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  • yossarian
    Free Member

    RopeyReignRider – i think your optimism and loyalty are laudable. It would be great if you were proved right, but honestly do you think that’s likely now?

    Free Member


    i am sexy wife of yossarian. i hav log in to see funny forum.


    Free Member

    so what is the state of play today?

    has anyone been paid back?
    has lee/dutch/whatever been in conctact with any of those he owes?

    Free Member

    1. 5
    2. 0
    3. 0

    Free Member

    plenty of stuff down in east Kent plus kiss me quick hats, cockles, winkles and oyster beer to make you cockerneys feel at home :-)

    Free Member

    Looks like he is getting a fair amount of flak over on BM too.

    He must be feeling pretty crappy now and i kind of feel sorry for him. As others have said i doubt very much that he’s a seasoned villain, I do suspect that he has overstretched himself either by taking people’s money before he actually has the goods to sell or by selling the same item to more than one person and using buyers money as a float to buy more stuff to sell. Now its gone tits up and a number of people are clamouring about it he made the A+ classic mistake of bullshitting about the reasons behind it and blaiming others for the mess he is in.

    Like others I suspect that the stuff about threatening emails and people showing up at his mum’s house is nothing more than a smokescreen.

    Time to fess up and pay people back.

    Free Member

    I would say that you should NOT stress about naming your children – it seems SOOOOOOOO important right now but ultimately its a fairly minor cog in a much bigger wheel. That is unless you call them something ‘orrible, so just be sensible.

    I suggest that you give them one sensible full length name and one quirkier more personal name, probably the middle name. That way you and they can call themselves either as time/preference suits.

    Do a bit of digging into your family tree, it can throw up a few surprises and may give you some inspiration.

    Free Member

    In part I wholeheartdly agree

    I like it, second only to a sales manager I knew who, when handing over a 2.5 million pound contact to the project team uttered the immortal phrase ‘we are almost sure that most of the outstanding issues have been completed’. The job was an utter f-ck up. :-)

    Free Member

    In part I wholeheartdly agree. For now. I think we should pause. Refunds and let it lie. If the buyers arent sorted within one week there the seller is trackable for other means; small claims/legal/visit etc.

    yep, hope everyone gets their money or stuff. Fingers crossed eh?

    And for what its worth, threatening to knife someone by email it a ****’s trick and, if it really happened, the seller is right to flag it up to the police.

    Free Member

    If you’re not involved or directly affected by the situation then lay off – all you’re doing is making it worse for those that are.

    hows that then?

    Free Member

    I wonder if he’s on ebay? You’d think so wouldn’t you?

    Free Member

    Stopping bloody online posting and start posting?

    yep, rather than bleating away on here why not get all the outstanding stuff picked up from your house by couriers, send everyone their tracking numbers and refund those that want their cash?

    you seem to be on the end of some shit – do you really think YOU are the victim?

    Free Member

    jaffa cake?

    Free Member

    what jim hacker?

    Free Member

    i’ve got some jaffa cakes

    Free Member

    oh and its worth remebering that that not all thieves wear masks and lurk furtively in corners with bags of swag over their shoulders

    Free Member

    I genuinely believe IWH to be a good guy and simply don’t understand why he didn’t take my £700 and run if he was intent on ripping people off.

    I rather suspect the issue here is mixture of bad cashflow, poor organisation and bullshit.

    I reckon you got lucky, looks like many others haven’t been.

    Free Member

    that is f-cking gopping

    Free Member


    its time to get the pitchforks out

    Free Member

    an overeaction of forum members

    Free Member

    might come along if thats ok – my mum lives in Thame and I think we are visiting around that time. I grew up in Chinnor so used to ride round there a bit.

    Free Member

    my eldest (2 and a bit) was up with night terrors between 12 & 3 last night so not feeling too hot this morning. Also bloody skint this month.


    Free Member

    lets not forget the chromag samurai

    Free Member

    IWH – you need to take a day off work and sent ALL of your outstanding parcels off.

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha serves chelsea right. Shit fans, half of them will be supporting someone else next season. Forza Barca!

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha serves chelsea right. Shit fans, half of them will be supporting someone else next season. Forza Barca!

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha serves chelsea right. Shit fans, half of them will be supporting someone else next season. Forza Barca!

    Free Member

    ha ha ha


    most work in IT as mrsflash observes

    i’m an elf an safetee consultant, livin the dream oh yeah :D

    Free Member

    a good way to make cash is pub collections

    go round all the local pubs about a week before and explain nicely that you’d like to come and do a collection the next weekend. Most are pretty cool about it. Then get the 3 fittest girls in the office to go round dressed as tarts, city gents whatever with a collection bucket. You will raise loads.

    My wife and her mate raised over a grand for clic sargent in one night dressed as a chicken and a rabbit :-)

    Free Member

    Genius. Give the man a nobel peace prize.

    takes bow


    Free Member

    top tip for elite on the speccy:

    exit space station
    turn ship 180 deg to face entrance of space station
    hit hyperspace button

    you will end up at your destination without having to do anything else

    Free Member

    This reminds me of a similar incident a few years back. My wife and I were out on a ride and on a cheeky section when we encountered an oldish man and his wife coming towards us. We both slowed and moved into one side and as we passed the man leapt across the trail and pushed my wife off her bike. The front wheel spun, locked and she went over the bars and headfirst into a trailside tree. Fortunately she was ok except for some cuts to her neck and cheek, her lid was written off and one of her bar ends was snapped. I turned round to help her out and this guy was dancing towards me with his fists up. He was shouting about it being a footpath and how he was sick of bikers etc. He stopped when my wife took her helmet off and starting apologising because he hadn’t realised she was girl.

    Now at this point I wanted to beat him to the point where he was pissing blood and I guess I had the right to, but he was an old man. If i had hit him who knows what the outcome would have been. So i didn’t, and I was angry with myself for letting it go for weeks afterwards.

    I did one thing though, I took his glasses off and threw them a long way off the trail, i’d be surprised if he ever found them again, silly old coot :-)

    My conclusion is avoid assaulting people unless you have no choice in the matter, it ain’t worth the possible consequences.

    Free Member

    i have no idea whether or not i have ever been banned. should one enquire or would that lead to a banning?

    Free Member

    what happened to the twins? did i dream them? :-)

    Free Member

    You don’t really believe that do you?

    yeah i do actually. Ours are 18 months apart too – 9 months and 2 and a quarter and they are a right handful. We have no family within 300 miles to take the strain and we do not use child care at all. My missus has a full on day from when she wakes up at 6 (usually after a disrupted night’s sleep) right through til when i get home. In comparison to cycling to work, drinking coffee and doing an office job, its harder work in my opinion.

    Free Member

    aye make your own. a bit of hassle to begin with but once you master the process its easy peasy and you can make them as healthy and cheap as you like.

    Free Member

    I found it hard to look at database on the beeb, so young many of them :(

    as for civilian deaths –

    I reckon they were sent there at the wrong time and for the wrong reason by politicians who lied to all of us.

    What a f-cking waste of human life. Have we learned nothing?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We managed to clear our loan and overdrafts at the end of last year which means we’ve ‘only’ got the mortgage to pay. With only me working (my wife is doing a far harder job of bringing up 2 little boys) we are planning on not borrowing a bean for the next 18 months.

    We have cancelled sky (never watched it anyway), started bulk buying stuff and stopped expenditure on bike stuff except for breakages. I thought that might be a bitter pill to swallow but actually I have enjoyed riding what i have just as much and have realised that i’m happy with stuff I have rather than lusting after carbon bars, xtr bits etc.

    Any spare cash we have is going on doing the house up to sell when the maket picks up – you can haggle workmen down quite a bit at present as they are feeling the pinch too so its a good time to get stuff done to your house if you can.

    Free Member

    lots of stuff round abouts, most of it up in blean/thornden woods and out towards dunkirk. Rough common is the place to start which is on the outskirts of canterbury.

    failing that the wye/chilham/crundale loop is pretty nice.

    some maps etc on

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