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  • Video: Samantha Soriano’s Road to Red Bull Formation – Episode Three
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    My Geax Barro Mountains have a little sign on them with an arrow saying <–grip speed–>

    Free Member

    Are you sure your not wearing them inside out and haven't told us you shave your bum for embarrassment and that is what two days growth does?

    Free Member

    Is it a bum boil or an ingrowing hair.

    An ingrowing hair could be quite serious and require an operation to remove. A friend had one that was about 5 inches long.

    Another friend had an infection of some a small tube/passage in that area that required five days of hospitalization and two operations to clear it followed by secondary infection. Or at least that was the translation I got of the events.

    Keep your bum clean people.

    Free Member

    Seen some large insects in LOS when living there – gargantuan cockroaches, foot long centipedes (one of the insects which scared me), once came across a 3.5m reticulated python in my garden, followed by a couple of weeks later a cobra (both when setting off for a ride).

    Once nearly ran into an elephant in the dark as well, it didn't have it's red taillight on.

    Free Member

    I and many other people found the BB on the standard enduro to be a bit low – meaning that you were constantly catching your cranks/pedals/shoes on things unless you coasted through rocky trails.

    fitting a 10mm shock raises the BB a bit but also steepens the head angle. For me, since I was running the linkage in the steeper head angle position originally, changing it to the slacker setting with the longer shock meant keeping essentially the same head angle overall but fixing the BB height

    I take it that is how it is still with that current shock that you fitted?

    Free Member

    How old is "old style"?

    Oh I don't know. It looks remarkably like your bike there in fact. Very similar indeed.

    I know you mentioned that a longer shock was in place, but I couldn't find any info on the benefits of changing the shock and/or the linkage.

    I'm a tinkerer/scientist at heart and need to understand why I'm doing something before testing it out.

    Free Member

    That's a nice fence. Does it hold up well in the gales?

    Free Member

    My question

    If I win it are you going to ask me for more money as per your previous posts feedback?

    Any decent explanation for that feedback?

    His answer

    hi no the reason being was i was going to swap the xt cran front and rear mec but i couldn't do so,but now im going to leave them on the no i wont ask for more.
    hope this helps

    Buggered if I know what that means.

    Free Member

    Tried Squirt, don't really rate it that much

    Free Member

    Jesus effing christ!

    Won bike day before pickup, emailed me asking for additional £250 for it…

    Or is trying to rip people off.

    Free Member

    Asked him if he has a decent explanation for that comment as I am interested in the bike.

    Shall see what he says

    Free Member

    I was car less for years. Worked overseas and hired when I was back for any length of time.

    Used to have four years no claims prior to this, now have just about got one again and the insurance companies hate me – why has somebody who has been driving for 15 years not got any no claims etc etc.

    500 quid a year just now.

    Free Member

    Shorter stem helped with my numb hands

    Free Member

    Merlin Cycles

    Only XX.

    Never seen X5, 7 or 9 anywhere other than on bikes

    Free Member

    Who sells the SRAM groupsets? Only ever seen X0 and XX on websites.

    Free Member

    What GPS units actually allow me to see a map?

    Free Member

    Lots of B&B's over corpach way.

    Used to have friends doing some up on Pob's Drive – not sure if they have stopped now or not.

    Free Member

    darkside – it's not a vampire movie

    Content – warning darkside content inside or or contains slick tyre content – boils my pee that does.

    Free Member

    brake levers may feel better if the other way round and as per the pics earlier.


    If you are pulling the lever further away from it's pivot point, then it's requiring less force to apply the brakes. Moment of a Force = Force x Distance.

    Not sure how this translates into a hydraulic system, but it's still going to require less force to via the piston to compress it if you are applying that force further away.

    Free Member

    Never even thought about it.

    I'm sure all my bikes have been setup 'in-board'. I take it 'in-board' means closer to the stem than the gear clamp is.

    Would it work the other way round?

    Has anybody else got a photo of the shifters inboard to compare to the imadge above?

    Free Member

    FINALLY managed to pluck up the courage to make some big changes in my life that I've always needed to do but never been "able" to. Turns out in the end it was so much easier than I ever dreamed.

    It is ok to wear socks with your sandles.

    Free Member

    There are some seriously scary and mental people on here. WTF makes you behave in such a crazy way, do you hate your wife/kids/job/life?

    It's the "what if" factor that comes into some peoples lives at various points. It is what stopped the mist today. It's what stopped me riding motorbikes as well, but then I was again living and riding in countries where road rules were an afterthought.

    The whole "what if" thing has had some interesting levels of control on my life to date.

    Yet, I have several close friends that the "what if" doesn't matter to.

    Free Member

    I actually read that as flacid. No offence I'm tired

    Not quite sure how to take that. Should I be bashful that Hora is thinking about my flacid member or not?

    Free Member

    It's not really about being accepting, it's more about knowing how to keep control.

    Which is something I had to learn working in countries with different cultures and very different methods of working.

    Free Member

    Go for an old style mercedes E series estate.

    A Citroen XM estate or C5.

    Free Member

    I tend to laugh at things like that rather than chase people down in a fit of rage. Unless the abuse is physical then it's not worth the effort. But then again I'm a grown man with a wife and child so I don't really get into these situations.

    That is how I normally am. A fairly placid, accepting person. I was really shocked that I snapped like that, because it's unlike me. Not to worry, a few hours of meditation will balance me back out.

    She sounds nice.


    Free Member

    I used to, in the SRAM days, now i use the shimano dual control doofers..

    I got some of the older XT dual controls second hand, wasn't convinced at first, but they were cheap. Now though, couldn't be without them.

    Free Member

    Passing my PGCE and getting QTS
    Getting a job in my second training school – tough area, bizarre school, love it.
    Sticking out life in the UK and remembering how good it really is – a few moments where it's been touch and go whether or not I would flit again.

    Taking the step to find old friend's locally and rekindling the friendships.

    Free Member

    A friend's niece at his wedding learning how to blow bubbles.

    Free Member

    There was a science(ish) show that had two identical twins that did various experiments to see how they effected them. One was about strong stomachs or something like that.

    One of the lads crapped in a jam jar and when they were testing each others stomach strengths he produced it for his brother to sniff and he to sniff. His brother gagged and puked, but he didn't. science person claimed it was because it was his own crap and the brain new it.

    Plausible, I suppose.

    Free Member

    I struggle not to lose it, but these days I try more to keep a lid on it and not let anything happen.

    I don't really have that problem. Last time I did something out of anger was chasing a bus driver down who forced me into a kerb when he decided to charge past parked cars after stopping at a bus stop before the cars on his side of the road when I was already part way down the stretch of road.

    Photographed his bus and number and emailed the company telling them what had happened, received and apology from the company which and a confirmation they would speak to the driver.

    Hora – Thai, which is unfortunate for her in that she is stereotyped by a lot of people here.

    She has had a few problems with a couple of bus drivers that do her college route.One for racism calling her a f'''ing foreigner and she should f''' off home, the other for refusing her bus pass on several occasions because he claimed it was the wrong pass. They were swiftly sorted out.

    Other than that, no problems that I am aware of.

    Having worked overseas in effectively singular societies (best way of describing it). It's interesting (and somewhat frustrating) being on the receiving end of predjudism and racism because of where I am from or thought to be from.

    I fondly remember arguing the point in Korea with a new restaurant that had opened up near our apartment that I should be allowed in because in fact I wasn't American and therefore the No Americans sign didn't apply to me.

    Free Member

    The 1.4 is appallingly slow- Im mean almost dangerous with 30mpg real-world.

    I gave up overtaking in it. A few hairy 'oh shit' moments when I remembered it didn't have any power was enough to put me off.

    I drove to Plymouth from Newcastle and just managed 38mpg on the motorway at 62mph all the way there.

    Free Member

    Used one for 6 months.

    Loads of room, 1.4 is a crap engine though, seats really didn't work for me though, I am 6'4 and the seats never fitted me properly. I had to put a cushion behind my back to get them to fit without back ache.

    Cruise control can be a bit hairy as well when going up hills, it had a habit of down shifting at the peak of the hill and accelerating.

    Free Member

    She has a couple of options.

    One is to sit and dwell about what she wasn't doing right in the relationship and how it's all her fault

    The other is to go out get trashed (several times) have a few one night stands, realise they are bollocks, wallow in self pity, then hate men forever.

    Or see it as awakening that something wasn't right and that it's better to know now rather than another 5 years down the line.

    Will she take him back if he comes back tail between though?

    Free Member

    Vision Express offered me some with inserts for 50 quid

    Free Member

    I hate people who do that.

    An auctions and auction. Either set a higher starting price or MTFU and accept that it might go for a quid.

    Free Member

    Used does mean used and sometimes bargains ain't as good as we hope

    Very true. You think she's going to be a firecracker in bed because she's been around the block a few times, but it turns out she is a starfish.

    Free Member

    You're lucky. He reserved the right to pull it if it didn't go for what he was wanting.

    I hate people who do that. Pees me right off that they pull stuff because they don't get enough money for it. I always message them and ask them if it has sold yet and if they say they pulled it because it wasn't going for enough I contact Ebay and report them.

    Free Member

    I reckon you could have fixed the problem in the time it took you to post this thread

    Me too. :P

    But it's Friday, six weeks of holidays ahead of me, just spent two hours chopping down 3 months of growth in a friend's garden that has been working away, a few beers down my neck and it felt like a worthy friday evening blether.

    Which it turns out it might have been.

    Free Member

    I'm concerned about these logos – how long did they take to start peeling off?

    I noticed it two weeks ago, bike was bought at the back end of April beginning of May.

    Logos I noticed after a weekend away. Gave the bike a clean up and lube and thought that some of the rocks on the fire road had managed to slice her tyres. Closer inspection realised that it followed the shape of the logo, checked the other side of the wheel and saw the same thing happening there, checked all logos and writing and it was a mixed bag, back drive side everything ok, non drive side both logos and writing 'slashed' front both logos and one of the writing (tyre name) 'slashed'. Wouldn't have been too fussed but on checking to see what was going on I realised that it was leaving a patch with missing rubber under it.

    Now she isn't going to be doing much other than cycle tracks and green loops, bit I was concerned that she had potentially lost some structural strength from the tyre.

    Bontranger were really good as were the LBS, other than the odd innertube angle.

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