh Equipe 12 speed racer was what a young man on the street needed.. and that any thoughts about the thrashability of a Raleigh Spider should be banished from my poor deluded little mind..

    Naturally I faked huge amounts of gratitude to my poor hoodwinked old dear.. But I can never forgive that TOS*?!!R from Halfords who stole my dream.. consequently I wasn't the first in the street to own a spider… In fact… no-one did.. a few die hard fans (me included) fitted cow horn bars to our racers and jumped and trashed them in the parks and woods and street.. but on the whole the 26inch playbike idea fizzled out for us for a few years more at least..

    Free Member

    the word on the street in santiago is..

    wild: Hit Bella vista hard, with pisco, coke, gays, straight, girls, boys, ending up in a illegel club where the bang bang flows soooo freely, going home about 10 am.

    culture: Visit cerro san cristobal

    polite: Go to one of the many cafe, bars in Bellas artes for great food and to watch the beautiful people go by. Oh and have a bevy or two.

    Free Member

    I will post some info up here later this evening… I have friends living out there right now who would be happy to give you hints and tips on finding the best things to do..

    what are your tastes? wild… mild?

    Free Member

    what's the difference between an egg and a w@nk?

    you can beat an egg….

    Free Member

    I had exactly the same questions 5 months ago..
    I have to say that mostly I have been a bit too tired to get out on the bike… but this last week I've made time and really appreciated it..

    Free Member

    I've never let a bit of man flu get in the way of anything.. but this bout has gone to my chest.. 3 weeks of antibiotics.. a voice like barry white.. x-rays later today.. the doc is worried.. I'm deffo taking it easy on the riding front..

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