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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • yunki
    Free Member

    Anna Friel in Land of The Lost

    Free Member

    according to a kid at my kids’ school – the easter bunny died in a helicopter crash to save mankind.

    Free Member

    That looks like a solid suggestion. Thanks Piha.

    We’re looking further inland now too.. New Forest and South Downs.

    Any more ideas from the evening crowd?

    Free Member

     it’s a pattern of behaviour and thinking that is being repeated by him and many others on the very far left

    you mean a pattern of behaviour and thinking that is solely perpetrated by angst ridden teenagers, who are then swiftly labeled as very far left by middle aged attention seeking far right swivel eyed psychotic nutjobs (oh and junkyard sometimes gets on the wacky bus too, but that’s due to forgetting his meds IMO)

    Free Member

    What? Sorry, I got distracted…..

    No you’re right of course.

    I like to hope that maybe it’s going to have a very short-lived success rate though, as people wise up. The next generation of voters might even be a lot more politically motivated as they are aware of having to sift through the noise and static.

    Free Member

    I suppose that we’re maybe not the target audience.

    Some people will believe anything though.. even that facebook has been controlling our minds without our consent.

    French newspaper owners were particularly concerned by the uptake of
    the new medium, as they faced up to the challenge radio posed to the
    political influence and economic viability of the press. One response,
    prefiguring that adopted by press groups in adjusting to the legalization of
    private local stations in the 1980s, was to acquire their own stake in
    radio. In 1924, for instance, Le Petit Parisien was the first newspaper to
    establish a radio station, Le Poste Parisien. As competition between public
    and private stations intensified, news bulletins became part of the
    programme output of radio, raising issues of political balance and
    impartiality. Worried about losing readership, the press in general was
    opposed to coverage of politics on the radio. However, as newspaper
    owners were unable to prevent this development, they adapted to the new
    circumstances by encouraging listeners to purchase their company’s
    newspapers so as to complement their audio news diet. Radio also began
    to make an impact on French political debate, with the medium first being
    formally used in an election campaign in 1936. Before the outbreak of the
    Second World War, however, French politicians were only just beginning
    to appreciate the potential of radio as a means of mass persuasion.

    Sort of interesting

    I think we maybe need to just admit that the waters around us have grown.

    Free Member

    Ah right, so Facebook ads are poorly targeted and innocuous but the big bad newspapers are the problem.

    Well yes essentially, and for the very reasons that you stated about regulated press.

    People look at propaganda on facebook and take it with a pinch of salt. Another bitchy meme about Corbyn or trump? Another shouty badly photoshopped  rant…..? Another post that originated from one slightly radical group or another? More fake news? yaaaaaaaaaaawn, NEXT! If it ever worked, the cat has been well and truly out of the bag for some time and only the most dull-witted consumers ever fell for it at all.

    We expect better of the regulated press. We expect truth and insight. We trust the regulators to ensure that we are delivered a quality product. We are lulled into a false sense of security and then we forget that most choose to only tell us that side of the story which best suits their owner’s corporate agenda.. we sleepwalk into a future of their choosing.

    Free Member

    I prefer to be incredibly fit to ride exclusively SS if I’m to get any real satisfaction out of it.

    I’m not even a tiny bit fit at the moment though, so only my hack bike is SS for round town, daily commute and an occasional jaunt across the hills and through the woods.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen small ones done on a lathe

    Free Member

    Can I add a little bit of extra gravitas to this thread?

    A lad I work very closely with – 24 years old with severe quadriparesic cerebral palsy, his ma committed suicide yesterday and I am desperately racking my brains for soothing music..

    The only thing he loves more than music was his ma..

    He’ll be expecting me to have answers when I go into work on Saturday and all I’ve got so far is Don’t Panic by Coldplay

    Free Member

    Most internet savvy folk understood this eventuality about a decade ago.. whereupon you either locked down your security settings or looked forward to a more personalised browsing experience.

    Who is this panic being generated by?

    Free Member

    So Yunki has made accurate observations and is right to be concerned.

    I don’t know much at all about the subject so I thought I would consult the informative and knowledgable folk of the forum.

    Thankfully hols2 was able to provide insightful and accurate scientific information.

    Free Member

    23.5lbs on the bathroom scales.

    1 mile commute – Mid 90s steel Voodoo set up SS 69er with budget wheels and WTB Weirwolf 2.55 tyres (for taking the scenic route home)

    Free Member

    It happens every day. No matter what you say.

    You’ll find it happens all the time.

    but baby, it’s cold outside

    Free Member

    Being from Sunny Devon aka The English Riviera, I’m perhaps being a little bit hysterical.

    Is that the gist?

    No disruption to agricultural cycles?

    And the gulf stream thing.. any views on that?

    Not a symptom of climate change?

    not sure if paranoid or surrounded by trump supporters

    EDIT: ahhh thanks hols2, more good data. You’ve cleared that right up for me! :)

    Free Member

    Good.. that’s some rock solid data that you’ve managed to contribute there hols2 :)

    well done!

    Free Member

    I get regular shoulder pain.. spasms and cramping that can last for days and make me thoroughly miserable.. Just such a relentless monotonous pain. But then I trapped a nerve in my shoulder on holiday a couple of years ago and suddenly understood a whole new world of agony. Like a really bad toothache but in my arm, constant, unwavering pain from my collarbone to my finger tips (my index finger was completely numb for six weeks)

    I was given IV tramadol, voltarol (had to discontinue the voltarol though) and then  oxycodone.. I would try to get valium if your GP isnt too anti.

    My other shoulder froze by the time the nerve pain had eased off due to all the cramping and weird contortions.

    Trapped the same nerve at work last month and was about ready to top myself after my previous experience, but luckily it eased off after just 3 days instead of 6 weeks this time.

    Definitely see a physio.

    Free Member

     Then all of a sudden we’re expected to believe that they’e involved in complex plots to bump people off, involving nerve agents, and make it look like the Russians did it?

    It’s not that though is it?

    It’s more that they likely haven’t got a scooby doo whodunnit, but blaming the Ruskis is very bloody convenient.

    Plenty of old fashioned war comic fans will jump at the chance of another cold war and

    To achieve what?

    Well now you’re more worried about a war with Russia than Brexit, NHS, Homelessness, Education, Corruption, Child abuse, Offshore tax and tax avoidance, Cost of royal wedding, Trump’s visit, Saudi’s visit, Arms deals, War in Syria, War in Yemen, BBC propaganda, Council tax rises, Universal credit, Police cuts and privatisation, HS2, WASPI, Carillion, Job centre closures, Fox hunting, Poverty, Disability cuts, UN breach, Nurses pay, Loss of CPS files, Cuts in forces, The Lie of austerity and all their other failings

    but especially the new EU tax avoidance legislation

    Free Member

    I don’t mean to seem overly cautious..

    but with all the talk of May’s promised team of social media manipulators recently, isn’t it a little bit fishy that suddenly we have a new forum member in our midst with a deep knowledge of nerve agents, crowing for all he’s worth about the Russians being baddies?

    back to covert 101 for you spybot!!

    Free Member

    You must mix with some odd people if they spend their time shitting on various objects for your amusement

    Unfortunately I was referring more to applauding my kids for using the potty, my dog for waiting til we get to the beach rather than going in the shopping precinct, a random person that I have never met shitting in the pocket of a pub pool table, and once when I was 13, I applauded my friend for pooing into a paper bag and depositing it in flames upon the doorstep of the grumpy old smartarse who lived in the corner of Mulberry Crescent. He didn’t as far as I know, go on to make a career of it.

    I’m truly honoured that you have conjoured up an entourage of dedicated bowel evacuators though, defecating on everything in my path in the desperate hope of garnering my approval.. It’s not something I’d ever thought about but if you want to picture my life that way, then good for you :)

    Free Member

    Ooooh! Get you. Are you a serial killer?

    not yet

    Sorry to have inadvertently triggered you jimjam. It’s ok for you to like cars.

    And sorry for not engaging with this thread under your personally prescribed set of regulations for forum engagement.

    I was just offering CG a bit of moral support.

    However, I have been known to applaud shitting on all sorts of things when the mood takes me..

    I applauded someone shitting in the pocket of a pub pool table once. I have no idea what the monetary value of the table was.

    I have to say that I don’t know where the line is for me.. I don’t like luxury vehicles, they’re designed for and marketed at spivs.. maybe I would feel differently if I had enough disposable income to indulge in such ostentatious frivolities?

    What I do know is that debating the subject with you is a meaningless activity.. I really don’t think I’ve learnt from your ‘clever’ appeal to my intellect.

    I’m still not possessed of an unquestioning respect for property and I would still laugh if CG poo’ed in a posh car

    you’re defending your right to suggest taking a dump in someone’s car? Er….

    I think I’m only defending my right to laugh at the act, I can’t imagine a situation where I would be suggesting it

    Free Member

    I’m very sorry but why should I feel obligated to enter into your drama at your demand?

    Why would I possibly be afraid of exposing a lack of consistent thought or clarity on a mildly entertaining anonymous cycling forum?

    What the hell even makes you think that a life of well thought through and defensible moral standpoints is a way of life that I subscribe to or even respect?

    I can actually very easily find something obscene while not being upset by it. I don’t really feel the need to circumscribe the way that I engage with reality into restrictive compartments.

    if stimulus = posh car then response =  moral outrage?

    I’m not a collection of flippin’ algorithms! Sometimes I see a posh car and feel like an excited child.

    However, if I heard that CG had poo’ed on the backseat of a Bentley convertible I imagine that I would quite possibly LOL with pride

    Are you quite sure that you’ve thought your own post through?

    And you would presumably laugh if someone poo’d on your back seat.  Takes all sorts I suppose.

    I suspect I would be more bemused than amused cos I drive a panel van

    Free Member


    if that offends you it only pleases me more

    However I’m not the type to get upset by obscene displays of wealth. I know a fella round the corner from me who has a testarossa as the result of a medium sized lottery win.

    I’d laugh if someone poo’ed on his back seat and I quite like the fella.

    I spect he’d laugh too if I’m honest.

    Now stop asking me stupid questions

    Free Member

    I don’t think we should be chastising CG for being judgemental.

    I would have applauded you if you’d taken a dump on the back seat while they were in getting tacky ornaments and ill-fitting clothes.

    Cars like that are obscene.

    Free Member

    Interested in a couple of comments about changes by the parents that maybe ‘forced’ one to grow up a bit/remove the cushy side

    We looked after our lad while he was too low to take care of himself, but we set a very firm rule that if he wanted to continue to live the lifestyle he was currently choosing, he couldn’t do it under our roof. We also have an 8yo and a 5yo living with us half the week, and we were not prepared to expose them to any erratic behaviour, or indeed any situation that the authorities would view as a safeguarding issue.

    We set him up with a room in town and then he had to fend for himself, which seemed very much to increase the rate at which he sharpened himself up,

    Free Member

    I don’t think kelvin’s post is a good post.

    I don’t think I’m an idiot.

    We see time after time that the story the public gets fed is often not really very illuminating. The home office decide what they would prefer us to believe about sensitive events, and then years later we sometimes come to understand something approaching the truth of the matter.

    So why would anyone accept the story on face value?

    Surely the shrewd approach is to instantly dismiss the official version as a starting point?

    I think crankrider’s post is a much better post than kelvin’s

    Free Member

    A nation of idiots.

    A nation of idiots just queuing up to excitedly believe exactly what we are being asked to believe.


    Putin and May were cackling when they planned this nonsense over a hearty lobster dinner

    Free Member

    Oooooh yeah.. Smell the jingo on the breath of the frothing public.. Taste it in their sweaty outrage

    rawr… inglun

    Free Member

    My stepson had vaguely similar issues.

    We remained supportive, available and open throughout, and after a couple of years and some truly spectacular low points, he has come through the other side. Trying to stay lighthearted and remain interested through every tale of drug-fuelled melodrama that he and his friends indulged themselves in was hard work at times though.

    At the heart of his problem (and I’ll skip over some contributing factors that don’t seem relevant to your situation) was a deep insecurity about the validity of the career path that he wished to pursue.

    He’d hidden it very well, buried it in fact, but when we got down to it, his dream of becoming an actor had been crushed by a throwaway comment along the way. He’d abandoned and forgotten his passion and so he was left floundering. Once he realised that he truly had our full support in anything that he was passionate about, he found it easier to imagine his future again.

    I’m not saying that your son hasn’t received the support that he needs, but spending time to explore options that he may have himself dismissed as fantasy, could help to discover the cause of his apathy.

    Free Member


    I call bullshit.

    Spys and Russians and poison?

    The narrative is way too obviously aimed at little boys who grew up in the 50s and 60s.

    Probably a dodgy deal gone catastrophically wrong or even just a flamboyant suicide, but the propaganda machine has leapt on the chance to feed us a rendering that suits it’s agenda

    Free Member

    His fb page suggests that he is surfing, riding bikes and hanging out with gay bykers… on acid

    Free Member

    I like Carhartt but I tend to wear whatever looks reasonable from the charity shop

    Free Member

    If Shindig and Farmfest are your thing, I reckon Beat-herder has got a pretty solid line-up.

    Balter festival is a bit closer but I reckon I’m a bit too old and grumpy for that much messiness.

    Free Member

    The Masked Ball at Perrenporth has been our staple the last couple of years – their funk and soul stage is second to none. But this year we’ve bowed to pressure from the oldest son (and a banging line-up) so we’re going to Shindig in Somerset with a good crew of family and friends.

    Shame Farmfest isn’t on cos we probably would have gone to that too, and we really should go to Beautiful Days again soon as it’s our local festy and is always top larks.

    Free Member

    I don’t think you’ll glean a great deal of wisdom from one erudite and opinionated professional do-gooder spouting off about how they think things are…

    But get two erudite and opinionated professional do-gooders, who are evolved enough to communicate their opposing ideas to one another without getting all shirty, who are able to spontaneously refine and present those ideas in a form that the other will accept… then I think they start to create something useful.

    Free Member

    I’m just watching the discussion he had with Russell Brand and so far, I’m absolutely enthralled.. What a great meeting of minds.

    Halfway through and they seem to be cancelling out the more unpalatable aspects of each other’s bullshit to provide us with real wisdom.

    Free Member

    What about physical castration for bad spelling? I’d back that proposal.

    Free Member

    Do you know what upsets me more than vandalism?

    The bitterly lazy and ignorant adults that are outraged and disgusted by it.

    You’ve got to ask yourselves what’s driven a kid to view the adult world around them with such hostility and contempt.

    I honestly wonder who’s in the right, morally speaking.

    Free Member

    Thursday evening/Friday morning in Devon everything completely shut down.. Serious disruption, medical emergencies, wartime spirit and full community cooperation. 8-12″ of snow at sea level drifting to 3 metres on the moors. Freezing rain and total ice cover. This morning on the coast all snow/ice is gone and everything back to normal.

    Free Member

    SS hack bike – pub, commute, shopping, bimbling about

    ‘Serious’ rigid trail slayer – big days out, gnar, lending to the missus

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