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  • Michelin Wild Enduro Tyre – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    How do you wee and poo when stuck in the traffic?

    Free Member

    I was in Gyeongju City near Pohang. I stayed well away from the border and the kimchi…

    I love kimchi.

    Are you involved in the boat industry then?

    Free Member

    I was in Korea for a few days.

    Where in Korea were you?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Lenovo had some good deals on last week.

    Free Member

    Arty people like drugs shocker!

    No shocker, just an observation that she is rolling her eyes, gurning and moving her head oddly. Live on TV.

    Free Member

    Quirrel you’re wrong, jobs can ask what they want on an application form, so if it says “do you have any criminal convictions or cautions?” Then you have to tell them.

    No. You’re wrong.

    “Cautions are now covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 so will become spent immediately (apart from conditional cautions which will become spent after 3 months). This means that if you are asked on an application form if you have a caution you can reply ‘no’. For conditional cautions it would be after 3 months since the caution was issued, up until that time you would have to reply ‘yes’.”

    Free Member

    CIS is what you need.

    Solves all your inky problems

    Free Member

    Some of the ones near me look like they’d more or less been sealed in by the snow ploughs.

    Tough. They should have moved them.

    Free Member

    They wouldn’t be so pushed if they moved the cars though and stopped people charging at each other and having head on collisions and/or accelerating to clear the gap before the next lot of cars come through.

    I hope the double parkers catch herpes whilst sweating profusely

    Free Member

    1.9 came in 100, 130 and 150 not 170 !!

    Anniversary edition was 170

    Free Member

    alwaysync use it everyday

    Free Member

    The question of course is: Do blind dogs chase white sticks?

    Free Member

    Hopefully this is obvious but if it said ‘do you have any criminal convictions or cautions?’ then you would need to disclose it.

    You do not have to disclose cautions unless on an enhanced CRB.

    Free Member

    Do the nuke a bottle trick before you blow it up.

    Free Member

    As Quirrel says (if only the application requires an enhanced CRB) then personally I would say no but clearly state the caution. Honesty is best. If you are to have an enhanced disclosure this shows everything and I mean everything however small (Convictions, cautions, reprimands & final warnings) Also worth noting is any police intelligence on you is also recorded. I have to have these for my job so I know a little of what is required.

    They don’t always show up everything they should, but don’t always. I’ve seen the second part to my CRB and it’s got nothing recorded on it.

    Free Member


    Or do some tricks like making plasma in the microwave.
    Metling bottles – REALLY COOL. wish I was allowed to do it at school

    Free Member

    I love my 1.9 Golf. It’s the 100bhp version, but is about right for what I need.

    I did previously for two days (before taking it back to Arnold Twunt’s) have a Cordoba SE 130BHH TDi, which in all honesty I didn’t notice that much difference between the two, but there probably is and some STW member will come along waving his chip and whittering on about the PD engine differences.

    My next car, if finances let me will be a Superb 2.5 TDi V6

    Free Member

    Surely if somebody runs into the back of you due to black ice it’s still their fault for not driving to the prevailing conditions of there potentially being black ice.

    Free Member

    Get some epsom salts and microwave them until all the moisture is removed or heat on a hot skillet or if you want to slow cook them stick in the oven, but microwave is fastest.

    Put the phone in a box with that. Beats rice for absorbing power

    Free Member

    Unless you are going for a position that requires an enhanced disclosure, then you do need to declare them….even though they don’t always show up.

    Free Member

    Bavaria non-alcohol is ok as is that Koperberg

    Free Member

    I’m white and scottish, in no way am I a minority in the UK, however when living in Asia, I have been on the receiving end of racism many tinmes.

    Simple things from being told I can’t enter a restaurant because I’m American, to abuse being shouted at me by young men in the street.

    It’s not pleasant, but at the same time I didn’t really care. I had to teach using text books (modern text books) with black characters in them who had massive lips and big white eyes. My students were effectively instituitionally racist, they were really rude about black people, but it was more a fear of the unkown than anything else.

    Mrs Q was a bit racist, but again that is this drummed into her nonsense in Thailand that black skin is lower class so therefore anybody who is black must be dirty and poor.
    However since living in the UK and spending the vast majority of her days with asylum seekers and immigrants, she realised that what she had been led to believe was crap and although there were still a few knobbers, in the most part people are ok.

    Mrs Q had a great time in Korea, she never once received any of the negativity that can be shown towards people from SEA (other than the twunts at immigration the first time who held her there for three hours, but that is another story).
    She used to have fantastic conversations with Koreans in Korean and broken English about why she looked the same as them but didn’t speak Korean properly. Mental.

    Back in the UK, she has only been on the receiving end of direct racism a couple of times, and some indirect stereotyping a few times. A lot better than we expected.

    What to do about a racist friend. Hard to say. He has a belief that doesn’t go with your own, it’s up to you if you keep seeing him but you need to tell them why you don’t want to if you make that decision.

    Free Member

    golden syrup and a granny’s apple in a sandwich, lovely

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to pull off the end cap and fill it with grease.

    I did find that my wellgo v8 copies don’t stick to my Karrimore cheapy hiking shoe things. I spend more time with my shoes bouncing off the pedals than on,

    Free Member

    What happened to the more serious charge of abuse in a public office or whatever one it was that covered his position in parliment. The same one a policeman would be charged with if he was on the take.

    Free Member

    I found it hard to hide 7 years of my life.
    I had to create a whole new idenity, set up fake companies with phone lines routed to phones I purchased for friends to anwswer and give references for. Websites setup and email address’s as well.

    It can be done, but it takes a bit of planning.

    Free Member

    The helmets would keep there hair dry and avoid the need to ride whilst using an umbrella.

    So naive. 😉

    My Shoei lid cost somewhere around 300 quid imported out there.

    I could buy a police deterring pee pot for 2 quid or so or a full face for 15.

    Free Member

    wtf is a bumgun?

    You haven’t lived.

    One of the most amazing Asian inventions is the toilet hose or ‘bum gun’. This is a small hose with a spray nozzle on the end that’s attached to the wall in practically every toilet in Thailand and is used
    after you’ve been to the loo, to spray your nether regions to get them clean. It’s a wonderful invention as, unlike in the US and England, where we tend to just wipe around with some toilet paper, smearing urine and feces all over our delicate private area, in Thailand Thai men and women use the bum gun. They use the toilet hose or ‘bum gun’ to spray water on themselves, use soap that they bring with them to make sure they’re completely clean, and then use the toilet hose again to rinse off. A quick dry with some toilet paper, and they’re just as clean as when they left the house that morning. The toilet hose or bum gun in Thailand really is a wonderful invention but, if you haven’t been faced with one before, how do you use it?

    Testing the Toilet Hose or Bum Gun – First things first, test the water pressure before you use it. The British call the toilet hose the ‘bum gun’ and for good reason. The nozzle on the end of the hose is shaped a bit like a gun, with a trigger that you press to release the water. The secret to using the bum gun or toilet hose correctly is this – every one of them has a different pressure so, before you start spraying around your nether regions, make sure you test the pressure first by spraying some water into the toilet. Some bum guns have very high pressure and you could, literally, just about shoot yourself off the toilet if you use it with too much force.

    Free Member

    Bumgun and/or electronic toilet seats with drier and washer built in.

    Free Member

    But I do think its more to do with those in cars believing that they ‘own’ the road – a bit like the UK really…

    Size does matter unless you have a Merc or BMW, then you rule the road, no matter what.

    One of my friends in Thailand is a fairly wealthy business owner (and chief of police for the province, but that has nothing to do with him owning all the most popular restaurants and hotels in town, really).
    He owned a car wash as one of his many business’s in which I used to regularly meet up with him there before heading out for a ride.

    The number of BMW’s and Mercs that came in to get washed, with scratches bumps and scrapes on them was amazing. Just about everyone was highly polished, with a gouge or crack somewhere on it.

    What was more amazing was when he told me how much some of them cost with import duty.
    A 318i was working out at the time around 30,000-35,000 pounds. A 5 series was close to 50,000-65,000.

    He always impressed me with how shrewd he was with his money as well. I asked him why he didn’t have a nice car like that. He saw no point, he lived in Thailand and didn’t want it getting damaged. So his cheap oldish pickup did the job and a couple of nice bikes.

    Free Member

    We concluded it had something to do with the Buddhist’s view of fatalism.

    Koreans do it as well, Thai’s, Indonesians, Malaysians (but better) Laos, Cambodians, Arabs from the post above and friends who work out there, most of Africa, India and that central belt of Asia.

    Free Member

    As for the roads, well we drove along a recently laid 20 mile stretch that had completely collapsed – driver had to navigate around piles of rubble.

    Because the local transport ministers, heads of villages etc pocket the money

    Free Member

    I did wonder if we were seeing the “you’ve been framed” version and that the reality does include some horrific stuff

    Never pleasant to go home in the evening and see the chalk outlines of a family of five, one obviously a baby outside the house gates.

    Free Member

    Im sure the above is true but what about the 3:41. One on a slow moving electric bike and another on a almost as slow moving scooter.

    Not uncommon

    They make no attempt to serve out of each others way.

    Each of them thinks they are more important than the other, are in their own worlds, or don’t care.

    They just ride straight into each other slowly ?

    Makes a change, not looking back, did they have umbrellas up so they can’t see?

    Do people walk into each other all the time when walking in china ?


    Is being the one to move out of the way seen as being a sign of weakness or something ?


    Are they all so wrapped up in their lives they dont notice each other


    Free Member

    You are only seeing the nice ones.

    You aren’t seeing the dead children, smeared bodies, impaled people, hit and runs, drive by shootings, mass pile ups or any of the other things that go on.

    Having spent most of my 20’s in SEA and Korea I’ve seen more dead bodies than I can ever want to. More chalk outlines of people on the road than I thought possible, and lost too many friends from the motor bike group I road with.

    If you effectively give people who up until 20 years ago were riding around on bicycles, scooters, tractors and buffaloes, something that is high powered (in respect to their original transport) that have litte regard for the rules of the road, either because they are poorly written or easily paid off when broken.

    This video is what happens, plus all the really horrible bits that you don’t get to see.

    Free Member

    My maid and gardener

    Free Member

    definitely napthalene

    Two fused benzene rings

    Free Member

    I finished mine last week and wired the battery pack up to my 18v drill pack, which is quite large, but fits perfectly in an underseat bag.

    Not convinced it’s water proof yet.

    My reflectors are a bit off centre of the holes, the case is covered in silicon from my fingers, BUT I made it and it’s mine.

    When I have some more funds spare I might make another.

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