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  • Issue 142 UK Adventure: The Shugborough Inscription
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    I bought my frame off Clubber on here and it was the right decision for me. I didn’t need a FS but wanted one, didn’t fancy outlaying a load of cash on an all singing and dancing one so got his frame.

    Have never regretted it yet. It hasn’t let me down once, touch wood, so far and I’m a fatty.

    Free Member

    It does work, but……………you miss loads of cogs out. I battled with x-4 and an attack shifter for a few weeks until I had time to pull an xt one of a frame in the shed.

    Free Member

    Another Day in Paradise.
    Requiem for a Dream

    Free Member

    Boss – the one in the bottle with Boss on the side and comes in a silver box with Boss on the side.

    Worn it for year…..even if it is a P&G product.

    Free Member

    Why do you need the guides?

    Cable ties do the job as well if needed.

    Free Member

    |Sore bottom?

    An ingrowiwing hair?

    A mate years ago ended up in agony due to an ingrowing hair. They couldnt see it, for whatever reason it had turned and grown back on itself, but there wasn’t the usual red boil there.

    Ended up in hospital getting it cut out and removed, all 4 or 5 inches of it.

    I seem to recall he spent an hour or so with an expert of bottoms, having his pinched and squeezed in various places to narrow down the tender area before eventually finding it.

    Free Member

    acer hahahaha!!!! only laptops i no NOT to even make 6 months before something goes wrong

    Not in my experience.

    Acually no point in replying to that post.

    YOu are a Macfanboi and are therefore totally braindead to anything outside of the Apple range.

    Free Member

    as far as I’m aware

    Do you have any access to other information outside of the usual news realms that we do?
    IF you watch CHannel 4 news and see the timeline of admission of faults, there was something happening everyday that was being admitted to by the Japanese Nuclear lot escalating the panic everytime/

    Free Member

    I read that as ‘transporting kids’ roof or boot. Which is a lot more interesting.

    There is a great story from the one of the polynesian islands where a local flying back tried to put their kid in the overhead locker.

    Buggered if I can remember the airport, but they have a KFC in duty free so people could take it home to the island as a treat.

    Free Member

    show me a better laptop for 750 with a 10hr battery and a faster, better looking laptop

    HOw about Fark the looks and save 360 quid

    get your 9 hours of usage time and a new set of forks as well.

    Free Member


    New word for me.

    Free Member

    definitely 100% brass my friend!!

    Yes. I thought as much. The avoidance to the questions were great.

    Free Member

    A few people will die immediately

    The 50 workers at the plant have some nickname name The “something” 50.

    I read part of a translated blog from one of them.

    Free Member

    Why not just carry an aerosol of Teflon lube with a long thin pipe and spray that on their windows. Might as well go the whole hog.

    Free Member

    4 ageing US designed nuclear reactors

    Again, does the STW world consider it possible that there are fossil fuel interests steering these news stories or should I put my tin foil hat away?

    Free Member

    one last go to see if the day crowd know the answer

    Free Member

    CUrrent headline for the Telegraph is New Chernobyl 48 hours away

    Reading between the lines though, they mention the relief efforts to stricken parts not getting there and peple enduring freezing weather.

    Is it at all possible the reactors are being used to draw our attention away from the fact that they aren’t managing to cope with the rescue/clean up and are in fact in a lot more of a disaster situation than is being let on.

    but the government raised the maximum allowable radiation exposure for workers from 100 millisieverts per year to 250, which it said was “unavoidable due to the circumstances”

    THat I find a fascinitating statement.

    Free Member

    On the contrary, Gorbachev was praised for the Soviet Union’s unprecedented openness when the Chernobyl disaster occurred

    The initial evidence that a major release of radioactive material was affecting other countries came not from Soviet sources, but from Sweden, where on the morning of 28 April[55] workers at the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant (approximately 1,100 km (680 mi) from the Chernobyl site) were found to have radioactive particles on their clothes.[56] It was Sweden’s search for the source of radioactivity, after they had determined there was no leak at the Swedish plant, that at noon on April 28 led to the first hint of a serious nuclear problem in the western Soviet Union. Hence the evacuation of Pripyat on April 27, 36 hours after the initial explosions, was silently completed before the disaster became known outside the Soviet Union. The rise in radiation levels had at that time already been measured in Finland, but a civil service strike delayed the response and publication.[57]

    It’s from Wiki, but that is pretty much what I had read about in a book on Chernobyl. They hadn’t told anybody it had happened for two days

    edit – I’m sure I watched a horizon or something along those lines with an offical person of some sort talking about asking the Russians what was happening and getting denial to start with, evenutally followed by acceptance that there had been an accident.

    Free Member

    Compared to the deaths and devastation caused by the tsunami the reactor problems are utterly insignificant

    At this moment in time.

    If the reactor does go and contaminates the local area and surrounding areas it will be a different story. It has the potential to effect 1000’s again and make areas inhabitable.

    I’m sure it was Japan that had a boat at sea for years carrying nuclear waste that an African country became wise to and refused to land it. Circa ate 80’s i’m sure.

    Free Member

    It’s fascinating and horrifying. God help them.

    Much how I see it.

    A thought might be that youtube and the ability to watch others mishaps so easily has desensitized people to what it really is like there.

    Free Member

    ^ I read a few ‘experts’ opionions on the reactors. Chernobyl was carbon rods catching fire, this would be the concrete, Chernobyl vented directly to the outside with no protection, this one alegedly has protection, although I thought it had been damaged significantly with an explosion.

    Free Member

    I think Japan will be topical for a while.

    Would they be involved in much media manipulation to paint a rosier picture?

    Free Member

    If you do go CX I’d flat bar it and use V brakes if you want anything approaching decent braking.

    A hybrid then

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Aldi Caravan Cleaner.

    Got a Mucky Nutz, do find the velcro comes loose and rubs on the tyre, but still really rate it.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you asked vague questions, and got vague answers.

    Ummm no. I was quite clear about the length of commute, conditions of commute and the way route the commute would take.

    I could do it on a hybrid, but the proposed long 16 mile commute – not really what I fancy.

    My main interest was in his stock of bikes, what he would recommend from the two, why he recommended it, what the differences are between x and y (surely he would have more than one choice) NOTE – I was passing on a detour home, it was spur of the moment and had intended a visit there at the weekend, but didn’t fancy being there when busy.

    What difference the kit made on them, warranty’s, his personal choice because that is what he thought is best.

    NOt ummmm, well aaaah, you know, it has a finishing kit, ummm that one is quite good, but well.. FFS string a fluffing sentence together and sell me a bloody bike. If I’m going to hand a grand over to a shop I want to know why.

    I appreciate you don’t have my size in stock and you don’t have the buying power to bring too much stock in, but at least make some sort of indication of what the process is for finding out if a frame fits me or not. I’ve shown a lot of interest in the one bike grunted at me, I’ve asked questions about the finishing options. PUT SOME EFFORT INTO IT.

    Free Member

    ^ I’ve pretty much come to that conclusion myself.

    Still would have liked at least a modicum of enthusiasm and knowledge.

    I really liked the look of the Kineses frame as well.

    I might go back at the weekend and see if they have the other people in who can help me.

    Free Member

    I still really regret buying not buying one of these when I had a chance a few years back.

    Free Member

    Lotus Carlton

    Love them. Wish I could get one.

    Free Member

    ballet – go hard or go home

    Unless it’s a children’s ballet. Then you would most likely end up with Gary in the nonce wing.

    Free Member

    i have BUllguard, but got it thrown in with my laptop when I got it.

    My old man has used it for years and never had any issues with it.

    Seems to run fine and has a multi pc license which is cheap.

    Free Member

    My old gym in Korea had mixed and single saunas and showers.

    Once you’ve seen a Korean man blowdrying his pubes in the locker room you’ll never worry about whether or not to worry about mixed saunas again.

    Free Member

    Clearly you’ve never visited Shildon.

    Maybe moving to Easington would give it some perspective.

    Free Member

    Best tyres I ever had. But yes, they are pretty slow, but they make up for it by defying the laws of physics!

    THey do that.

    Thick mud, front end starts to wash out and then WHAM grip grip grip, outstanding.

    Free Member

    Love mine, took me a while though, but definitely don’t put one on the back, I nearly died going up a hill with front and rear.

    But up front it has got me out of some slippy situations.

    Free Member

    Places to avoid – Bishop Auckland, but it is near Hamsterley.

    Free Member

    I think the canti’s are standard. I was confusing them with v-brakes.

    594 quid is a decent saving on the 749 retail.

    Free Member

    Same as me.

    I’ve spotted a 2010 model for 599 on sale. I think it has cantilever brakes though

    Free Member

    The XL I tried today was fine, but I’m 193cm so really should have an xxl, but I guess I’m not going to know until I’m on the road properly if it is too big or small.

    Free Member

    What are the other brands cyclocross’s at the 750 price range like? Much in the muchness or does the tricross really stand out?

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