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  • yunki
    Free Member

    anything marketed by nme or the radio…

    Free Member

    but spare us the idea that you I have no control over your environment tripe and are somehow powerless to make more informed and educated choices in your life.

    I'm really rather proud of the choices that I have made.. I drink slightly too much hot sweet builders tea and I like an occasional sociable pint.. with open minded friends and strangers in the rather quaint and very hospitable and friendly town centre that I choose to live in..

    not really an out of control menace to society..

    (I must admit that I made these choices based on personal experience)

    I still love you though..x

    Free Member


    Free Member

    and on a slightly less reasonable note
    ti29er… for you to insinuate that 'people like me' are exacerbating a percieved drug problem and therefor shouldn't exist.. based on your judgement of me from a couple of forum posts.. suggests to me that maybe you should take a chill pill maaaaaan….

    Free Member

    hora and ti29er..
    aye .. sorry to have rubbed you up the wrong way..

    It's a cynical viewpoint that I have I must agree.. I could probably point out (that I know of) 15 kids growing up in our small (very closeknit) seaside town (40 000) in the last 10 years that haven't experimented with drugs in their teens.

    maybe my view is distorted..

    Free Member

    +1 Burls72

    some people go completely monkey scalping nuts from taking vast arrays of drugs.. some people definitely benefit from it..
    some people go off thier cake and end up a dribbling wreck without any drugs at all.. ohers really should know when enough skunk is enough.. and others abuse drugs yet experience a huge permanent improvement to their personality.

    drug use is an inevitable teenage rite of passage these days and will highlight, magnify and sometimes compound any underlying emotional and mental problems that an experimantal teenager might be having..

    Free Member

    everything up to and including Joshua Tree… then it went melodramatic.
    hard to pick out a singular favourite but if I had to then probably under a blood red sky purely for '40'

    since that golden era… well.. there was one or two songs off that album that came out about 5 years back that were quite moving.

    Free Member

    roots manuva- run come save me

    Free Member

    it would have been late 80's not 90s surely? Madchester was over by the beginning of the 90s..

    errr…. and you're ringing a little bell of recognition in my head somewhere… Unfortunately.. I was a bit too 'mad for it' around that time and have big chunks of swirling incomprehension and memory loss regarding that whole era..

    If I get a flashback I'll let you know..

    Free Member

    What I find mildly amusing is that in a whole 'seven degrees of seperation' type way… 'own him with some bombers' has seeped into mainstream culture..

    I've heard the phrase used well outside of any STW spheres of influence… and also had the displeasure of helping to see off an angry chav from the local pub… who had turned up to 'own someone with a set of bombers' by way of settling some feud or another..

    (in fact it was a set of unbranded oem forks from an apollo or something similar)

    Free Member

    everyone seems to have overlooked two sports which are only popular to young people because of the level of personal hardness required when participating… adults simply do not have the stamina or the fearlessness required.. kisschase and hopscotch

    debate finished
    thankyou and goodnight

    Free Member

    he might just need a cuddle?

    Free Member

    my mum says that it doesn't make you less of a man… and he should know… shouldn't she?

    Free Member

    freshwater fishing…. or darts

    Free Member

    good job they aren't wandering the streets then innit!!

    Free Member

    I had a similar problem with a couple of people on facebook..
    One very nice family that ran our local pub for a while and I'm quite close to moved away and decided to run for local government in their new and very white british area under the BNP banner..

    I clicked next to their name in the news feed to hide all their posts.. Their foul and bestial Nick Griffin rhetoric was putting me off my cornflakes in the morning.

    I debate with them on the issues whenever I feel strong enough to stomach it and ask after the kids but keep them at arms length a bit more than I used to.. it is after all only politics and not real or relevant to our friendship.

    Free Member

    I'm not really implying THAT oldgit..
    I'd be more than happy for the little sod to be out of my hands and into the hands of the judicial system…

    I think all that I'm trying to say is that kids are effing 'orrible little blighters at times.. watch them in any playground in any school in any country..
    and I personally believe that Bulgers killers were just 'orrible little boys who didn't know where the boundaries were.. not really their fault and probably quite easily fixed under the right circumstances..

    leopards changing spots?
    bad eggs?
    they were little kids and were still learning the ropes.. they obviously had bad teachers..

    give them a chance.. and the alarmist stuff about JV 'probably having done something awful'.. it's really not very likely at all.

    Free Member

    @ yuki…. it may be that Dougal is a septic and therefore calls a full-stop a 'period'. although, in english teaching a period is also accepted.


    Free Member

    and what if your child was the perpetrator?

    Free Member

    My Gran

    Free Member

    I'm glad in a way.. it will keep the crazy eyed machiavellian mob from baying for blood for a moment or two.. and it shows that the system is functioning in a satisfactory manner..

    Free Member

    you should cut down on your booze intake and get a bit of regular exercise.. eat healthily as you can bare

    unless you are Tee-total or a very moderate drinker.. In which case you have to make sure that you go out and enjoy a skinful in a friendly local pub with the pubs regulars from time to time..

    Free Member

    +100 for muddyfox courier… It's some of the intolerant numpties on here that wants putting in the stocks for the day.. sillybillies.

    nice use of chinaski… bukowski?

    Free Member

    easygroove….. are you the same easygroove that used to Dj badbwoi raggamuffin hardcore crusty jungle techno at the squat parties, forest parties and illegal raves of the late 80's and early '90s?

    Free Member

    anyone who takes politics seriously… and/or
    everyone living north east of an imaginary rightangle created by drawing a line east from the most south easterly point in Devon… and another line north from the same point.


    Free Member

    yeah… not entirely sure that I believe that.. Surely there's a bit more to it than just lying down and praying? Otherwise how is it a sport?

    fake surely

    Free Member

    The inherant nature of the politician is corrupt.. 'tis common sense.


    Please don't ask me what would come after this should it ever happen..

    Free Member

    nope… sorry Jonny

    If I suspected that you were the real Jonny Vegas then I would have completely stuck up for you and probably royally kissed arse too.. in the vague hope that you might come down our way for a few beers and entertain me and my mates for an evening or two..

    The inconvenient truth is that I just felt like kicking Dougal for his sloppy use of the English language.. same as he kicked you..
    I'm disgusted with myself but there you go..

    Free Member

    Not wishing to be pedantic, Dougal, but Jonny (please, PLEASE god let it be the real Jonny Vegas) enquired as to the nature of the spelling mistakes that you referred to… and there were none. His grammatical errors were numerous, but are a totally seperate matter.

    And… AND, what in the name of all that is sacred are you blustering about in the sentence;

    [/quote]'P.S.' is an acronym and should be delineated with periods.

    Periods of what? may I ask.
    The womans monthlies?

    Are you some kind of illiterate?
    Are you genetically predisposed to typing utter guff!?

    You may well attempt to pull me up on my grammar… and.. I shall probably NOT rise to your bait… as I know that the modern use (or misuse) of grammar and punctuation may not have seeped into everyones literary consciousness as yet… although grammar and punctuation has been creatively beaten and bruised into reduntant submission by literary giants for years and years.. (it's not just chavs, septic tanks and the porly educated that carnt spiel).

    Not that I disagree with the points that you made.. Or even your desire to make them.. but If one should decide to live by the sword.. One should also accept that it is also ones fate to die by it.

    Free Member

    I never trust the health service 'professionals' to do any kind of invasive surgery on me, my family or my pets and always do it myself with the aid of medical manuals.

    Free Member

    Sometimes I'll go up without cleaning first and then do it with a bowlful of soapy water and a brush at my convenience… or I take my bike round to a mates to wash before I go home..
    If you've got pale walls that are in good nick in your stairwell.. be really careful cos a tyre only has to brush against the paint REALLY gently to leave a nasty stain..

    If you've got perfectly good and secure storage space under the stairs.. that doesn't cause an obstruction or hazard of any description.. But you've also got a crazy old lady in the bottom flat who despite the pleas of all 5 other flat owners in the building REFUSES to agree to bikes being stored there.. and can back it up with small print in the lease.. then pray for her early death each day as I do.

    Free Member

    similar to the traffic light post earlier in the thread..

    we were on our way to my brother-in-laws place.. trundling down a country lane with our 4 year old neice in the back of the car when we got delayed by a couple of horse-riders ahead of us..

    the missus turned to our niece and asked 'do you like horses?'

    'they're ok' she replied…. 'but fu*king annoying!!'

    obviously her mum and dad aren't too patient with horsey folk!

    Free Member

    woah.. that is spectacular

    Free Member

    I'll be interested in buying those if you don't work something out.

    Free Member

    anyone got a spare invite please?
    yunki at hotmail dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    all bikes are gay… get over it…

    Free Member

    ed cox – musky ska beat – clean remix

    Free Member

    yeah… different ascension
    probably spelt wrong… cos my geog is shite. (I blame Mr Williams)..
    ascension in chile
    in fact….
    concepcion not ascension at all… shows how much I pay attention dunnit!
    I stand corrected

    Free Member

    chile and surrounding area also now on tsunami alert.. big quake in ascension this morning…

    Free Member

    ok… I've got a quick tale to tell…

    A large, shaven headed, heavily tattooed, neanderthal looking friend of mine awoke one morning to find his front door ajar and his rigid rockhopper missing from the hallway..

    After a bit of swearing and cursing and much stamping around he decided to put it down to experience.. I guess he doesn't have much faith in our boys in blue and reasoning that as our local copshop is barely even staffed, he went off to work to earn some more readies..

    Later that week.. driving through the town center.. he spots a junkie looking fella nonchalantly pedalling across the road at a crossing right in front of him.. Leaping out of his Transit van.. our hero shouts to the guy to stop.. the junkie leaps about 3 feet into the air and desperately tries to pedal off at speed.. missing a gear and generally getting tangled.. (obviously guilty). Our hero then skilfully avoids all the old bids and single mums and school kids that are watchiong the scene unfold.. and clotheslines the thief to floor.. picking up the theif under one arm and the bike under the other he chucks the lot in the back of the van and drives to the copshop..

    there is a couple of Rozztafarians hanging about outside.. so our man open the back of the van.. pulls the now rather disteressed bikethief out.. marches him up and hands him over to the stunned coppers before hopping back in the van and driving home..
    rather surprisingly no furthur action was taken against our hero… but the thief went to jail after admitting to a string of thefts in the area!

    happy ending (the poster wishes to state that he in no way advocates vigilante behaviour.. no matter how poetic)

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