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  • Singletrack Kitchen: Charlie’s Cheesy Chilli Cakes & Roasted Red Soup
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    All in all far more interesting than lying on a beach full of pissed backpackers!

    Again only if you stay on the tourist trail.

    My first trip around Thailand was by local buses and trains, hopping on and off when I felt like it. However I had no time limit and no commitments.
    Met many strange people, saw some great sites and visited parts of Thailand that nobody else normally sees.

    If you can be bothered to plan properly given your time constraints, you can see a lot more of either country and go a bit off piste if you fancy it.

    Free Member

    Did you do your training at Fort William or South Africa?

    I have an old school friend who based himself in Phuket bought a bar (as much as you can buy a business in Thailand) and spends his time there between contracts.

    Free Member

    I met an American who bought a baby elephant once. Paid about 1300 dollars for it and walked around Bangkok from bar to bar one evening, then realised he couldn’t keep it so sold it back to the owner for 1000 dollars.

    Free Member

    Looked at that MOnkey Shoulder a few times, but it’s never been cheap enough to risk

    Singleton has been 20quid at late.

    Has anybody tried the Japanese whisky

    Free Member

    Lived out there for a 4 years or so.

    Never went to Vietnam.

    So much to see in Thailand if you can be bothered to get off the tourist route. Hiring a car is a great way to go. It’s not dangerous if you keep your head and realise that if a truck is pulling out, then it’s pulling out and isn’t going to stop.

    Laos is a nice spot to visit as well. Mrs Q and I used to take our well earned breaks there.

    However if you want something completely different you could go peninsular malaysia – Cameron Highlands, Perenthian Islands, Tama Negara National Park, Cherating Beech resort, Kuala Lumpa and a couple of places south of KL that I’ve forgotten.
    It’s all within easy traveling time as well.

    Free Member

    Hitman will get rid of it.

    Turn of system restore though.

    Free Member

    Trying to draw out SurfMat into the wild again.

    Good try, but he won’t bite this early on.

    Free Member

    Meet up with them somewhere else where that kind of awkward situation would never arise.

    Brothel might be a good choice. The friendly enforcer would ensure he paid his way.

    Free Member

    Quirrel – perhaps he felt cornered on that thread and was angry at the way the ‘hive mind’ was feeding at his carcass.

    Perhaps he didn’t like having it pointed out to him that what he has said was wrong and dangerous.

    I don’t think that thread was much in the way of attacking (I did, but that was more on the dangerous side of his comment than him personally).

    Most of that thread is a discussion about LFB and SBZ pointing out that he could teach SM if he can afford it.

    Free Member

    He’s reading this.

    Flouncers always do.

    One day, he will read something and slip up and have to post……unless he is a serious flouncer, then they randomise their password and then setup a new email address that has a randomized password to it. Don’t write it down and a true flounce has occured.

    Free Member

    Is lying in bed on the laptop thinking about going downstairs and stripping wallpaper work?

    I can’t find my bike toolkit in all the DIY chaos just now, nor the shed keys, so I’m stuffed at the moment for getting out and having fun anyway.

    Free Member

    You have the same ear issues as I. One of my biggest worries about the impending third person in our lives is sleep.

    On top of my inability to sleep properly, being woken by the slightest noise, having tinnitus to contend with if I do wedge ear plugs in to fight the neighbours TV which isn’t really that loud, it’s just THAT loud to me.

    I also work in a challenging school where I need to be on top of my game to be in control of the classes.

    Lack of sleep is going to be interesting.

    Free Member

    I reckon you know the point I was trying to make though.

    I do, but at the same time I’m sure there is some dinner party rules about opening bottles of wine that the guest brought.

    A bit cheeky as well that they don’t open at least one bottle, until your taste buds are numb and then switch to the cheap stuff.

    Free Member

    Or maybe they enjoy your company soo much that its money truly well spent to them? Revell in this and give them VFM not your paranoia/concern?

    VFM would be not sitting in some crap italian restaurant eating an overpriced steak diane.

    Free Member

    I have had my disagreements with Matt but at the same time he is big enough to listen to another side to an argument.


    STW member(s) – SM it’s dangerous to tap your brake lights like that
    SM – I’m a member of the IAM, you have loads of points on your license, can’t drive, car is crap etc.
    STW member(s) – That’s not the point SM. Tapping your brake light isn’t left foot braking, it’s just dangerous
    SM – I’m a member of the IAM and have had hours of training. You are all crap and can’t drive. You pick on me.
    STW member(s) – But what you said to do and what you claimed it were are two different things.
    SM – I’m off. flouncy flouncy flouncy.

    That pretty much sums it up to me.

    What about the worst snow car thread where he tried to one-up people by having the worst snow car.

    Odd character, met many like him on forums before, met a couple from the forums in real life and they are much the same.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it bad etiquette to open the guests wine?

    I’m tight, but I will pay my way if necessary.

    I hate rounds at the pub. Why would I want to pay for other peoples expensive drinks when mine aren’t that expensive, and no it doesn’t even out by the end of the night.

    I have other friends who are skint and still frivolous with their money. As much as I enjoy seeing them I hate going anywhere with them because it always ends up in getting dinner somewhere and the next thing I know we are 50 quid down, which was budgeted for something else.

    Free Member

    ^ Glad people are talking sense. It has certainly helped clear up some of my urges to have an all signing and dancing pram.

    I may wrap it in a carbon fiber plastic coating but that is just for looks.

    Free Member

    Beware tho. Almost all baby stuff is a massive rip off, especially Phil and Ted and Bugaboo etc.

    I am starting to get the feeling that pram snobbery is more so than bike snobbery.

    ..slinks off to look for carbon fiber pram with titanium hand bits.

    Free Member

    I only use longlife VW rater oil in my golf. I don’t care if it’s 15 quid more per bottle and I change it every 10,000. I know it’s working and it’s expensive so it must be good.

    Free Member

    Interesting topic. Makes me think about why Mrs Q is for me, or even if she is for me.

    She tolerates my madness, probably shouldn’t but she does.

    She is possibly the nicest person I know from a shitty background with a utterly useless family and yet she is mint.

    She has done so many different jobs that I am proud to tell people about them and then every so often she will see something and say “I used to do that” and tell me another story of another mad job she did.

    Free Member

    He seems to care a great deal about family and I respect him for that.

    Until he causes an accident by dabbing his brake lights…..

    Free Member


    Mrs Q always fancied the Korean style carrier sling for the back, but I don’t see her working on a farm with Little Q…….or driving a car like my mental co-worker used to with baby strapped to back and carseat down.

    Will go and examine the Graco ones.

    Spotted a silvercross deal at MotherCare today, with free car seat, but I suspect from walking around the shop it will be too small.

    Free Member

    Never flounced ever.

    Been the cause of the odd flounce.

    Free Member

    McEwans Champion for me in my stew.

    Free Member

    The pressure into our house is excellent.

    The boiler appears to love it and heats up the rooms fantastically quickly. I sometimes stand and shout at the space where the back boiler used to be calling it a names and reminding it how rubbish it was at heating the house compared to this new boiler.

    Free Member

    Ah yes.

    My first STW flounce. It wasn’t particularly memorable, but it was good. Nothing like a know-it-all getting called out for his misguided knowledge.

    I’ll have a dig around another forum I used to frequent and see if “The Moose’s” flounce thread is still there. She was spectacular, flouncing and reappearing on such a regular basis they named a subforum after her.

    Free Member

    Have you downloaded a trial of WoW yet then?

    Free Member

    Just had 3450 spent on the heating.,

    Fitting of a Worchester Bosch Si30 boiler, a gigantic towel rail, relocate lounge radiator and replace. Small radiator in cupboard upstairs and all new central heating pipe work. All copped downstairs and a mix of copper flexi upstairs.

    Free Member

    I love green tea. Drink lots of different varieties of it, as does my father now. He is a bit eccentric and buys fancy ones from all over the world.

    I know one of his cost around something like 25 pounds for 25 grams, can’t remember if it was any good or not.

    Free Member

    Didn’t like it.

    Long boring and contrived.

    THey have gone downhill since the polar expedition.

    Free Member

    Make sure that if they haven’t had the snip they don’t mind tucking it behind them when they are facing you….unless you like the meat and veg swinging.

    Free Member

    Why not use an iPod?

    He asked about 360’s not Ipods.

    If you have problems playing some movies you can use Tversity to stream the movies to your xbox from your computer.

    Free Member

    Sure pink slip was the ‘not passed road worthy one’

    Can’t really remember now. I altered mine with brake fluid to bring it up to date anyway.

    Free Member

    When I had my card details nicked on a card that I never used other than at the local co-op for shopping, they put a few small test purchases through first before trying for a larger one.

    Free Member

    I run a hacked binaton 3500 with tomtom software. Cost 50 quid and does the job.

    Free Member

    Is this thread about real advanced driving skills or is it about activating microswitches with free foot to activate brake lights?
    I promise not to post anymore cartoon characters on this thread.

    Free Member

    The slapper they put on the news who said he used to use her “services” astounded me how anyone could rise to the occasion her being so ugly and that.

    You haven’t lived until you have had a gum-job.

    Free Member

    ah well.

    I will figure out how I’m going to dig open the case and get to the driver I smothered in silicon.

    Free Member

    Medazolam will be the what they used for the twiglight sleep.

    Free Member

    What’s purple and lies on the bottom of the ocean?

    Moby Plum.

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