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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • yesiamtom
    Free Member

    she crashed and has to pay £165 for a driving course. Who cares if you can dispute it she should go do it. Even though no one else was injured careless/inexperienced driving like this are why insurance premiums for people my age are so high and so many people die. She was not only lucky but insanely lucky to survive, let alone walk away.

    You should send her on a skid pan course aswell, around £150 and well worth it also.

    Free Member

    ill be a vulture to…

    yesiamtom @


    Free Member

    cane creek s3 £17 crc

    Free Member

    MTG, this is an excellent thread and im dissapointed i’ve only just found it. I would say its bodgemanship of the highest calibre but your finished wall actually looks really good…atleast to a non brickie who nevers laid a brick in their lives.

    edit: did i say wall? I mean self supporting cladding.

    Free Member

    all i can say is i live on the south coast (portsmouth) and crime is almost irrelevant. Yes it happens, but i still feel safe enough to go cycling or running at night. Obviously i dont go provoking trouble but i dont think i would do the same in south africa, or london or some places up north i hear stories about!

    Free Member

    so bigjohn

    Your, in effect, saying these bars are AS EASY as each other to turn? Perhaps the differences aren’t noticable on a shop floor however i think theres a reason beyond style that DH racers use such wide bars.

    Free Member

    wider is more control. Peopel bleet on about the turning being slower but i dont notice it since its much easier to turn the handlebars, the difference comes when there are trees about you cant go as tight.

    You get oversize and “normal” clamp size, modern mountain bikes are usually oversize now though.

    Free Member

    I like the comments about smoking weed etc and endorsing it. Kind of ruins it for anyone who isnt into that doesnt it?

    Free Member

    double post!

    Free Member

    I find mine die in winter when the mud gets bad, we’ve ridden the same stuff though realman so i dont know why yours last longer…I guess mine (deore) were lower quality.

    I do find however swinley kills my BBs very very fast when i do visit it in teh wet.

    Free Member

    Im fairly certain a 26″ fork will accept a 700c wheel, dont know how limited on tyre size you become though as ive never tried it.

    Free Member

    cane creek s3 form CRC for £17, how can you go wrong? Would use paypal though….;)

    Free Member

    peaslake is a half hour drive from there i think and has some amazing riding, full sus or some good hardtail skillz are required. Also a local would be best to show you but the bike shop does sell a map there.

    Free Member

    As a cyclist couch to 5k etc is a waste of time imo. I never ran until a year ago. This was a few months after i was putting in 400 miles a month with 300 being offroad so quite fit altohugh not super human. I decided to just run and see how it went and managed 8 miles, it was slow and uncomfortable but possible. Felt okay the next day, legs a little tired.

    If i were you id do half hour of a gentle/moderate pace for a week then up it and so on.

    Free Member

    I ride with a lot of slightly overweight riders, some of them have disgusting turns of speed and power. Although one of the people who used to frequent our rides was a lightweight but tall time trialler. Even when we were cranking as hard as possible he had atleast 10-20% more to go.

    Free Member

    Kick he kid off and shout sparta?

    Free Member

    i thought whilst it was clear terry pratchett was pro choice the documentary was faiirrrllly unbiassed.

    It was interesting the fact many people sign up and then never go back because they know they have the choice. I think that was one of the most telling parts of the documentary.

    Free Member

    neil and bikey may i point you to the FWCC forums 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a hole in the top tube of my XC bike and two very thin spots, its not broken yet!

    Although, if there are multiple problems and the listing specifically stated things dispute it. Whats the worst that can happen?

    Free Member

    I run a inbred gen 2 with 130mm fox vanillas. They dont have lockout and are a 2004 model so quite basic. It climbs okay but not the best, i think if it had gears it would be easier as the centre of gravity would be better on steep hills. Going downhill its a good laugh, not as precise as rigid forks but thats to be expected.

    Free Member

    oven cleaner works so well its silly. I left it on there for an hour once and the disk brakes hadnt been eaten into.

    Free Member

    Why would you want a fork to bottom out, surely if you can get it to within a couple of mm its even better? Your getting 99% of the travel without the risk of damaging internals and without that horrible thudding which inevitably will hurt your hands.

    You may aswell go run rigids, your obviously not smart enough to use suspension.

    Free Member

    perhaps manufacturing error if its that bad?

    I only singlespeed and on my MTB i have a surly. Expensive but lasts ages and is round enough for me.

    Free Member

    step 1 : admit to yourself how much you want and need the internet

    step 2 : Spend some time researching LOCAL companies to you who offer a good service.

    Im with a company called newnet, pay £20 a month for 24mb and get between 15-16. The great thing about them is i can phone them up day or night (or weekend(or bank holiday)) and have a chat with some guy who seems to remember me from last year.

    I was with tiscali years back and they started throttling i think. We changed to another company who the ngot bought out by tiscali. Despite promising us our service wouldnt change it suddenly got worse 1 month later.

    Free Member

    The urge to troll this thread is immense.

    But i must resist….MUST!

    Free Member

    This is the best thing ive seen for weeks. Love it and everything about it.

    Well done good sir!

    Free Member

    Every tried off-roading on anything slightly rough with all the usual crap stuffed into jersey pocket and on frame bags. It sounds like your bike is about to fall apart and makes it a thoroughly unenjoyable experience most of the time.

    Free Member

    DezB, there is some great riding behidn there in bucklands. Loads of little alleyways and catwalks you can ride up and around at night. The fact its a rough area just makes it all the more fun.

    Free Member

    nice bike, pity about the awful tyre choice and more so the awful tyre colour choice. shame on you. 😆

    Free Member

    Echoing what other people have said – get a proper chain. SRAM and Shimano are shite.

    Ive used Taya (its okay, noisy and stretches fast), shimano (snapped very fast), KMC (good, noisey and not a non-stretch one) and finally wipperman which blows the rest away. If you keep an 808 cleaned after every muddy ride and wiped/lubed after not so muddy rides it lasts a huge distance, doesnt rust and doesnt mangle your other components.

    edit: also the wipperman quicklinks are awesome and reusable!

    Free Member

    I think i remember hearing 2 hours at -5 on exposed skin and you would start to get frost nip.

    If its already -5 and your moving at 15 mph i can easily see you feet getting frostnip/bite a lot quicker. I know my hands/feet get very very cold so i wear lots of layers there.

    Free Member

    gt85, lubricant for those that know.

    Free Member

    90rpm is the maximum rpm really?

    Im pretty shit at spinning and i can manage 170.

    Free Member

    yeah i was kind of thinking that.

    Free Member

    i think this is one of the coolest things ever and i wish it were over here 🙁 Preferably at the end of my road and with a nice job opening going.

    Free Member

    I think the amount of air that goes through teh valve probably pushes the sealant away?

    Free Member

    I think the amount of air that goes through teh valve probably pushes the sealant away?

    Free Member

    SS 32:17 with the foxes. Will go to 32:18 next time unless i get much fitter, it was okay for the first lap but the second and third became very difficult. Still manned out most of the climbs.

    My rigid SS is a fixie atm so wouldnt have been great 😀

    Free Member

    nosedive do you use like a teaspoon of fluid or something ?

    I use a mixture of latex (and other things) with some joes no flats stuff i got cheap. I got home from a ride once and accidently knocked a thorn out of my tyre…It wouldnt seal at all! Took the tyre off and found the the latex had all gotten out. Must have been quite a lot of punctures for that to happen 😐

    Free Member

    NNOP, i did my first real race today at gorrick. It was a good fun event i must say and im pretty knackered!

    Didnt have anyone shout “RIDER BEHIND” or “KEEP LEFT” or whatever either on tight singletrack like i have on smaller fun races. There was one point in some tight singletrack where i was being held up and some much quicker people were being held up but there was literally no where to pass.

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