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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • yosemitepaul
    Full Member

    I use Nik software all the time, particularly Color and Silver Efex. I much prefer it to LR.
    If this offer is genuine, then go for it, its great software.

    Full Member

    Do people with DSLRs really use rely on the camera making the decision on the focal point.

    Probably those who know what they are doing don’t rely on the camera other than by mistake, but many who buy DSLR’s have no idea on the cameras capabilities or their abilities.

    I do try and compose and focus in thirds, but like your idea of focus on the intersection. Its should give the picture some order.

    Full Member

    Yes the SL does have focus peaking and yes it does have a magnified view; its a personal thing, but i find the Live View takes away some of the clarity, and I’m not that confident in me being totally accurate with the focus when using the LV.
    I too have older eyes and don’t find the Leica at all difficult to focus via the rangefinder. No, its not easy at first, you have to get in a fair amount of practice before you feel confident, especially if the lens is fully open at 1.2 or the like. Having said that, you get the subject you want in focus. I sometimes found on my DSLR it made a decision for me, and sometimes it focussed on something I didn’t want it to.
    Using a Leica rangefinder is somewhat different to a DSLR, I feel you have to think a bit more about what and how you are taking that picture. I like that process, I don’t just reel off a load of digital images, I stop ,look, think and compose before taking the photograph. The camera doesn’t make me a better photographer, but slowing down the capture process I think does.

    Full Member

    I’ve yet to use the SL properly, I’ve messed around with one but there’s not yet enough around to borrow one.
    What I do like is the ability via adapters to change lens systems. You can if you want fit M lenses and they don’t look out of place, and obviously you have superb lenses, albeit they require manual focussing which isn’t quite so easy with Live View.

    I personally wouldn’t want the SL, it goes back to being a big camera, a route I’d already gone down via the Canon system, I think I’ve moved on; I don’t want to carry all that equipment. I now like the portability of the smaller FF systems.

    Full Member

    Clodhopper………..ok chill pills taken.

    I can justify the Leica system, because I look at it not as an investment nor a camera that will improve my photography, but as a piece of equipment that is for me a joy to own.

    Yes, I know it will loose value, most things do, though I have to say I recently sold a lens that I’d owned for a couple of years and had been used a lot, for 1 penny more than I’d bought it for. I don’t consider that a bad buy!

    I don’t know what size pockets you have, but there is no way my camera and lens would fit in any of my pockets!

    Full Member

    You know what I don’t think there’s any difference.
    But I don’t have to lug about a DSLR, and I get far more enjoyment composing my image and setting the camera than i did on my fully auto SLR.
    I know more people will knock the Leica system than praise it. Yes, it was expensive, but I didn’t work shifts for 30 years without rewarding myself at the end. I like my camera, it gives me enormous satisfaction, as does my moderately expensive bike, which doesn’t let me ride as fast as Chris Froome, nor does my camera allow me to take pictures like Cartier Bresson. Its a choice I made it, you don’t have to like it.

    Full Member

    Oh no they don’t.

    You’re right, sorry had a brain fade, was thinking Sony, Fuji came into my mind and thats what I wrote.
    My mistake.

    Full Member

    Perhaps I’ve missed something, but you do say what type of photography you want the FF for?
    If its studio work then lugging a FF body and associated lenses is not an issue. If its for sports work then again an SLR is required due to speed and a FF may give you an advantage if its attached to a good lens.
    However if you are hauling it up a hillside or using on the street, do you want a big Canon or Nikon?
    As others have said Leica (big fan) and Fuji make awesome full frame cameras, and when a good Leica, Zeiss or Fuji lens then you will have a superb bit of kit, that weighs about as much as single big Canon L lens.
    I did have all the Canon FF gear 5 mkII x2 and loads of lenses, but in an epiphany decided I was fed up with carrying it all around. I changed to Leica FF and never looked back.

    Full Member

    Paul Heaton tomorrow night Newcastle.
    James in May, Manchester.

    Full Member

    If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask the question.
    He did, you responded, he rewarded.
    Good result.

    Full Member

    Not got the Muso, but do have a Unitiqute II, which is different in that you add you own specification of speaker rather than use the ones driven by the Muso.
    That said when doing research, we listened to Denon, Sonos 5 and the Naim systems.
    Our preferences were the Naim above the Denon above Sonos.
    Initially we did our comparisons with the Muso because we didn’t have our speakers available to test the Qute. The Muso was streets ahead of the Denon which itself was so much better than the Sonos (In our opinion, I accept others will think differently).
    Eventually we decided on the Qute because we had a nice set of Quad speakers and it seemed a shame to loose them.
    I know we made the right choice.
    As far as streaming music is concerned, initially we had Spotify premium at £9.99 month, then Naim introduced a free 3 month trial to Tidal (when paying its £19.99 a month). To be honest we notice very little if any difference between the two. Certainly not £10 a month difference. Maybe if you a real music connoisseur and listen in a silent room you can identify the subtle sound. But we live in a house where music is to be enjoyed whilst other things are occurring, so the sound gets distracted by normal household noise. We won’t continue with Tidal. If we were that interested in the quality we’d have a better system than a Qute!

    Full Member

    I’ll second the Jetboil. I have a Sumo, it comes with me onto the fell or remains in the car in preparation for the end of a ride.
    I so much prefer a fresh hot brew at the end of the day, washing down a bit of flapjack rather than going to a cafe.

    Full Member

    View from Hodge Close

    L1000041 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member


    L1000403 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Hartside top.

    L1000882 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    I sympathise. Can I suggest WD40 as an excellent method of removing tar spots. Spray the area, let it sit for 10 mins and wash off. Works a treat.

    Full Member

    You can drive the A592 Kirkstone Pass from Ambleside via the struggle. Turn off at Aira Force A5091 to the A66 at Troutbeck and then onto Keswick. The A591 goes south as far as Swirls car park near the Kings Head at Thirlspot. You can get no further.
    All roads other than the A591 between Swirls and Dunmail are open.
    I cycled them today.

    Full Member

    L1000764 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Castlerigg at sunset

    Full Member

    Cars cost a fortune. Why not look after them.
    Mine gets washed and dried at least once or twice a week.
    It was a nice warm day today, on a clean car it took 30 minutes to wax it with Auto Glym.
    It will probably be washed again over the weekend, a clean car is easier to wash. Again if its nice and warm it may get another coat of wax.
    Doesn’t seem to take long considering the value.

    Full Member

    L1000433 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr


    Full Member

    Not in any way the cheapest, but certainly the best, and totally over engineered for a back back is the F Stop mountain range.
    I have a Tilopa and it really is an awesome bit of kit.
    Not only are they not cheap, but can be a bit awkward to get over here in the UK, but I did once import a Loka and there were no issues in getting it shipped over.
    Worth looking at their web site if only to look at some of their videos.

    Full Member

    Capture One
    Interested to know how you find it. I’m still using Aperture at the moment as I can’t get along with LR.
    Have read some great reviews of Capture. I know its supposed to be ok for organising your images, is it good as an editing tool?

    Full Member

    A big no.
    Actually Mrs YP and I noticed recently how much we were using profanities unnecessarily and with little effort have cut the F word out of our day to day language.

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    Full Member

    Full Member

    You need to contact Adult Social Care soonest. If the home are going to evict your grandmother, where are they going to evict her to?
    If she has ‘severe’ dementia (I sympathise as I’ve just lost my mum to the disease) is it possible via your Local Adult Social Care Office to try and get NHS Continuing Health Care, whereby the NHS pay all or a proportion of the costs.
    It’s hard work to get such funding, you have to be determined, speak to a lot of people, fill in a lot of forms and be prepared for some gruelling interviews. But it is possible; after a considerable effort my sister and I succeeded in getting full funding by the NHS for mum.
    Good luck, I know how you feel.

    Full Member

    Omeprazole for me too. Diagnosed with a HH having had the tube treatment!
    I find my Reflux and associated dyspepsia is cyclical. I had it really bad for months towards the end of 2014.
    I remember being in a hotel room in LA New Years Eve and had the worst Heartburn ever, I was minutes away from calling for an ambulance I thought I was going to die.
    The next day I felt a bit rough but it didn’t come back and actually never returned for 11 months, I came off the omeprazole and life continued. Then without warning a couple of months ago, it came back. I assume I’d eaten or drunk something that played havoc with my body chemistry.
    So, its back on the omeprazole, and I’m assuming that eventually my internal chemistry will get back to normal and I’ll have relief for a few more months.

    Full Member

    Ok, it’s either an Ultegra or 105.
    Will I notice any difference in performance against the tree times the price Dura Ace?
    I don’t really care about the weight. I’m not the most svelte rider!

    Full Member

    Yes, go see your doctor, but you’ve already diagnosed yourself. You had a cold for two weeks.
    What in reality do you expect him / her to do?
    As per other posters. Rest, listen to your body, rest.
    Things will be back to normal in a few weeks.

    Full Member

    I’m with FunkyDunc, I think you’re either ill or not.
    Stop wasting everyones time at both A&E and on here.
    Surely a week on from the original injury you must have drawn your own conclusions, as to what the injury may be. As an obvious outdoor person, you must have an idea what is wrong.
    Time to MTFU and get it seen to properly, stop procrastinating and asking for sympathy on here.

    Full Member

    If you want to stay within Yosemite valley (which I recommend). I’d try and get it booked ASAP.
    In summer it’s heaving with visitors.

    Full Member

    I had a Sports Hernia / Gilmours Groin fixed in 2008. It’s not quite the same as an Inguinal Hernia but very similar.
    I too had several weeks off work and beyond that it took some time to heal.
    I know you don’t want to hear this, but yes, it still returns!
    Though the surgery relieved me of all pain and discomfort which in was miraculous, I find now even seven years after surgery if I regularly cycle hard, then the pain returns. Several times I’ve considered returning to the consultant, but my GP recommends rest and after a month or so the pain goes away. I cycle hard again for a good few months and it returns.
    Unfortunately I think this is my new life! I’ve come to accept it that I run and cycle for perhaps 4 or 5 months have a month off and then resume. It’s sh*t but thats what I have to accept!

    Full Member

    I’ll second Clifton Cameras. it may not be ‘your’ local camera shop, but they are independent and deserve to succeed.
    Their prices are pretty good too.

    Full Member

    Le Chameau

    Full Member

    Sorry I should have said Nik Software. Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro etc..
    I find them really useful. My general process is to import Raw files into Aperture, do any cropping or straightening then move them over to Nik.
    I agree that they can look ‘over processed’ but you have to be careful not to over do it.
    With the demise of Aperture I need another editing tool. I’d considered Phase One as I really don’t find Lightroom very easy to use and its useless at filing the images. But I have an issue with Phase One not supporting the Nik software.
    For the moment I’m going to have to continue with Aperture, but may at least download P.O. and give it a try.

    …………You ‘gifted’ a Leica!!!!!

    Full Member

    $49,000. I assume lenses are extra!
    Think I’ll have a play with their Software. It’s unfortunate that it’s not compatible with the Nik programs.

    Full Member

    Phase One produce some interesting editing software. Perhaps an alternative to Lightroom.
    Anyone used it?

    Full Member

    I think I’m with you on the quality of the photographs, each of which is awesome. You can tell they were taken on an awesome camera, with an even more awesome lens.
    However great the image is, it will always be let down by the quality of the screen you are viewing the picture on. We generally view on a laptop which will always negate the work done by the sensor and lens.
    I’m always a fan of the landscape shot, and would love to see these printed to a good size by a good printer on good paper.

    Full Member

    Great website and as ever great photographs.
    I’d love to know how you created the site. I have no idea how to do it.

    Full Member

    Rapha waterproof top…………Lovely. I’m a lucky boy!

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