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  • ybot
    Free Member

    Great news and well done. We adopted our little girl when she was four and half months old, she turns five at the end of this month. She has been amazing since the day she arrived, looked up from her car seat and smiled at us. We did fostering to adopt so for the 1st year or so weren’t sure if she would stay with us or not which was hard to deal with. I’ll echo some of the points above, its the single most amazing thing we have done. She is so loving and can be very challenging, its certainly hard work but also very rewarding and of course wouldn’t change it for anything.
    The 1st day on the adoption course we met another couple who we got on really well with, they now have 2 kids and we see them a few times a year, it certainly helps to have friends who have gone through the whole process too. Also, I don’t see it as us being special, its more the other way around that this little girl has given us the family we wanted with all the highs and lows that entails.

    Free Member

    Me and a friend rode out from Inverie to Kinlochourn via Barrisdale about 10 years ago as the 1st day of a Coast to Coast route (we got the ferry from Mallaig to Knoydart). We were blessed with a beautiful hot sunny day. From what I remember the ride over to Barrisdale was fine, especially the descent on the Barrisdale side, may of had to push some of the way up. The path from Barrisdale to Kinlochourn was challenging, lots of getting on and off the bike and at least 2 quite tough ‘Hike a Bike’ sections. Was a brilliant day out, but having tee shirt and shorts weather really helped. From Kinlochhourn we followed the road all the way to the great glen where we stayed the night. We were travelling quite light with 35lt rucksacks each.

    Free Member

    Was going to suggest I know a bloke called Richard who might be up for that then realised it was you posting :)

    Free Member

    Two more done here, great cause.

    Free Member

    How about a persoanlised disk rota from hope

    Free Member

    Think there is a simple miss understanding here. From an oil industry perspective I am sure you are right and its a baby rig but for your average person like Matt it can hardly be perceived as a baby sized piece of equipment. The thought of natioanl grid electric pylons in the area, if thats the size you say it is just helps confirm why the site is Wrong.

    Pictures of cranes on houseing developments have no relevance to this thread what so ever. Was the access down a hign banked narrow country road in a AONB in the green belt with traffic lights installed so the road can be shut for convoys of hgvs to go up it. Do any of the locals have to phone ahead to check its clear to leave their houses. Is the road used by hugh numbers of cyclists daily both roadies and mtbs who can access the road at many points not knowing if the traffic lights are red or green.

    Do we really believe this is the only point where they can drill directly to all the layers they need and just happens to be on a pre hardened forest track. As pointed out, do we really believe it will just be a test site as once established it would seem very likely it will stay as pointed out by someone previously.

    I agree there has been some very sensationalist reporting especially in those bike mag articles linked to.

    I would say its very hard to convey thinhs on forums like this and it does seem people take offence too easily and often they are pretty ,uch saying the same thing

    Anyway, i’m done on this thread now

    Free Member

    I think that is widely understood gonefishin, infact this site is purely for the exploration and currently not proposed to have a nodding Donkey at all, assuming they get the results they want then these will be put in places with better access which kind of brings us full circle. This site is entirely inappropriate based on the required lorry movements, damage to sunken lane, damage to AONB, why not drill from a proposed nodding donkey site ? Who knows but id ha e a guessits harder and will cost more

    Free Member

    Dragon, read the LHAG page then you might have some idea even if you disagree with it. Are you saying no one can use oil and gas unless it is extracted from very close to them ! weird.

    Free Member

    can you define how far away it has to be before its not a NIMBY issue. For example a mile from my house,10 miles,100 perhaps. What if I think there is a better site nearer me, does that make me a NIMBY. Have you actually read any of the 7 years worth of data on the LHAG website. Personally I am quite happy to be a NIMBY on this issue. Did you knoiw this site is only proposed for initial exploration but if they find what they expect they are planning on putting the nodding donkeys at sites with much better transport links, funny that

    Free Member

    But we aren’t, we are protesting about one thing and think the site is wrong and there are better options in the very local vicinity of a mile or two at most which actually is even more local to both Mattjg and myself but anyway, let’s just agree to differ. Just remember to check the lights are red or green before going down the road to Dorking on your bike when you pop out of one of the many small paths accessing the road

    Free Member

    Well Nin fan we’ll just have to agree to differ and hope you calm down a bit. Is it possible to care about something local to you yet not be a NIMBY? And are you suggesting the people close to it should rely on other people arond the country to raise the issue and fight the cause

    Free Member

    Indeed, and there are a few nodding donkeys scattered around Surrey already, certainly there is one quite near by at Brockham, as you say hidden away and I’m sure lots of people don’t know its there. But that’s not what’s this is about and once again if you don’t know the area its hard for you to understand the arguments and alternative sites. I once again refer you to the LHAG website where you can find out more

    Free Member

    Its true there are timber trucks already using that road but in nothing like the quantity this is proposing and anyway, that doesn’t mean its appropriate, far from it in fact and I’m sure if a better method of extracting the timber could be found it would be used whereas the oil exploration could be done from different sites.

    Right, no point of ending up in an argument on hear, I once again refer you to the LHAG website where all this is discussed including the concerns of locals which might help you understand their reasoning even if you don’t agree with it

    Free Member

    ap, sadly you are wrong, the site has been chossen as its the easiest spot for them to drill for the oil which is actually slightly away from the proposed site, as I understand it its about the local geology. If you knew the area which from your comment I assume you don’t you’d realise how inappropriate the location is.

    Look at the LHAG (Leith Hill Action Group) website which has been fighting this for several years now and you’ll see its not an objection to extracting the oil just the proposed site from which to do so

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replys so far, so this pic of building work going on which appears to be from 2000 wasn’t a full restoration of the bothy then, just some maintenance !

    Free Member

    Dorking cocks, rides start at 9.30 am on saturday mornings and 6.30pm on Wednesday nigjts both starting at Nirvana Cycles in Westcott see


    Free Member

    Dorking cocks, rides start at 9.30 am on saturday mornings and 6.30pm on Wednesday nigjts both starting at Nirvana Cycles in Westcott see


    Free Member

    As has been said above, there is a Nirvana Saturday XC Ride which starts at 9.30am from the shop – this is also essentially a Dorking Cocks ride as all the regular ridrs on it are also Dorking Cocks.

    Free Member

    Or just ask a local to guide you on a 32 mile route taking in the best bits at no cost other than perhaps a beer, tea and cake.

    Free Member

    I’m another regular and the main lead rider from the 6.30 night ride starting at Nirvana – as Matt and Charlie have already said, its not really a Nirvana ride just a bunch of locals (Dorking Cocks) who find it a convienient starting point.

    No ride has ever started out with the intention of losing anyone although as mentioned it has happened. Many people do turn up for a ride with us, some we only see the once where as others have returned and become regular riders.

    We always do our best not to drop anyone whilst also trying not to compromise the ride – remember, the regulars all look forward to their weekly ride and it can be very frustrating to have 12 or 13 people hanging around at every junction for a newbie to catch up.

    Rich, I can’t recall the ride you mention but I do remember you, I seem to remember the 1st time you came along happened to be the night of our Christmas meal many years ago now.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with the OP and no the very path he is talking about. I lead a lot of local rides and would always choose to by pass that one for the very reasons he mentions. Also agree that its not really about it being a footpath or not, its just about common sense and respecting others.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replys so far – doesn’t sound too complicated. Will be there on Thursday morning and if we get the ferry on time should have a couple of hours to make it to the station

    Free Member

    Matt, you weren’t dropped you just took the wrong turning :) You missed the fork right onto the trail called ‘Fork right’ lol

    Anyway, at least you bumped into the ‘Cocks’ b team shortly after and knew what pub to head to – all’s well that end’s well

    Free Member

    Hmm, I did only a couple of Nirvana Saturday morning rides way back when the likes of Jon Webb were on them and on both occasions I got dropped not out of any kind of malice but just that they were too fast for me and I know that on at least one of those occasions they did come back looking for me.

    These days things have very much changed and now I lead many of the Saturday rides myself. Partly I’m fitter (no fags, less booze, more riding)and partly the ride group isn’t quite as full on as it used to be, that said there are still some speed merchants about.

    I for one would never purposely drop anyone but it can and does happen, I like this sentance.

    ‘It’s a risky sport, stuff happens. People get lost. We are all adults here’

    Free Member

    We’ll, its 6.30 at Nirvana every Wednesday if you fancy coming along. The rides can very – sometimes full on fast 25 miles or so, other times maybe only 10 miles, sedate and in the pub early.

    Sometimes there will be 3 or 4 of us, most often they’ll be more like 8 or 10 and occasionally something like 16 and that normally leads to a split into 2 groups.

    They do always include a pub stop generally from 9 to 10 with a return to Westcott by about 10.30

    Free Member

    I fully expect to get very very wet both inside and out :)

    Free Member

    The thing with that linky is that its true, the Dorking Cocks will be riding tonight, that is 100% gauranteed no matter what the weather !

    But, it’ll be a short ride involving 3 pubs and a pre arranged Christmas meal. Westoctt – Friday Street – Abinger Common – Sutton Abinger – Westcott

    Free Member

    Do Nirvana really have a reputation for dropping people ! if so on what rides ? I know back in the day 10 years or so ago the Saturday 9.30 ride was full on, maybe thats what you are referring to

    Free Member

    That is bad news, quite a few of the pubs have gone, very sad. Lets hope its true and opens up again next year.

    Free Member

    Cheezpleez – have you considered doing the Tim Woodcock Coast to Coast, St Bees to Robins Hood Bay. I reckon you’d love that but may need a little more than 3 days.

    Free Member

    What I love about Surrey is I very happily by pass the much over rated Lake District to ride proper remote and wild back country empty trails in the far more beautiful surroundings of the Scottish Highlands and Islands using the Sleeper train for transport to get there – Torridon and Applecross for me in November, can’t wait :)

    Free Member

    And we come full circle, so now you know who’d live in Surrey, just one of many very nice places to live within the UK so thats that sorted then.

    Free Member

    But surely you could say the same that Surrey is quiet in the week and only really busy at weekends and as you mention, avoid the honey pot areas and theres space for everyone, you seem to be confirming this which is nice.

    I’m sure Yorkshire is a lovely place to live, as is Cumbria and many other places on these islands, and Surrey is one of them. Could do with being a bit quieter but there is still plenty of space for all.

    Incidently, did you know Surrey is the most wooded county in the country, and we all know woods and mountain biking go very well together.

    Free Member

    Last time I walked up Scafell it was busier at the top than Leith Hill Tower, very off putting to be honest. The lake district is beautiful but far far to busy, the towns are all congested even the pubs in places like Langdale are packed compared to the equivilant in the Surrey Hills and lets face it its only 3 times as high as Leith Hill so not exactly the Rockies is it.

    As I said, in the UK if you really want space lakes and mountain then its the Scottish Highlands which thankfully I’ll be spending aweek cycl;ing around in November.

    Free Member

    Did a 8 mile walk with the other half on Sunday, Westcott, Ranmore, Westhumble kind of thing – never saw a single mountain biker except at the new bike shop at Boxhill & Westhumble Station. Nice to see lots of walkers and horse riders and even a group of roadies but there was masses of space for everyone

    On Saturday I did the London Brighton Off Road event – only hold up the whole way was in Shere where the cars had jammed the village centre solid.

    Free Member

    Well if you are talking about real Mountains and Lakes certainly not Yorkshire either. I’d suggest you look to the Scottish Highlands or perhaps the Alps for that kind of thing :)

    Free Member

    Another life long Surrey resident here. Beautiful place to live and as above, cycling is generally very well supported/accepted. I know so many people now who cycle in one form or another which is quite heartening and as said above, just look at the crowds watching the tour, great to see.

    Free Member

    I rode it singlespeed on a 26″ carbon Whippet with Nobby Nicks 2.35″ tyres, gearing was 32:16. Set off in the 1st group and was the 6th finisher in just under 6 hours. Barely saw anybody after Winterfold, just one person came past and he was on a cyclo cross bike. Have to admit to walking about 1/2 of that last hill out of beeding, was just too much on the singlespeed, my legs were certainly tireing by then.

    Free Member

    I have a SS Whippet, its also fully rigid with carbon forks and tubeless wheels.

    Have to say I love it, seem to spend far more time riding that than my Kula and my fitness has come on loads.

    Go for it, you’ll love it.

    Free Member

    I saw one this morning in Reigate Park but not sure if it is there for the weekend or not

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