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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast | On The Ground at Fort William Special!
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    completely wiped clean, no reminants of old mozilla anywhere
    , no issues of maware etc.

    Free Member

    It’s only clicking on google links that hangs it, I can type in URLs ok.

    Pain in the arse

    Free Member

    ^ I’ve had a search and come up with a few people with my problem.

    The main issue I had with the old one was memory leakage, but now it;s just bust.

    Free Member

    Did you do a complete reinstall Drac or over the top?

    Free Member

    ^ I danced on top of the Tyne bridge once in one of the support towers – we should go there, it would be a good venue again.

    I actually got led astray a few months back by the lad who owns my house, went out for a Drum n Bass night and was persuaded (easily) to relive some memories. It was as good as I remembered, but god I felt old, and mid week was pretty rough.

    Free Member

    ^ Thanks.

    There is another story, but it’s not all there.

    At a mates birthday party, which we organised in a farmers field somewhere in county durham, I met some rope walkers and jugglers who road around the country on modified bicylces that had sprockets everywhere and bits welded on to carry their stuff.
    THey followed us back to Newcastle, to the Tanners pub, where they put on an impromptu show (I think it was the jubilee weekend). I don’t really know what happened after this, but I went AWOL for about three weeks, I was with them for part of it, travelling around off my nut, I met up with some London squaters who organised squat parties, I hung out with some fancy business types into art and design and ended up in Edinburgh Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Liverpool, Hull and a few other places as well.
    To this day I’m not sure what all happened, or how it all unfolded, I know that there were lots of wobbly-eggs that probably contributed to my memory failure.

    I was found lying in my hallway by the girl who rented my spare room from me telling me she thought I was dead when she came home, but realised that I was ok, but the stench of alcohol could be smelt before she opened the door. She knew I wasn’t actually dead, because I had given her updates during my adventures as to where I was – hence how I know some of the cities and what happened.

    God just remembered the one where I met some Greeks and hung out with them at their restaurant that never had any customers for two weeks, before they groomed our mate and took her to Greece. He the owner turned out to be some sort of smuggler in the end with a shed full of blow somewhere on the island.

    She ended up returning after a few months because she was more messed up than usual.

    I’d forgotten about that. That was all during a K binge and it was all real. I can picture the restaurant now and have an idea how to find it….but not sure if I could

    Free Member

    I always want to say things in threads like this but feel ashamed.

    1. Graduation, 2 for 1 on Stella in Stereo in Newcastle, sent my mate to the bar 5 minutes before happy hour finished to buy 60 pints, would only sell to us in one go, so we took them.
    Ended up at the law courts bar smoking joints with a barrister type, before being chased out. Went home, smoked my mega-death bong made from 8″ piping and a fish pump and spewed for 3 hours.

    2. Drank all day when in Thailand with my Thai biker group, decided it was time to go home, rode off down the street and stopped behind a car, it didn’t move anywhere for ages, eventualy got off to check and see, it was parked up. Shortly after I nearly fell through the 7-11 window and woke up with my bike parked in the middle of the grass in the garden.

    3. Scaled the outside of a ruin in Heaton Park off my tits. got ledge locked and had to jump three stories, or so down, only to find the patch of nettles was about 1.5m deep indent and turned my drop a bit further than I thought it was.

    4. On a massive sniff bended, decided that we needed an emergency 1/8 in case we ran out, mate drove, picked it up, traffic car stopped us, mate got pulled into car, I had it in my pants, police spoke to me and wanted to search me, let them, nothing on me, as he was finishing searching me and giving my mate a bollocking for driving stoned, I got a massive rush from the last line and fell over in the street. 300 odd quid scattered that was in my hand from the search blew down the street. Policeman just looked at me bemused.

    5. After party, god knows how many pills in, mate made up some mushroom tea, he couldn’t remember if he had put 50 or 500 in the tea for 5, Daryl was sat behind me breathing, I could hear the c*nt breathing reallyt heavily like he was having a heart attack, I was getting really irate, jumped up and shouted ” Will you have a f****ing heart attack and get it over and done with. We would be better off with you dead with the racket you’re making” Room went silent, 20 odd people looking at me, GF at the time called a taxi and I went home, thought I was in London in the taxi, got kicked out at the corner house pub, had to walk home, spent the journey home watching a watch running across the rooftops trying to cast spells on me.

    5. Yet another bender, left the club with my mates, got in the front seat of the taxi, as was my duty, ended up at a strange block of flats, wandered upstairs with my mates, then realised that in fact I was with a group of trannies and had no idea who they were, they told me they thought I was friends of friends, I had no idea, went to somebody’s coming out party, all very strange, lots of manly men in dresses. Kept in touch with them for years, decent bunch who liked to big it up.

    I suffered panic attacks for years afterwards from all the chemical abuse. I sometimes still get shivers when I think of all the close calls I’ve had and bad situations I’ve been in

    Free Member

    When living in THailand the expat community (for the little time I spent with them) had most of what I needed when a homeland food fix was required.

    In Korea it was harder, too much American based stuff for my liking, which was ok, I liked the local food a lot as well.

    Back in the UK I miss Korean BBQ’s various rice dishes, most Thai food (but wifey sorts me out with that)
    I don’t miss live octopus, dog, ferment anything. I particularly don’t miss my Korean colleagues smacking and chomping their food, and noodle day at work, I had to leave the building it was so repulsive.

    Free Member

    Looks like a fancy shake n bake setup

    Free Member


    Need two car tyres, which is going to eat into any fun money.

    MrsQ also thinks that the now overdue baby might take priority over a bike, I’ve tried to convince her but she isn’t having any of it.

    Free Member

    Crannog is good, used to be owned by friends of the faily when we lived up there. Originally had restaurants around Scotland, but fell on hard times.
    The restaurant up the Glen is really nice as well, can’t remember the name of it, that was managed by a mate’s dad.

    Free Member

    Why not go around, shag their mum, get the dad to move out, make the kids think that you are going to be a great stepdad, raise their hopes up with little gifts here and there, then shatter their lives by kicking them out on the street with nowt.

    Free Member

    You should apply for some part time work at the sorting office Quirrel. Imagine the havoc you could wreak!!

    From what I have read from my various tinfoilhat websites, nobody is vetted at the offices.

    I don;t want to wreck havoc. I just object to being made to complete a form with the threat of 1000 pound fine. If they had asked me to do it, I would probably hade done it, but threatening the fine just makes me not want to do it.

    Free Member

    It will be an interesting exercise. How many times wil they call around.

    How many really go missing in the post compared to the number of households.

    Free Member

    Quirrel’s going to bring the country to its knees, single-handedly.

    OR at least stop MP’s expenses being spent on patios.

    Free Member

    Don’t fill it in! evil things will happen……. to the shape of £1000 fine ??? why would you not want to do it, it’s only a blinking form. I give out more details to the average cold caller who needs it for research purposes

    Part of the reason not to fill it in. A compulsory form that will cost be 1000 to not fill in. Doesn’t seem right to me.
    Shows that the only tactic they hace is strong arming the population into completing them.

    They can never prove it’s not in the post.

    I just read that there is a freepost address for the form. I might wrap up some paving slabs and post them as well.

    Free Member

    Just woke up on the sofa and found out it’s 10:30. Not happy, thought it was at least the 3am which would have been excellent and meant hours of sleep, but now found out I’ve been asleep for 2 hours and now wide awake.


    Free Member

    Just discovered the HOnky Inc – wish I hadn’t found it now.

    Free Member

    What would the max tyre size be for the honky tonk and could I run guards with them?

    Free Member

    Quirrel, how about the other side of the census, your council is funded on the back of it

    Why does my council need to know my salary, religion and country of origin?

    Surely having me down paying council tax, is enough to say that I live here, I do afterall have to show all who live in the house on the councli tax payments

    Free Member

    ^ I think my personal mass would negate any real weight saving.

    Looks like the Honky Tonk is pulling into the lead. The only other contented is a CX bike but I don’t really think I need one.

    Free Member

    I’ve had 500 odd quid now in cashbacks. THat’s 500 quid in my pocket and not theirs, which must be good.

    Free Member

    The seller might not be the scrote who nicked them though,

    I used to know quite a few ragie Geordies. One in particular was like a yo-yo in and out of jail.

    The last time he went in was for beating up the wrong person. His sister had been assaulted by a neighbour, somewhere around Bradford. He travelled down with some other ragies to teach him a lesson.
    Put the wrong neighbour in hospital and got himself jailed for a 5 stretch.

    So make sure you have the right person before owning them with bombers.

    Free Member

    For the price it seems good, but then I wonder do I want carbon forks and alu frame and do the road bike thing properly.
    I just don’t know.

    Free Member

    I went back after five minutes or so and told her it had been posted. She appeared happy with this.

    I didn’t fill it out because I don’t believe in giving all my details to a group of people who haven’t been vetted to go through it. I don’t see why my income, religious beliefs, nationality or anything else is anybody elses business but mine.
    I have a UK passport, they can check up on that for most of my details, my driving license as well.

    I also don’t fancy supporting a company is linked to the CIA, but that is just the tin-foil-hat side of me.

    Free Member

    Bolle 867 safety glasses with tinted lenses and script ~90 quid.

    Free Member

    Cheers for that.

    Will i notice much difference inw eight between a 61cm HOnky and a 61cm Trek something or other?

    Free Member

    Why is the Honky Tonk a bargain? Its a steel road bike with Shimano Sora?

    Cheers. That is the sort of thing I need, perspective.

    Easy to get swayed by the steel.

    Free Member

    it announces itself for updates in the windows update part.

    Doesn’t do it for the firewall which is odd.

    Free Member

    Mrs B (midwife) says that there is no way she would have been in labour for that length of time.

    From what I know, pains started at the weekend.

    Tuesday she was “officially” in a labour

    Thursday baby born. Four days of no sleep

    Five days by my count.

    “slow labour” was what was explained to her.

    but of course I must be wrong because your wife said so…..

    Free Member

    Not much help, but my mate’s sister was in labour for five days.

    Mrs Q is due tomorrow, but has been told to expect another week, she is pissed off byt this.

    She has had Braxton’s on and off for a few weeks. Had a few last night.

    I really hope that when it’s all over we find out it’s the baby that is making her snore like a pig.

    Free Member

    Is it not the motion sickness tablet – that people take in excess to get of their tits and dissociate? drammamine?

    Free Member

    Cut the grass at 7:30. Not sure if that was a neighbourly time to do it, but there you go, I just got it into my head it needed doing and did.

    As for hangovers, in my younger days the best cure for a hangover was a strong spliff, a cup of tea and then lie in bed for the rest of the morning.

    These days (which is rare) it’s get up and get on with it, because it’s the weekend and I don’t get another one for 7 days.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That car would be great to do some left foot braking with to get somebody off your tail……………………..dejavu

    Free Member

    HOrrible things.


    HOwever roomy

    Never managed more than 38mpg and that was going 55 mph from Newcastle to the southcoast.

    Seats hurt my back and it bounced around everywhere.

    Free Member

    You can’t help but look at the hoffs crotch

    Free Member

    This man wh vanished before.

    The king of hassle

    Free Member

    Free Member

    you could ask this man

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