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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • yosemitepaul
    Full Member

    Everything, absolutely everything is covered in graffiti. Some might call it wall art. I don’t. Its full of students and the mess that they create.
    Used to like it, but am now having second thoughts.

    Full Member

    He’s not bivvying he’s sleeping in the car!!……. Try Tebay services.

    Full Member

    Why can’t you pay for camping like everyone else? Why should you get it for free. Many places are struggling to make ends meet after the floods a few quid from you might help.

    Full Member

    Doubt it, the training punishment on your legs / body in such a short time will probably prevent you from even getting there.
    Having said that good luck, if you do achieve it it a wonderful feeling.

    Full Member

    I’ve also just got myself some Bose QC35’s and can confirm they are a pretty awesome piece of kit.

    Full Member

    Thanks all, food for thought, think I’ll look at the Snickers and Dickies.
    Arco, sell Snickers and there’s another place near work that sell Dickies.

    Full Member

    Similar to others above. Reflux is due to a Hiatus Hernia. I take omaprazole when things are bad, but I generally keep it in check having totally cut out caffeine. So no coffee and only decaf tea, I’ve also cut out lactose and have my brew with lacto free milk. I can hardly taste the difference, and well worth it considering the benefits. Having said that the effects of coming off the addiction to caffeine was truly awful.

    Full Member

    I have a pair of Nikon Monarchs, but then I also have a pair of Leica’s. You can certainly tell the difference, but the Nikon’s hold up well. Used them for years at work, robust and good image quality.
    Have a look on the Clifton Cameras website, they have a great choice and are great guys to speak to for advice.

    Full Member

    I’m with Zen at the mo for ADSL, brilliant service. The upgrade to Zen Fibre is taking place next Tuesday. I don’t expect any issues.

    Full Member

    If everyone agrees on the Commissars decision to award the Yellow Jersey to Froome, why did the crowd boo when he was given it?

    Full Member

    Manchester Taxi driver.

    L1001591 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    A Vascar unit works over a measured distance divided by time. Divide one into the other to get speed. In the OP’s scenario a patrol car will not have been able to measure the distance so thus is unable to calculate speed.
    A British Traffic Car is also unable to use either Lazer or Radar devices whilst it itself is moving. (Unlike a Highway Patrol Officer in the States).
    The only other way of the opposing car being reported for speeding without the use of a Vascar or the like would be on the ‘expert opinion’ of the patrol officers.
    However this is very difficult to prove. Any good solicitor would question the Police on their level of competence relating to being an ‘expert’.
    Technically in any prosecution for speeding, the case is based originally on the ‘expert opinion’ of the officer, this is then corroborated by an electronic recording device wether it be Vascar or Lazer etc..

    Full Member

    I may have missed something. I’ve not read every post.
    But the consensus is that we can’t / shouldn’t have another referendum because some didn’t get the vote they wanted.
    Do those same conditions apply for the SNP in Scotland? It didn’t happen for them last year, yet they want another in / out Scottish referendum.
    Seems as if its good for one and not the other!

    Full Member

    If you or anyone you know is a Costco member, I got a Metabo one from them last year.
    It was about £170.
    I’m no great Mitre Saw expert, but it seems well made and cuts wood either straight on or at angles! What more do you need!

    Full Member

    Me, my wife and all our friends are for IN.

    Full Member

    Yes, you could probably get a handgun if you knew the right people in the right places. But it wouldn’t be ‘clean’ it will almost certainly have a history of ‘dirty’ use.
    There are / were a load of WWI, WWII guns floating around for many years. But as the original holders die off then families are handing them into the Police, sometimes through amnesties just to get rid of them. Keeping granddads old Walther momento in the loft is too much hassle.
    We don’t actually have much of a culture of gun use in the U.K. and through my experience the actual recurring events in The States and the heavy punishment for possession are increasingly putting the general public off storing them.

    Full Member

    [i]And give the head some well-deserved shit.[/i]

    Why does the Head deserve this?
    Maybe the Head is making the correct decision.
    Do you know the situation in detail rather than a dozen lines posted on a Cycling Forum?

    Full Member

    Why waste a good GP’s time? If you are that concerned about an ache and pain, post the question on a cycle forum. Even better Dr Google it. I’m sure you’ll get the correct diagnosis. Then you can lie in bed worrying about it until you get so concerned that you need to see a Dr!

    Full Member

    I was always told that 60mph was a maximum not a minimum speed!
    If a rider wants to go at 45, then whats the problem?

    Full Member

    What did they do to you???? Had one last year, went in, had a bit of a poke around and out again all in about 2 mins.
    Bit of a sting on the first pee but nothing too bad.
    I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, it wasn’t much fun; but if I needed another I wouldn’t be too hesitant.

    Full Member

    Camera rucksac, an F-Stop Tilopa. An awesome piece of kit, the most fantastically detailed and well made sack I’ve owned, expensive but worth every penny.

    Full Member

    Have a look at It’s the STW of the camera world. Look at their for sale section in the classified reviews and you’ll often find a well looked after camera at a price below that of eBay or MPB.

    Full Member

    What concerns most, is not that the emergency services and military have had an exercise in an attempt to brush up on their techniques.
    My concern is that correspondents of this site are reading the Daily Wail to keep abreast of the news.

    Full Member

    Cut twice a week weather permitting since mid February. By the end of the month it will be three times a week.
    Each cut only takes 30 minutes.
    I like a striped lawn not a field

    Full Member

    N Yorkshire

    L1001172 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    100 front
    100 rear
    (road bike)

    Full Member

    F Stop Tilopa user here. Its the best bit and best made bit of kit that I own.
    The ‘open’ bag that you mention will contain an ‘ICU’ of your choosing. Smaller ICU equals more room for the junk, larger ICU equals less room. I supplemented the space with the addition of a pouch on the belt.
    Expensive for a bag but you’ll never regret the purchase.

    Full Member

    Alt-berg. Worn them through all weathers for years. Brilliant.

    Full Member

    What a well written and interesting article with some great photographs.
    I love photography and most aspects of it, but I’ve always struggled with ‘street’ shots. I think I’m going to have to leave it to experts like you.

    Full Member

    Spray, try and relax and go for it. It lasts for a couple of minutes, a bit of gagging then its all over.
    Its not nice but easily manageable!

    Full Member

    I guess its different for everyone, but the Tamsulosin started working on me within 48 hours.
    Doesn’t everyone have to get up during the night ‘after a few beers’??
    The other thing my doc told me, was stop keeping a record or thinking of how many times you have to go.
    Again it seemed to work, I tried to stop concentrating on the urge (difficult I know) and slowly things improved.
    Good luck to you.

    Full Member

    Last year I had similar issues, things came to a head when I had to pee (or thought I needed to pee) 15 times in just one morning.
    I had tests, the finger and eventually the camera.
    Result an enlarged prostate (BPH) and thickened bladder walls with trabeculation.
    The consultant left me in a confused state with what or what not to do!
    Basically he recommended Tamsulosin and a waiting period to see if it got worse.
    I didn’t really understand what he’d told me; primarily because he came out with all this as he was removing the camera from you know where and my mind was engaged on other things!
    I went to my very kind and helpful GP (he really is) and explained where I now was with tests and what I did and didn’t understand.
    After a long chat, he suggested I completely cut caffeine from my diet, as its a stimulant it could be stimulating the bladder into overwork.
    Now I’m not normally one for this type of medicine, but gave it a go. After the horrible withdrawal symptoms, and over a few weeks, I noticed things started to improve. No more peeing every few minutes, no getting up during the night. Slowly things got better. I weaned myself of the Tamsulosin and after a month I began to feel normal again.
    Stopping caffeine worked for me, it may or may not work for you. It may be worth giving it a try there’s nothing to loose.
    Eight months on, no caffeine in the system and everything is functioning perfectly in every way.

    Full Member

    Another Italy

    L1001008 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    For some reason a lot sharper prior to sending to Flickr, dunno why.

    L1001001 by Paul Whitehead[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Out of interest how do the CC companies spot fraudulent use. Both mine and my wife’s have been done in the last 12 months and on both occasions we’ve been contacted by the CC company before we’d even noticed.
    Mine was mainly online shopping with Tesco and Saisbury, the wife’s was all sorts of online shopping throughout the UK.
    I understand that I never do online shopping with the Supermarkets, but then if I buy an airline ticket legitimately then I don’t do many purchases with for example United Airlines.
    What makes one or two purchases stand out to the CC from all the others?

    Full Member

    Recently been contacted by my card company too. Approx £4k taken from my account.
    All in the UK, mostly Tesco and Sainsbury’s, but also a carpet shop in South London.
    All the transactions were reimbursed by the card issuer..
    I actually use my card very rarely, its mostly used for buying holidays etc, but I had used it just before Christmas to buy some clothes from an online shop. Other than airlines, hotels and car hire etc. that was the cards only other use in the last 6 months.
    I still don’t know for sure where the fraudsters got my details, but I phoned that clothes company to suggest they may have an issue with their online payments process.
    I guess when we hand over all our details to an unknown payment site then we are all at risk.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Go over and have a look at and have a look in their forums at what is for sale. The site is a photographers equivalent to STW.
    I’ve bought and sold off the site a few times, you general get some very good kit at a very reasonable price.
    I’ve you’ve set a budget for a new tripod, then you can perhaps get a much better one for a similar budget.
    Obviously if you’ve not used it before you’ll have to register.

    Full Member

    Contrary to many on here, we’ve visited Vegas a few times and enjoy it.
    Yes, its very commercial and can if you’re not careful be very expensive.
    But, we fly in, generally on a direct flight from the UK, spend a couple of days in a very nice hotel, rest, swim, find some good food, look but don’t buy from some very up market shops, watch people loose their money gambling but never never partake ourselves.
    Once rested for 48 hrs we hire a car and clear off. Toured over the years California, Utah, Arizona etc etc. all of which are easily accessible from Vegas.
    It depends what you want from the town, why go if you are not going to enjoy it?

    Full Member

    Again, if you have a hire car, take a drive.
    Death Valley is easily done in a day.
    On the strip don’t walk too far, its exhausting in the heat. Depending where you are staying its a good idea to walk to one end and get a cab or bus back.

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