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  • Issue 144 Building for the Builders
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    Signed up because everybody else did, took a look at it, don’t have any idea what it is, sits there in my google bar thing now telling me it’s there.

    About it really.

    Free Member

    I thought it said – Best Firs World place to visit – I was going to suggest Milton Keynes

    Free Member

    I ride in some really old columbia pull on trainers.

    They have lost all their grip, but are still unbelievably grippy on the pedal – bog all use for climbing up muddy hills though

    Free Member

    try setting it to wifi only for the data connection, then data on. also select no data while roaming.

    I take it you have v6 installed on it to tether it easily.

    Free Member

    Is black cat still doing the drivers and are there ones which don’t get knacked by the current.

    Free Member

    Does anybody have a book of nice idave compatible recipes?

    Free Member

    Does anybody have a book of nice idave compatible recipes?

    Free Member

    Does she swallow?

    Free Member

    , not getting greedy see Quirrel’s post (although you should run profits to a degree)

    True – I should have cashed out in the evening, and had I been at the pc for the start of trading that day, I would have been up another 1.5k or so, but then my next bit of advice is – if you are going to spread bet on the markets, do not get caught up in a nonsensical meeting after work that means you aren’t back for the start of trading UK time………very very very expensive meeting.

    Free Member

    2008 was a bad year for me, as it was for a lot of people.
    I initally took a hammering, but managed to do ok on Lloyds on a daily basis due to them being so cheap and fluctuating so much over a three month period.

    Still ended up down, but less down than I was.

    2008 was also the year I had a go at spread betting on the markets and made about 6000 in a day, only to end up -1500 by the time my stop limit had been hit the next day.

    Can’t afford to do anything exciting like that anymore.

    Free Member

    Last incarnation of firefox just went into mental memory leaks on my Win 7 64. I could watch the memory leaking away in task manager

    Free Member

    One of my local schools has isolation suites for naughty students.

    Its within the Inclusion Centre. They are rooms with a desk, a chair and a window with an external curtain on them. The doors aren’t locked but the students aren’t allowed out, unless it’s for break (and probably toilet).

    They are hated by all that have to go in them. A camera keeps an eye on the students and they can spend a week or more there depending on what they have done.

    It works for some, others like the isolation and for the rest, it gets them away from the others and keeps attention away from them.

    Free Member

    I need a new driver for my homemade setup for last year

    Is blackcat still about and has he made one that isn’t affeced by current direction yet?

    Free Member

    I was chatting to a primary teacher who had done the get back into teaching course.

    She ended up having to apply for TA jobs due to the shortage of positions – 150+ applicants for most jobs.

    Good luck to the OP.

    Free Member

    I once used a hasp to turn my chub lock inside my front door in newcastle. Just stuck it through the letterbox and managed to get it to turn. I was quite fortunate that my next door neighbour had a hasp lying there. I had just triple dropped and faced the prospect of a manic taxi journey to my folks house to get the spare keys before I came up or accept that I would be locked out of the house for at least three days.

    Free Member

    D-Fend Reloaded lets you play dos games in win 7

    Free Member

    i am playing syndicate jst now

    Free Member

    Spy Hunter – from codemasters on the 48k.

    I’m pretty sure my old neighbour in Darras Hall was the writer of Knight Lore (spelling) – went on to make Driver and Stuntman.

    James Pond – company who released it had the code at the start that you could collect the fruit in a certain order and unlock the whole game.

    Martian Memoradndum –

    Kings Quests, Police Quests and Space Quests.

    4D Boxing.

    Free Member

    My mate here in Thailand rides a Create fixed gear, apparently very popular and trendy at the moment, look the business with coloured tyres etc, but no idea of their availability in the uk, even with a BS stamp on the frame

    Free Member

    I can’t ignore it at all, but that is most likely down to my knackered ears and the strange hearing range I have – almost superhuman ability to hear certain noises.

    Ear plugs from B&Q are crap anwyay.

    But to the OP seriously get some. Even if it’s a pair each. They will save one of you from stress sometime.

    The whole fatherhood thing is bizarre.

    I’m sat in the house in Bangkok just now. AC is blazing away, remote control for it is long lost, little Q is sleeping beside me on the bed. She’s making little sounds as she sleeps and I check on her when she unsettles. Mrs Q is downstairs talking to the MIL and SIL about something or other.
    I’m quite happy sat here, listening to music, typing crap on here, sipping a Chang and watching little Q, because that is my new role.

    When she was first born, I had that whole adoration nonsense for a few days, then I had to go back to work and I can honestly say, I just didn’t get the whole baby thing.

    This holiday has been the first time I’ve really been able to spend with her, and I honestly think (bar the horrendous cost of it all) travelling across the world to visit in-laws with little Q and Mrsq and letting little Q experience it all has been worthwhile.

    Before we got here she was chatty, but only a bit, but within 48 hours of being here and experiencing life in Thailand, she started babbling away on an evening for hours on end.

    As I said before the whole fatherhood thing is strange, I’ve just reread that last section and thought, who honestly cares other than me, and that is what is great about it.

    Free Member

    ^ not at all.

    Earplugs for me knocked out the babies night time shuffling and tossing and turning. I suspect I am more sensitive than molgrips to nocternal noises then.

    Mrs Q was quite happy that I wore them. I didn;t have much of an option between waking up and sleeping when she gets up to feed or move or change the baby (which was my job and can be done pretty smoothly in the dark), but once feeding, she saw no point in me being awake with the noise of it all.

    She did for about two weeks, take the baby to the guest room to be fed. Again she saw no point in me being awake during something I couldn’t help with. If a nappy needed chagning during the feed, I would be quite aware of it, sometimes forcefully aware of it.

    a fOck you? not at all. it was sensible time management, still is. Little one wakes up for feeding ~ 4am-5am still. Was it better to have us both awake, one doing sod all staring at the other feedign the baby, or have one asleep, so at least one of us got some sleep.

    Fussing between feeds – ear plugs don’t block that out either, but they do allow you to get to sleep if your not dealing with it.

    As I said before, we were lucky with our one, touch wood and all that.

    Free Member

    Your’re lucky, ours came 7 weeks early and i was in italy.

    I got my travel pram (jesus wept, I have a travel pram) from a lass who was 6 weeks early, in spain, didn’t know she was pregnant, and had to buy a travel system there and then.

    She wasn’t fat, as skinny as a rake and from talking to her, sounded fairly grounded and held down a decent job. Just suddenly spat a kid out her fanny, as you do.

    Free Member

    Would echo the comments above though. For us it got easier about six weeks in….

    Did you have crap sandwiches as well?

    I’m going to be my usual twuntishself and make a really bold suggestion – if your missus is breast feeding, get yourself a decent set of earplugs. I like the EAR silicon ones.
    Babies aren’t quite when they sleep, partners/wives aren’t quite when they breastfeed. If the odd nappy change is due, get up (ear plugs still in place) change nappy, hand baby to mother, got back to sleep.

    I can feel the 21st century dads all getting worked up, but it is what made our life bareable for the first few weeks or so (still wear ear plugs now) as the person who has to get up to work, the missus agreed that there was sod all use in me being up during feeding, and she appreciated the nappy changes, which was normally when I woke up for a pee before the little one started crying anyway.

    IF you are bottle feeding, bad luck, not a chance you are getting away with that.

    6 weeks – agree on that. but we were really lucky with ours.

    Free Member

    As I lie on my bed, in my airconditioned room, sipping on a Chang, wondering about this deep seated question,

    My folks got me pissed by accident a couple of times when I was young on strawberry champagne and sips at a new years party

    THey were quite strict on the drink and going out thing. Which I could blame for my massive drink and drugs binge when I was 18-24 or so.

    I am sure that if they had let me drink at 11 I would have avoided all that and been a normal law abiding citizen………however I would never have got to experience the mind blowing high of crack, the loved up feeling of E or the carpet burns on my forhead from one too many wobbly eggs and stella.

    Free Member


    Christ wait until you’ve been through 5 days of labour (latent labour if your are a pedantic midwife type) then tell me that 5 days and nights of no sleep at all whilst consoling a distressed wife are easy.

    Fingers crossed the baby slides out like a greased pig. If not, be prepared for the long ride.

    Make sure you get your sandwiches made by a competent sandwich maker. My oldman made mine, and for my final meal before the baby was born, I had about 1cm of butter with a chunk of ham between the bread he bought at the local corner shop – bless him, that was his ideal sandwich. made ,me gag though,

    Free Member

    I was in a few in Korea.

    Really well organised, regimented on both sides, bit strange but overall good fun.

    Nothing like sitting drinking a coffee, eyes burning from teargas as the orderly lines of protesters charge the police, then the police charge them etc.

    Free Member

    I’ve been at the ‘abyss’ of addiction a few times now. It’s not somewhere I like to be, and only a sensible lightbulb inside of me kept me from completely teetering over the edge.
    THe last time and final time I left the UK for 7 years to get away from a lifestyle that didn’t have a pleasant end to it.

    I was fortunate enough to be able to see what was happening, but there were a few times where things could easily have gone either way, one last mid week bender could have continued the party for another two weeks easily, which would have been never ending.

    Did Amy W have choices, yes. Problem is that sometimes the choices seem very far away, sometimes unreachable. And when you haven’t got full control of yourself and the chemicals do, it can become nearly impossible.

    I’ve known addicts who have their whole life consumed over getting high. I appreciate why.
    I’ve also known addicts that carry out normal life around their habit and hold down fairly high ranking jobs.

    Is the loss of Amy W a ‘great’ loss? not particularly, she is after all just another dead drug addict, who happened to sing.
    My mate Jordan is another dead drug addict, he had talent as well, he survived years on and off the street dealing with life. Was his life a ‘great’ loss? To me yes, but to the rest of the world, he is just another dead drug addict.

    Free Member

    She was waiting at the airport in Amsterdam for me after being away for 6 months, I was at my mum and dad’s in Newcastle having tea.

    That is how she found out.

    Free Member

    If you decide to do one then do a CELTA or TRINITY otherwsie they have absolutely no recongition world wide – even if TEFL International in Thailand say they do.

    However, you need to remember they are running business’s and it’s in their interest to get you a pass.

    CELTA ran by International House in Bangkok was ok, I just needed it for a visa issue at the time to cover my back. I had been teaching science and English for 4 years before I took it and it was a breeze.

    Free Member


    It’s not like that out there, it’s not about the money either. The whole not killing living things can get in the way of taking care of the animals, but I know of a decent vet near the house so will get him taken there for a second opinion before I get out there.

    I hate the idea of Wednesday suffering.

    Free Member

    ^ Depends how bad it is, MIL didn’t really act quickly and he was limping for a couple of weeks, now is hobbling three legged.

    I am out there next Tuesday for a few weeks.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I had underfloor heating in Korea, I think it was gas powered though.

    I could get my floor so hot I couldn’t stand on it comfortably.

    Korea Fighting.

    Free Member

    So they can run quickly from the police without having to unclip themselves.

    Free Member

    just pay the ticket I say.

    I will be ignoring that advice. After all that is what internet forums are for, asking advice and ignoring it.

    Free Member

    PAy the ticket if it said “disabled” and that was it you’d know what it meant!

    Exactly the point i’m arguing, we all know disabled badge bays are for disabled holders because we have it drummed into us.

    Free Member

    However there is nothing there saying that you do.

    Other signs around the city clearly state whether a permit is required or not.

    Did you really think you were allowed to park there or are you looking for an excuse after the event?

    Yes. It had nothing there saying that I cannot park there. If it had anything there stating clearly that I couldn’t park, I wouldn’t have parked there and instead parked in another space near by.

    Free Member

    I lived in Korea for a few years.

    Gift wise – take your family back a couple of packs of kimchi – they won’t thank you for it, it’s an aquired taste, I like it.
    A bottle of Soju
    and some ginseng

    Electronics are generally expensive there, cheaper to buy in singapore.

    That’s about it for Korea, loved living there,love the mental people, will go back one day to live again if I can.

    Free Member

    Well, I didn’t die and neither did car.

    My mate’s car didn’t die immediately either, took a few days, then the seals went, but don’t listen to us. That is why we have internet forums to ask questions we don’t want to hear the answers to.

    Free Member

    I have just had a mate breaking an a4 1.8t on my driveay due to a simliar issue.

    Oil warning light came on after a bump. His uncle filled it up with oil, ended up adding a full 4.5l. Shortly afterwards the car started to pogo down the street. He pogoes it to his nephews which he never made it to because it jumped a tooth and carked it completely.

    On breaking it when we pulled the front end off and cut the air intakes, my grass go covered in oil. The overfilling had forced oil past the turbo seals and sprayed it around the engine.
    All the parts he wanted to salvage to try and recoup some of the costs were full of oil.

    SO my advice is DON’T drive it.

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