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  • Total MTB, Total Surprise, Total Warm Fuzzies
  • yoshimi
    Full Member

    Sharkbait – this is just the next episode in a long running tale of brake woe – I must have just got a shonky set or something.

    Badger – I’m pretty sure you’ll need two separate kits for each brake as with the Avids they are for those brakes only – be careful tho, some places charge upto £40 for the bleed kit but with some googling you should get one for less than £25.

    Full Member

    Sweet lord…………………I’m gonna burn these &*()^&*^ brakes!!!

    Thanks to Junkyard for supplying me with some inserts and olives (i will replace soon pal) – last night chopped down the hoses, no problems and began the blen process. I must have done this half a dozen times……still the lever is pulling all the way back to the bar………and I cant see any leaks anywhere. BTW I do have the correct bleed kit and eliminated all the bubbles.

    So WTF is the lever still pulling all the way back………..after pulling the lever quite a few times (all the way to the bar) I hear a pfftt noise and think, what is that? I look down to discover mu jumper coverered inn brake fluid and a big hole about half way down the hose…looks like it has exploded!

    I’m just sick of these things now – bring back my HFX9’s!

    Full Member

    JY – YGM

    Full Member

    JY, that would be great if you have a barb and olive for me to borrow:) I’m just about to order 5 of each from BikeDock, so would certainly replace them for you once I receive them. It would be nice to get going a bit sooner. I work in Chorley (as we as live here) so could come and meet you whenever is best for you – ?


    Full Member

    Cheers, just left to shorten the front hose and bleed the brakes – but after 8 hours in the garage all saturday, I was cold and had enough!!

    The forks are Reba SL 2009 – looked at the team and race models but after a long chat with the guys at Merlin, they advised me on the SL – said the Team was obv good with the blackbox damping but so is standard motion control (which I agree as my old Pikes worked really well) and in reality I probably would notice much difference for the extra £100. Plus the Race models advantage over the SL is that the floodgate is external – again once set I cant see I’d ever want to adjust it anyway.

    The frame itself is gorgeous in the flesh – really well put together and fits me so well – just got to sort out those brakes so I can go for a proper ride.

    Full Member

    Same as Kaiser – external hard drive I think plus some software?

    Full Member

    Ah – so similar in function but the SIDs just weigh a lot less.

    I’ll have to convert my front ProII as well, was looking at reba teams for £330 at Merlin (with QR) will have a look at Winstanleys


    Full Member

    I’d agree there are a few idiots there – like Fagus said – take a look on Blackburn and District forum and read some of the replys to the new Nab trails by ‘downhillers’………………..seriously, someone needs to have a word! I enjoy getting the big bike out, but how could they think building a road gap across a very busy footpath was ever a good idea and wouldn’t cause problems with other users? Fair enough, stop all that rubbish, but as long as there is no sort of blanket ban across the whole area – I need to calm down and put things in perspective, restrictions wont happen – it must be all that 5Live I’ve been listening to making me angry.

    Full Member

    It may not be the right thing to say, but no-one is going to stop me riding Rivington – if somme UU jobsworth tried to stop me.they’d get owned :twisted:

    But in reality, its never going to happen anyway.

    Full Member

    Go for it IHN

    My wife is now in her 4th year of teaching. She finds it hard work. As much as I take the mick out of her for all her holidays, its true they do work hard. She tends to get in school early, about 7:30am, does all her preparation then, rather than bring work home at night.

    I think she gets very frustrated with the bureaucracy, government interference and also the constant wave of new delivery teaching methods – only because it seems that every time they’re starting to make something work – the goalposts get changed again.

    But, even though it is difficult – its clear that she does get immense fulfillment – something I can only dream of!

    Full Member

    I seem to find myself agreeing a lot with rudeboy these days – I remember googling 2g1c after hearing about it on here……………………..managed about 30 seconds if that.

    So 1 guy 1 cup, 2 guys 1 horse – fake or not, I can likve without those images :|

    Full Member

    The Imperial – Chorley town centre – great staff, good vibe, live music – a bit different to what you find elsewhere in the big C

    Full Member

    I’m with NickC on this

    Full Member

    I’ve wasted hours of my life on these &^^)(&* things – taking them of, sending to windwave, putting them back on again, playing with pressure. I’m now at the stage where they sort of work and that will have to do. I dont think I’ll ever be happy until I replace them, but prob not for a good while, credit crunch and all that:(

    Full Member

    Possibly one of the best / cleverest / funniest films I’ve seen in ages!!!

    McLovin – Genius!

    Full Member

    nah, you wont be disappointed – go for it

    Full Member

    yosh – where exactly is the new trail then – you can e-mail me in profile if you could let me know might go and have a peep at weekend. I also though the geometry was the same on them just built with different materials not certain but I am a RL B52 rider so what do I know.
    what fagus said – if you know healy nab, just go to the stones at the top and cut into the trees at the opening – carry on for about 30yards and you’ll reach a clearing, look left and thats the start.

    Cheers for that monkey………….card now in hand………..anyone fancy a pixie blue stiffee frame:)

    Kojak – they were my thoughts – was hopng they’d give the same discount on the 853 but still reckon the SL would ride well – thanms for the review

    Full Member

    I think RudeBoy has it right – still I’d find any excuse to get round there “just came to borrow a cup of sugar………..oh and a bag of weed” :D

    Full Member

    found the jumps on the Cwmcarn trail poor, you have to go slow to jump them, its faster to manual them. Also too windy up there alot of the time, shame as alot of effort was put into it.

    I thought the same – cuold not generate any speed – felt almost uphill

    Full Member

    You could try the Ronda Guest House in Dumfries – cheap, clean, friendly, let you put the bike in the dining rooms, 20-30mins from Ae and a huge breakfast for about £20 per person with single rooms available

    Full Member

    HND Building Studies
    MSc Construction Management

    10% less than I did 2 weeks ago – still, at least I’ve got a job

    Full Member

    Then I had a moment of clarity, thought better of it and went to the pub instead

    ditto – esp as chorley seems to be in the grip of beer wars – didn’t pay more than 99p for a pint all last night :D

    Full Member

    MOuntainmonkey – that would be great if you dont mind -its dannyward76 at hotmail dot com

    Fagus – I had a walk down and thought it looked really interesting as well, just hope it can hold up with the weather – the only part I waasn’t keen on was that uphill bit just before that near vertical corner – looking forward to it settling in so can have a goof blast down it:)

    Full Member

    I have both of these frames, RL is a commuter, stiffee gets used for xc.

    do you not find the stiffee a bit cramped on longer rides? I love it for playing about in the woods with mates but for the normal riding I do around rivington it just seems a bit too much.

    Lowey – have you seen that new trail up on the nab? Was up there at weekend and bumped into about 15 people building berms and switchbacks – was really impressed btu can’t help thinking they needed some stone up there as the clay surface will get wrecked with the weather we get.

    Full Member

    I rememer seeing that deal and agonising over it but at the time I just couldn’t justify spending the cash :cry: THe only forks I have to go on it would be my PIkes…..which I think maybe a bit daft! THink I’ll call in later this afternoon and check them out – again can’t really afford it but, if I buy one of those for £180, I’m sure I could cover that by selling the Stiffee…………..decisions, decisions

    Has anyone ridden the Tig Team SL and the 853 version?? how do they compare?

    Full Member

    IME of Catholic schools, If a place is available and that place is requested by and child, whatever religion they come from, they cannot be refused – FACT

    Full Member


    My new to MTB mate bought a rockhopper – I was with him, customer service was awful – told him to try another shop but he had his heart set on this last years model, good deal bike.

    He took it back for its free service – dropped it off, went back couple of hours later -picked it up………brake levers still pulling all the way to the bar and gears slipping….AVOID!!!

    Full Member

    Is it just me or are there other people on here who have not had a ‘godbotherer’ trying to convert them. I think I fall into the, i believe in something but I’m not sure what. Being married to a Catholic teacher, I’m thinking anytime now she’s gonna do it, she’s gonna try and convert me………but no. Although she has got me going to church at christmas (only because it makes me feel christmassy) – flipin ek, I’ll be wearing a cross and all sorts next….

    Full Member

    thanks for all your help guys – I do need to read my contract – in the mean time I’ve asked the HR woman (yes, seriously a HR person for 6 staff and 60 site lads) to confirm what I’ve been asked to do in writing. :|

    Full Member

    Hi mike, yes I am under a contract and directly employed – I’ll have a good read tonight, although from memory it may refer to reduced working hours but certainly not reduced pay. As per my original post, I didn’t mind (too much) the first 10% cut but now another 10% is a bit harder to absorb and my main concern would be my redundancy entitlement if it came to that.

    Full Member

    private civil engineering contractor – no union

    Full Member

    I’m sure it is across the board – as for talking and agreeing – there was none of that – it was more of a, be told and accept it

    Full Member

    I get a cold tummy – I also carry some excess :cry:

    Full Member

    because wifi is way faster plus you can only access certain sites with wifi – freecaster for example

    Full Member

    THe lack of MMS, cut/paste and message forwarding just didn’t make any sense to me when I was looking for a phone so I ended up with a HTC Touch………………this was a truly shocking device. It had all the functins you could ever need but just felt so cumbersome. I sent this back and took the plunge on an iPhone – wow, so impressed – it really is just so usable and intuative. You soon forget the small bits its lacking. If anything being a phone is just one very smal part of what it does – you’ll understand when you get one :D

    Full Member

    Then you, Sir, are naught but a Philistine and a bounder.

    he he :wink:

    Full Member

    It’s got a few tall buildings, a couple of art galleries, and a bit of character. No real history, and it’s shyte if you’re poor. Stinks to high heaven, and many people are really, really pretentious and false. Everyone’s after what they can get out of you.

    It’s like a sugar-coated turd.

    this is my impression of London

    Full Member

    LL in Bury has always been OK with me, wide range of stock and helpful.


    Full Member

    Made up and then passed on by others who believe it then

    thats a very good point……………………I do remember questioning the credentials of this guest speaker (or person of little relevance trying to impart their knowledge on people at the coal face as mrs yosh would say) when I was told this.

    It’s “people living with Epilepsy” according to the latest PC nonsense in the NHS. Apparently I’m also not allowed to say I’m diabetic as that’s not allowed either. It has to be “I am living with Diabetes”.

    I’m glad I only live with alcohol as opposed to being an alcoholic :D

    I still maintain this is a pointless thread – but I keep reading:(

    Full Member

    Yes it can. That was one of those stories that the newspapers admit they just made up or distort, like the baa, baa rainbow sheep thing, or anything related to The War On Christmas.

    not all made up – you can’t say ‘brainstorming’, it must be ‘thought shower’ – at least this is what mrs yosh was told during one of her many guest speaker staff meetings – apparently brainstorming can be offensive to people with epilepsy………………no seriously, this is true!

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